Transcript 19 Nov 09

8:30:00 pm lrnchat: Welcome everyone to #lrnchat. How have you been? Q0 warm up after the rules.
8:30:44 pm lrnchat: Rules for #lrnchat: 1) Introduce yourself. (We do this again at the end). Location? Focus? Fave topics?
8:31:09 pm jsuzcampos: rapid fire #lrnchat tweets in 3 – 2 – 1 #lrnchat
8:31:57 pm gminks: RT @JaneBozarth: Followers: #lrnchat not your thing? You can filter out with Tweetdeck(via roninchef) #lrnchat
8:32:11 pm busynessgirl: For all my followers, expect a lot of tweets for the next 90 min. Join if you’d like I’m about to begin participating in #lrnchat
8:32:18 pm gminks: hello #lrnchat
8:32:32 pm lrnchat: 2) [try to] stay on the #lrnchat topic. A new question will be asked every 20 min or so. If you can, include Q# in related responses.
8:32:42 pm insynctraining: Jennifer Hofmann, CT, passionate about helping people be effective in virtual classroom #lrnchat
8:33:13 pm JaneBozarth: RDU, Trainer/IDer, Pompatus of love #lrnchat #lrnchat
8:33:17 pm gwoodill: Gary Woodill, living on a lake in Canada. Working for Brandon Hall Research. #lrnchat
8:33:17 pm lrnchat: 3) When writing, complete thoughts help followers outside chat learn from you. 4) on #lrnchat we aim to play nice. Sarcasm, welcome tho.
8:33:18 pm bschlenker: RT @JaneBozarth: Followers: #lrnchat in 6 minutes. Not your thing? You can filter out with Tweetdeck(via roninchef)
8:33:32 pm KoreenOlbrish: hello lrnchatters! Koreen Olbrish, fresh back from #dl09 and zombie free. Just west of Philly. Games, virtual worlds… #lrnchat
8:33:33 pm nancyrubin: South Florida; eLearning, Web2.0, Instructional Design, Project and Process Mgmt #lrnchat
8:33:42 pm sahana2802: Sahana, India, ID. Keen on exploring potentials of SoMe in learning, sharing, making sense of world arnd us.Try hard not to miss #lrnchat
8:33:47 pm kelly_smith01: Kelly Smith, Texas, #learntrends burn out, hope to stay awake, and be social #lrnchat
8:34:08 pm BlakeGroup: Amy here–hello! I do creative services (writing/graphic design/SM) for utilities, education, healthcare, tech, prof serv clients. #lrnchat
8:34:15 pm jaycross: Just in from #learntrends. Whew. Three days, man. Three days! #lrnchat
8:34:20 pm SueSchnorr: Hi everyone, Good to ‘see’ you, from Sue, freelance instructional designer, Rochester, NY #lrnchat
8:34:21 pm lrnchat: 5) Periodically RT questions so others outside #lrnchat know what you’re talking about so they can chime in.
8:34:25 pm minutebio: Jeff Goldman Corporate e-Learning Baltimore, MD USA #lrnchat
8:34:31 pm jsuzcampos: Q1, Jeannette Campos, New Hampsha, lover of all things #lrnchat-ish, logging in for 30 mins #lrnchat
8:34:37 pm Mary_a_Myers: I’m Mary in Kingston, focus is learning: all kinds, fave topics of the week include conference learning and sharing. #lrnchat
8:34:38 pm espnguyen: Time to #lrnchat then some Buckeye bball tweets.
8:34:39 pm busynessgirl: Maria Andersen, math prof, social media & tech enthusiast, hacking higher education to the best of my ability. #lrnchat
8:34:43 pm willswords: Will Findlay, Lee’s Summit Missouri, Healthcare Information Technology #lrnchat
8:34:50 pm gminks: Gina, community manager & tech training developer @ #EMC, ISD grad student @ FSU, outside Boston and ready for a vacation!!! #lrnchat
8:34:50 pm instructron: Instructron, EDTEC student at SDSU, interested in social media learning. #lrnchat
8:34:55 pm sillym0nkey: I am Deb Thomas – SillyMonkey! my first #lrnchat I have read the tweets as they show up in fb or twtr but never participated!
8:35:02 pm JaneBozarth: Hey @jaycross aren’t you exhausted? Great work on #learntrends #lrnchat #lrnchat
8:35:15 pm kelly_smith01: I am a zombie tonight after 8 hours of chat #lrnchat
8:35:17 pm ValerieRoberts: Hi, I’m Valerie Roberts, Sr Instructional Designer, geek, Phoenix #lrnchat
8:35:17 pm LearningPutty: Renee Robbins, Chicago #lrnchat
8:35:23 pm jaycross: Jay here. Changing from consultant to speaker/gadfly/change agent. In Berkeley at the moment #lrnchat
8:35:25 pm roninchef: Mason Masteka Elearning Dev in Portland, ME. This week has been about my PLN and Blender 3d. I can almost make stuff in it now. #lrnchat
8:35:26 pm DavidAKnopf: David Knopf, San Francisco, ID and eLearning for healthcare #lrnchat
8:35:31 pm nickfloro: Hi, WashX PA, learning, design and helping people to learn new things. Fighting the flu bug with the family. #lrnchat
8:35:32 pm Mary_a_Myers: @jaycross well done Jay! my head is exploding with ideas from #learntrends #lrnchat
8:35:35 pm jsuzcampos: @sillym0nkey Welcome Deb! #lrnchat
8:35:37 pm jclarey: Janet Clarey. Balmy Upstate New York. Work for Brandon Hall Research as a researcher and analyst. #lrnchat
8:35:37 pm lrnchat: 6) Remember to include the #lrnchat in all posts., & work well.
8:35:38 pm LearningPutty: @sillym0nkey Welcome!!! #lrnchat
8:35:39 pm tonya_simmons: Tonya Goth Simmons, elearning production designer for Phasient Learning Technologies in Ames, IA #lrnchat
8:35:49 pm hybridkris: Kris Rockwell, Pittsburgh, PA – Mobile learning, ARG’s and, apparently, the occasional fifth of bourbon. #lrnchat
8:36:07 pm jaycross: JaneBozarth Hey @jaycross aren’t you exhausted? Great work on #learntrends. Yeah, I’m punchy now. Watch out! #lrnchat
8:36:08 pm roninchef: @jaycross Great job this week Jay! Thank you for all the hard work. #lrnchat
8:36:14 pm lrnchat: 7) 10 min before end, tell us if you need anything from the other #lrnchat participants. Time to reintroduce yourself, too. Links welcome.
8:36:33 pm SrtaOwens: Cheers from Wisconsin #lrnchat
8:36:52 pm kelly_smith01: @jaycross did a great job today as one of the hosts of #devlearn #lrnchat
8:36:55 pm jaycross: We plugged #lrnchat six times in the last three days. Wonder how many people are here for first time? #lrnchat
8:37:11 pm jadekaz: Jade, training developer, Milwaukee. Student at BSU. #lrnchat
8:37:32 pm JaneBozarth: @jclarey YOU did a good job in #learntrends, too! #lrnchat #lrnchat
8:37:41 pm lrnchat: 8) Please RT important points & vital questions asked for clarification, so we don’t miss them amid the lively fast-paced #lrnchat
8:37:51 pm kasey428: Kay Wood, metro DC, performance consulting, passionate abt instructional design & e-learning #lrnchat
8:38:02 pm dpeter: David Peter, Director Center for Teaching/Learning, VIncennes University – Indiana #lrnchat
8:38:08 pm joe_deegan: Making it just in time for #lrnchat Watch out for storm of learning tweets/
8:38:15 pm lrnchat: Q0 (our weekly #lrnchat welcome, also check out @lrn2day) What have you learned today? If nothing fabulous, what have you learned this week?
8:38:22 pm JffZllr: Jeff Zoller – Learning Developer, Columbus OH (also father of two who won’t go to sleep.) #lrnchat
8:38:34 pm kelly_smith01: I mean #learntrends – zombies forget the name of event #lrnchat
8:38:42 pm jaycross: Warning to followers: #lrnchat lightening ready to strike. Join in if you want to feel the power of the Twiitersphere #lrnchat
8:39:07 pm denniscallahan: Checking in for a little while… #lrnchat/
8:39:12 pm dpeter: Q0 – Used mindomo to develop workshop. #lrnchat
8:39:17 pm KoreenOlbrish: Q0 I learned that my 7 yo would trade both his legs for a lifetime supply of pudding. #momfail #lrnchat
8:39:20 pm jsuzcampos: Q0) I am SO excited to announce that I learned a new word today that I bet even @Dave_Ferguson doesn’t know, and he’s not here! #lrnchat
8:39:30 pm JffZllr: to followers… will be busy next hour w/ #lrnchat
8:39:47 pm marciamarcia: @jaycross About 20 new ppl followed @lrnchat in last 3 days. ~Same after #dl09 & #l2009. Welcome everyone! #lrnchat
8:39:48 pm rmyardley: Russell Yardley Melbourne Australia developing SoMe learning communities. Here for the first time. #lrnchat
8:39:54 pm Mary_a_Myers: i learned that it is hard to articulate everything I experienced at #dl09 in a coherent way to my peers @ work. #lrnchat
8:39:56 pm insynctraining: Learned about effectiveness of vid v. ‘live’ in patient education #lrnchat
8:39:56 pm joe_deegan: Instructional Designer/eLearning developer from Sacramento. Glad to make it this week. #lrnchat
8:40:05 pm busynessgirl: RT @lrnchat: Q0 (our weekly #lrnchat welcome) What have you learned today? If nothing fabulous, what have you learned this week? #lrnchat
8:40:12 pm bschlenker: RT @bschlenker: Brent Schlenker – Phx, AZ – DevLearn Guy – still pumped from #dl09 – planning #dl10 – All things eLearning #lrnchat
8:40:14 pm JaneBozarth: @jsuzcampos ok what’s the word? #lrnchat #lrnchat
8:40:19 pm Mary_a_Myers: @KoreenOlbrish what kind of pudding? #lrnchat
8:40:20 pm kathreenriel: #lrnchat hi everyone I’m looking forward to discovering what it’s like to “drink from the firehose” as mentioned earlier today
8:40:21 pm dpeter: Q0 developing totally digital workshops for next semester #lrnchat
8:40:45 pm cindyhugg: Cindy Huggett, Raleigh NC (or anywhere my suitcase is), ASTD volunteer, and Training Consultant w/ AchieveGlobal. #lrnchat
8:40:51 pm KoreenOlbrish: Q0 also started using and this week…both awesome collaboration tools #lrnchat
8:40:51 pm gminks: Q0 this week I learned that when an opportunity appears it may not be exactly what you expected (it may be even better!!) #lrnchat
8:40:52 pm busynessgirl: Q0 This week I’ve learned just how much I rely on having Internet access to connect with the world. (hit my FAP and am w/o) #lrnchat
8:40:53 pm janet_frg: Janet, indiana, elearning and business transformation. Stuck in a mtg, but still fired up from #learntrends now at #lrnchat
8:40:56 pm nancyrubin: Q0 – learned there is a lot of confusion between the role of LMS and SNS (social network service) although I like systems better #lrnchat
8:41:02 pm jaycross: RT @jsuzcampos: Q0) I am SO excited to announce that I learned a new word today YOU gonna share? #lrnchat
8:41:03 pm gminks: RT @JaneBozarth: @jsuzcampos ok whats the word? #lrnchat #lrnchat
8:41:05 pm Mary_a_Myers: going to get drink… #lrnchat
8:41:14 pm willswords: Q0) found prof’s super textbook: and great way to embed mp3: #lrnchat
8:41:17 pm KoreenOlbrish: @Mary_a_Myers i asked…he said chocolate or vanilla. #lrnchat
8:41:21 pm dpeter: This is the convergence of ideas, get ready … to LEARN #lrnchat
8:41:21 pm kelly_smith01: I learned some trends associated with informal learning via #learntrends #lrnchat
8:41:25 pm jaycross: Is @quinnovator here or still on some fool airplane? #lrnchat
8:41:27 pm jsuzcampos: RT @JaneBozarth ok whats the word? <<CONCINNITY #lrnchat
8:41:27 pm LearningPutty: 0) Took Google Wave out for a spin with other #learntrends folks and found it can be a great learning tool! #lrnchat
8:41:40 pm BlakeGroup: Learned (not for first time) that the best way to test if you know something is to explain it to someone else! #lrnchat
8:41:45 pm joe_deegan: Learned how to use hands in eLearning via @elearning art #lrnchat
8:42:01 pm kelly_smith01: Also learned Internet speed can be slow in Norway #lrnchat
8:42:15 pm wlonline: Getting into #lrnchat….
8:42:23 pm kasey428: Q0 My desire to learn grows exponentially. So little time. #lrnchat
8:42:23 pm ajeanne: Jeanne Farrington, San Jose, CA…. learned to be careful what I talk about–might just have to give a presentation on it πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
8:42:28 pm cindyhugg: Q0 this week I've re-learned not to take things for granted. a good reminder. #lrnchat
8:42:29 pm joe_deegan: @BlakeGroup That's also the best way to learn something #lrnchat
8:42:37 pm JaneBozarth: @LearningPutty #learntrends conversations did a lot to help me learn to be better w/ Google Wave #lrnchat #lrnchat
8:42:47 pm jaycross: RT @kelly_smith01: Also learned Internet speed can be slow in Norway | Funny. Geo Siemens learned the same lesson today #lrnchat
8:42:50 pm sahana2802: @jsuzcampos Tht reminds me: I lrnd the word "kaflooey" today & loved it. Has such a happy ring to it in contrast to its meaning. #lrnchat
8:42:52 pm roninchef: The firehose is like this #lrnchat
8:42:58 pm JaneBozarth: That reminds me: I have a couple of Google Wave invites left. Anyone in #lrnchat need one? #lrnchat
8:43:01 pm dpeter: RT @kasey428: Q0 My desire to learn grows exponentially. So little time. #lrnchat
8:43:01 pm ValerieRoberts: Q0- Learned that New Oxford Amer Dictionary's word of the year is UNFRIEND #lrnchat
8:43:02 pm hybridkris: I learned that @moehlert is "The Don" of eLearning. And that the LMS standard still isn't. #lrnchat -And that I need an auto hashtag feature
8:43:03 pm gminks: definition? can you use it in a sentence? πŸ˜€ RT @jsuzcampos: RT @JaneBozarth ok whats the word? <<CONCINNITY #lrnchat
8:43:08 pm kelly_smith01: Started working on my PKM (Personal Knowledge Network) #lrnchat
8:43:12 pm marciamarcia: Me? Virginia-based, #lrnchat founder, lurking tonight while cranking on book about SM for #e20 learning.
8:43:32 pm busynessgirl: Q0 Learned how powerful the use of manipulatives can be in teaching math from seeing students succeed where they have past failed. #lrnchat
8:43:38 pm kasey428: @sahana2802 Kaflooey is a great word! #lrnchat
8:43:39 pm bacigalupe: When will Google launch an LMS that forces Blackboard to grow up and be a better product? #lrnchat
8:43:52 pm kelly_smith01: Still have not caught the Wave? #lrnchat
8:44:07 pm KristiBroom: Kristi Broom, MN, learned there is a limit to my multi-tasking. I can do 2 things well, 3 pretty well, 4 very poorly. #lrnchat
8:44:07 pm minutebio: Learned this today that sometimes clients limit what they reveal to you, but tell the world via Twitter and LinkedIn. #lrnchat
8:44:16 pm LearningPutty: @JaneBozarth awesome! Using Wave was a great experience. Looking forward to doing it again! #lrnchat
8:44:17 pm nickfloro: Q0 – learned about, amazing software for the mac to create iphone based apps with drag and drop. Exciting! #lrnchat
8:44:19 pm busynessgirl: @bacigalupe Try moodle? #lrnchat
8:44:24 pm jadekaz: Q0 Learned how to add Google Analytics to a blog. (very easy) #lrnchat
8:44:34 pm jaycross: Uh, munipulatives? #lrnchat
8:44:43 pm jsuzcampos: @gminks @JaneBozarth: Concinnity: A skillful and harmonious adaption or piecing together of parts. *brilliant!* #lrnchat
8:44:44 pm hjarche: . @hybridkris use for auto hashtag feature #lrnchat
8:44:46 pm kelly_smith01: RT @minutebio: Learned this today that sometimes clients limit what they reveal to you, but tell the world via Twitter & LinkedIn. #lrnchat
8:44:48 pm dpeter: @kelly_smith01 DM me for an invite #lrnchat
8:44:48 pm Mary_a_Myers: smithwicks has been poured #lrnchat
8:44:54 pm denniscallahan: @kelly_smith01 – I haven't either…hoping to in near future #lrnchat
8:44:54 pm cindyhugg: @JaneBozarth I just got my Google Wave invite this week, need to start playing. Tips for getting started? #lrnchat
8:44:59 pm wlonline: @bacigalupe Mb we wont be talking LMS but wider, learning networks, etc #lrnchat
8:45:07 pm joe_deegan: @busynessgirl You took the words right out of my mouth by recommending moodle #lrnchat
8:45:08 pm kasey428: @bacigalupe @busynessgirl yes, Moodle. #lrnchat
8:45:19 pm kathreenriel: #lrnchat ahh…this is like an idea moshpit:):)
8:45:28 pm bacigalupe: RT @moehlert @lrnchat learn today that some people don't believe Wikipedia is "credible" & have no criteria to base that belief on #lrnchat
8:45:28 pm lrnchat: Q1) How can internal social networks impact the performance of the org? What can we do to further this along? #lrnchat
8:45:33 pm jaycross: Concinnity: bricolage with joy. #lrnchat
8:45:35 pm busynessgirl: @jaycross Stuff you can play with to understand math concepts (fraction bars, decimal blocks, etc) #lrnchat
8:45:37 pm BlakeGroup: @ValerieRoberts @joe_deegan We are best as teachers when we remember how to be students, eh?! #lrnchat
8:45:40 pm rmyardley: #lrnchat Q0 I have learnt that people use new tools (Wave) just like old ones (email). Need to use imagination more.
8:45:45 pm Mary_a_Myers: @cindyhugg seach with "with:public" to see what's out there… #lrnchat
8:45:50 pm wlonline: @cindyhugg there's a complete wave guide #lrnchat
8:45:52 pm joe_deegan: @Mary_a_Myers Sounds good. You've inspired me to grab a Full Sail Amber Ale #lrnchat
8:45:53 pm JaneBozarth: @cindyhugg There's a good Wave cheat sheet somewhere– remind me later? #lrnchat #lrnchat
8:45:54 pm jadekaz: RT @lrnchat: Q1) How can internal social networks impact the performance of the org? What can we do to further this along? #lrnchat
8:45:55 pm gwoodill: Q0 – learned that the disease "halitosis" was made up to sell more Listerine, which was a disinfectant. #lrnchat
8:45:58 pm hjarche: @Mary_a_Myers not a local Kingston brew? #lrnchat
8:46:00 pm kelly_smith01: Don't run with Wave open you may poke out an eye #lrnchat
8:46:04 pm Mary_a_Myers: @kathreenriel nice! i like that! #lrnchat
8:46:08 pm SrtaOwens: QO "Children are likely to live up to what you believe in them." Ladybird Johnson #lrnchat
8:46:08 pm espnguyen: Steve Nguyen, Mpls, Excited about the explosion of Yammer in our org #lrnchat
8:46:20 pm tmiket: RT @lrnchat: Q1) How can internal social networks impact the performance of the org? What can we do to further this along? #lrnchat
8:46:21 pm JaneBozarth: RT @rmyardley: #lrnchat Q0 I have learnt that people use new tools (Wave) just like old ones (email). Need to use imagination more. #lrnchat
8:46:24 pm jaycross: One of our #learntrends speakers, Laura, kept her maiden name because she couldn't handle having the initials LMS #lrnchat
8:46:24 pm dpeter: Q1 Internal networks can work to further or impede performance #lrnchat
8:46:29 pm sahana2802: RT @lrnchat Q1) How can internal social networks impact the performance of the org? What can we do to further this along? #lrnchat
8:46:36 pm kelly_smith01: I need a cheat sheet for my cheat sheets #lrnchat
8:46:37 pm gminks: @lrnchat Q1 haven't there always been internal social nws? Are we talking about tools to expose the existing nws? #lrnchat
8:46:47 pm busynessgirl: Q1 "What can we do to further it along" depends on whether it's a good thing. LOL #lrnchat
8:46:54 pm kasey428: @cindyhugg Thus far I am disappointed in Wave. Not sure what the excitment is abt. #lrnchat
8:46:54 pm Dave_Ferguson: @espnguyen Always good to hear about this stuff being done at actual workplaces. #lrnchat
8:46:57 pm jaycross: RT @gwoodill: Q0 – learned that the disease "halitosis" was made up to sell more Listerine, which was a disinfectant.| Is that so? #lrnchat
8:47:04 pm bschlenker: #lrnchat Q0) learned that the eLearning community is made up of many amazing diverse wicked cool people!
8:47:04 pm JaneBozarth: RT @lrnchat: Q1) How can internal social networks impact the performance of the org? What can we do to further this along? #lrnchat
8:47:05 pm espnguyen: Q0 I learned how McDonalds manages multilane drivethrus. They take pictures. I think they are taking before and after pics #lrnchat
8:47:09 pm Mary_a_Myers: @hjarche ah no…too bad…although there are a few good microbrews close by #lrnchat
8:47:11 pm roninchef: RT @jaycross: One of our #learntrends speakers, Laura, kept her maiden name because she couldnt handle having the initials LMS #lrnchat
8:47:16 pm Dave_Ferguson: Hey, how come TweetChat doesn't update when you hit enter? Is it THAT hard? #lrnchat
8:47:24 pm LM1: I think social networks can improve organizations #lrnchat
8:47:28 pm nancyrubin: @busynessgirl have you seen this? #lrnchat
8:47:30 pm JaneBozarth: Q1 Smoother sailing in the event of turnover, even building/office moves #lrnchat #lrnchat
8:47:30 pm jsuzcampos: Google wave cheat sheet: #lrnchat
8:47:32 pm LearningPutty: RT @lrnchat Q1) How can internal social networks impact the performance of the org? What can we do to further this along? #lrnchat
8:47:33 pm bacigalupe: RT @wlonline: @cindyhugg there's a complete wave guide #lrnchat
8:47:34 pm DavidAKnopf: @gminks And grow new ones … #lrnchat
8:47:36 pm dpeter: Q1 To move performance along requires ALL to use social networks in all aspects or organization. Use it and GROW #lrnchat
8:47:40 pm BlakeGroup: Q1 Internal SM is a great way to communicate w/ employees who don't sit at desks. Can use laptop, mobile. #lrnchat
8:47:48 pm KoreenOlbrish: RT @lrnchat: Q1) How can internal social networks impact the performance of the org? What can we do to further this along? #lrnchat
8:47:56 pm denniscallahan: How do you identify where it is working/not working? Who decides? #lrnchat
8:47:56 pm cindyhugg: @JaneBozarth thanks, will do (re: wave) #lrnchat
8:47:59 pm ajeanne: Apologizing in advance for avalanche of tweets from #lrnchat.
8:48:09 pm busynessgirl: Q1 Oldest internal social network is the water cooler chat. Is that a good or bad thing? #lrnchat
8:48:10 pm jsuzcampos: Q1) How can internal social networks impact the performance of the org? What can we do to further this along? RT @lrnchat #lrnchat
8:48:12 pm bschlenker: RT @jsuzcampos: @gminks @JaneBozarth: Concinnity: A skillful and harmonious adaption or piecing together of parts. *brilliant!* #lrnchat
8:48:18 pm kelly_smith01: Work with IT they are our friends. They like us. need to get buy in from them #lrnchat
8:48:22 pm espnguyen: @StephanieDaul Welcome to #lrnchat
8:48:28 pm JffZllr: q1 – it is the virtual watercooler. But I still have to filter the relevant out … #lrnchat
8:48:28 pm BlakeGroup: @lrnchat: Q1) How can internal social networks impact the performance of the org? What can we do to further this along? #lrnchat
8:48:38 pm dpeter: RT @denniscallahan: How do you identify where it is working/not working? Who decides? #lrnchat
8:48:40 pm cindyhugg: RT @lrnchat: Q1) How can internal social networks impact the performance of the org? What can we do to further this along? #lrnchat
8:48:43 pm Dave_Ferguson: (1/2) I'm utterly convinced most compelling use of social network is: a respected colleague gets stuff done using it… #lrnchat
8:48:44 pm jadekaz: Use the tools and learn how to work them and what they are about. Experiment with sn yourself. #lrnchat
8:48:44 pm busynessgirl: @nancyrubin Yes, blogged about that in past. Will have to remember to show to my class. #lrnchat
8:48:48 pm JaneBozarth: Yes RT @kelly_smith01: Work with IT they are our friends. They like us. need to get buy in from them #lrnchat #lrnchat
8:48:49 pm LM1: internal social networks allow employees to share ideas & knowledge quickly, & it provides a spot to search for specific info #lrnchat
8:48:55 pm gminks: RT @kelly_smith01: Work with IT they are our friends. They like us. need to get buy in from them #lrnchat
8:48:57 pm Dave_Ferguson: (2/2) Validation, demonstration, not proselytization. #lrnchat
8:48:58 pm JffZllr: 1) But like any tool… it can be abused/misused. #lrnchat
8:49:00 pm badsquare: RT @kelly_smith01 Work with IT they are our friends. They like us. need to get buy in from them #lrnchat
8:49:05 pm kelly_smith01: Use catch phrases like "collaboration" to sell to management #lrnchat
8:49:09 pm jaycross: Social networks can help the organization keep from going into the toilet from cluelessness. #lrnchat
8:49:11 pm espnguyen: RT @jsuzcampos: Q1) How can internal social networks impact the performance of the org? What can we do to further this along? #lrnchat
8:49:13 pm DavidAKnopf: Q1)Can have a huge impact, but we are not always ideally positioned to push it forward. #lrnchat
8:49:14 pm joe_deegan: @chet_stevenson Welcome to Twitterville! Follow the hashtag #lrnchat to meet some training/learning tweeps. Live chat right now.
8:49:17 pm LearningPutty: Q1) The larger companies get the harder it is to find the SME you need. Internal social networks can help to connect ppl. #lrnchat
8:49:19 pm nancyrubin: Q1 – Social networks can create synergy in an organization – enhanced sense of community – if implemented and supported right #lrnchat
8:49:23 pm tmiket: @JffZllr Many more ppl and more interesting at the twitter water cooler no? 😎 #lrnchat
8:49:31 pm dpeter: Q1 Who determines the impact of the network? The members? #lrnchat
8:49:33 pm gminks: Q1 being serious – social nw tools can expose existing social networks for everyone to use #lrnchat
8:49:34 pm LM1: Are there negative aspects to internal social networks? #lrnchat
8:49:37 pm denniscallahan: To those that follow me: I'm participating in #lrnchat for a while – please ignore.
8:49:39 pm kasey428: Q1 One of my performance measures for nxt yr is to design & implement a social network for IDs and curriculum develoeprs at work #lrnchat
8:49:42 pm JaneBozarth: @kelly_smith01 and learn to speak in IT's terms #lrnchat
8:49:42 pm jsuzcampos: Q1) Internal social networks have always impacted performance. Know, we're just admitting it and making it "strategic" #lrnchat
8:49:46 pm BlakeGroup: @busynessgirl Love the water cooler, but too many people work away from office now. Maybe SM is the new water cooler! #lrnchat
8:49:46 pm Mary_a_Myers: RT @bschlenker: #lrnchat Q0) learned that the eLearning community is made up of many amazing diverse wicked cool people! #lrnchat
8:49:50 pm rmyardley: SoMe shows you people and ideas in your organisation you didn't know existed. #lrnchat
8:49:54 pm kelly_smith01: Plus I have more fun at Happy Hour with IT folks. But I do go home before they do #lrnchat
8:50:02 pm busynessgirl: Q1 Or the "grapevine" … another old-fashioned social network in organizations. Can be used for good or evil. #lrnchat
8:50:03 pm hybridkris: @LearningPutty I agree with that, especially when the are located across the country. #lrnchat
8:50:05 pm LM1: What are some of the most common internal social networks? #lrnchat
8:50:08 pm JffZllr: RT @LearningPutty: Q1) The larger companies get the harder it is to find the SME you need. Internal social networks can help #lrnchat
8:50:17 pm chrisstjohn: Next version of Outlook 2010 will auto display Twitter/FB personal info. #lrnchat
8:50:21 pm jaycross: Oehlert last week at DevLearn #dl09. IT people are okay. They don't eat puppies. (I think the cards are still out on that) #lrnchat
8:50:23 pm tmiket: @kasey428 How will you be measured? use? Or just the existence of it? #lrnchat
8:50:27 pm minutebio: RT @jsuzcampos Internal social networks have always impacted performance. Know, were just admitting it and making it "strategic" #lrnchat
8:50:32 pm Dave_Ferguson: @dpeter Great Q. I think indivs determine value of the nodes they know… & often realize "the network" is far larger. #lrnchat
8:50:34 pm joe_deegan: Q1) I'm having a hell of time furthering Social media along. I'm the only early adopter advertising the benefits like a mad man. #lrnchat
8:50:41 pm dpeter: @BlakeGroup SM may be the new water cooler, but it's good to have the real face-to-face contact #lrnchat
8:50:50 pm busynessgirl: Our office grapevine now travels through a lightning-fast network of 15 of us that all use gmail (and gchat) to spread gossip. #lrnchat
8:50:55 pm IzzyNeis: RT @KoreenOlbrish: Q0 I learned that my 7 yo would trade both his legs for a lifetime supply of pudding. #momfail #lrnchat
8:50:56 pm kelly_smith01: @JaneBozarth Plus get to know IT's math. The math of the budget and of the bandwidth used by SoMe #lrnchat
8:50:59 pm roninchef: @gminks I am in IT and the SM buzzwords I hear are Office Communicator and Sharepoint. I don't flinch so much any more. #lrnchat
8:50:59 pm tmiket: @LM1 Yammer seems to be fairly common #lrnchat
8:51:04 pm Stephanie_Diaz: RT @LM1: What are some of the most common internal social networks? #lrnchat
8:51:07 pm kellygarber: RT @jsuzcampos: Q1) Internal social networks have always impacted performance. now, just admitting it and making it "strategic" #lrnchat
8:51:17 pm sillym0nkey: Q1 Internal networks cd become better than the current trng dept – that cd be why gatekprs worry #lrnchat
8:51:22 pm espnguyen: Q1) The social network is the foundation for the connectivity within the org to happen #lrnchat
8:51:23 pm kasey428: Q1 our ppl work in stove-piped divisions; communication channels will be opened up w/social networking. #lrnchat
8:51:32 pm jkunrein: late is better than never! astd chapter board meeting over, time for #lrnchat
8:51:32 pm LM1: Measuring performance enhancement or hindrance is hard. #lrnchat
8:51:35 pm jaycross: RT @joe_deegan: Q1) Im having a hell of time furthering Social media along. Im the only early adopter | Time for a new job #lrnchat
8:51:41 pm KoreenOlbrish: Q1. internal social networks are what keep orgs alive and relevant, facilitating & encouraging them is what distinguishes leaders #lrnchat
8:51:45 pm lrnchat: Think you're participating in #lrnchat but not seeing your posts show up in stream? Try logging in & out again. Some ppls tweets not showing
8:51:49 pm piercemr: Seems motivation to be involved will be huge – if SME's don't want to be involved SM doesn't help though #lrnchat
8:51:50 pm dpeter: RT @espnguyen: Q1) The social network is the foundation for the connectivity within the org to happen #lrnchat
8:51:53 pm tmiket: @joe_deegan: I feel your pain…I'm not only one but one of very few #lrnchat
8:52:06 pm chrisstjohn: I'm having a hard time furthering social media in the face of FBI saying it is large security danger. #lrnchat
8:52:07 pm jsuzcampos: Internal social networks will thrive without IT. I once saw quoted, that Web 2.0 is a social, not a technical, revolution. #lrnchat
8:52:17 pm Mary_a_Myers: we use msn for internal to communicate b/c i am remote…it's really the only thing and sometimes ppl don't like it. sad for me. #lrnchat
8:52:24 pm hjarche: internal social networks increase feedback loops in the org; without them, the org cannot learn & will fail to adapt to adversity #lrnchat
8:52:26 pm ajeanne: I feel the pain of early adopters who get looked at funny when suggesting using 2.0 anything. #lrnchat
8:52:31 pm joe_deegan: Q1) I'm just starting to see success with a wiki as a knowledge mgmt tool. #lrnchat
8:52:34 pm tonnet: What each Q means in the context of the #lrnchat meetup?
8:52:34 pm chrisstjohn: RT @jaycross: Oehlert at DevLearn #dl09. IT people are okay. They don't eat puppies. (I think the cards are still out on that) #lrnchat
8:52:35 pm LearningPutty: Q1) Internal social networks provide a rich knowledge pool, but also greater accessibility. someone always available 2 answer ur ? #lrnchat
8:52:38 pm sillym0nkey: Q1 internal networks cd allow for new leaders! Woohoo! #lrnchat
8:52:42 pm kelly_smith01: I think I like Yammer. Have yet to meet Yammer. But I kinda like their profile. I wonder if yammer would be a good match? #lrnchat
8:52:49 pm tmiket: @jsuzcampos SoMe thrive without or in spite of IT? 😎 #lrnchat
8:52:52 pm kathreenriel: @LM1 those who choose not work with internal social net. feel excluded from f 2 f conversations spawned from online dialogue #lrnchat
8:52:55 pm sahana2802: RT @KoreenOlbrish intnl SN are wht keep orgs alive & relevant, facilitating & encouraging them is wht distinguishes leaders #lrnchat
8:52:56 pm gminks: @piercemr has to be a reason for SMEs to participate (WIFM) #lrnchat
8:53:00 pm JaneBozarth: @sillym0nkey Right. What we tout as benefits is exactly what they fear. #lrnchat
8:53:07 pm MariaOD: @joe_deegan how about creating a SoMe position or changing or adding to a job description of a current PR role? #lrnchat
8:53:07 pm wlonline: Q1 There is some tentative dipping of toes in water #lrnchat
8:53:10 pm jsuzcampos: RT @hjarche: internal social networks increase feedback loops; without them, the org cannot learn & will fail to adapt to adversity #lrnchat
8:53:10 pm roninchef: My org actually has a fairly good sneaker-net. If you can do something word gets around and people show up at your door #lrnchat
8:53:12 pm nancyrubin: Q1) Do you find approved SN's and homegrown SN's? I see that on FB and LinkedIn…software links you together based on similarities #lrnchat
8:53:15 pm jkunrein: Q1) How can internal social networks impact the performance of the org? What can we do to further this along? #lrnchat
8:53:17 pm Dave_Ferguson: @chrisstjohn Yes, lots of gov't / security / high-risk orgs are (justifiably) concerned about exposure. #lrnchat
8:53:24 pm JffZllr: RT @lrnchat: Q1) How can internal social networks impact the performance of the org? What can we do to further this along? #lrnchat
8:53:26 pm tmiket: @sillym0nkey Yes, leaders are not always the ones with the job facto leaders #lrnchat
8:53:34 pm LM1: Are internal social networks receiving equal support? Is it generational? #lrnchat
8:53:38 pm JaneBozarth: RT @jsuzcampos: Internal social networks will thrive without IT… #lrnchat
8:53:46 pm BlakeGroup: @dpeter Yes. Ex: in past, employees preferred info from supervisors. Now, often less time face-to-face. Very challenging. #lrnchat
8:53:46 pm Mary_a_Myers: recently a blog was started but i sense ppl are timid; feel any posts may not be reflective of the corp culture maybe. #lrnchat
8:53:47 pm chrisstjohn: RT @ajeanne: I feel the pain of early adopters when suggesting using 2.0 anything. (How can you do 2.0 when there is no 1.0?) #lrnchat
8:53:57 pm denniscallahan: internal social networks also bring out the importance of f2f #lrnchat
8:54:00 pm gminks: its more than PR RT @MariaOD: @joe_deegan #lrnchat
8:54:02 pm marciamarcia: Anyone have a solution when some ppls # aren't showing up in search stream but others are? 2+ instances on #lrnchat now
8:54:03 pm LearningPutty: 2 Fix… adopt early RT @sillym0nkey: Q1 Internal networks cd become better than the current trng dept – cd be why gatekprs worry #lrnchat
8:54:12 pm jsuzcampos: RT @tmiket: SoMe thrive without or in spite of IT? 😎 <<good question! #lrnchat
8:54:15 pm MariaOD: We can't seem to get Yammer going either. Everybody is too busy working #lrnchat
8:54:15 pm Dave_Ferguson: Twitter fans (as example) often fail to realize what a bad reputation it has among people who've never used. Thanks, evening news. #lrnchat
8:54:16 pm kasey428: Social networking is actually gaining some traction @ work, but it was started by a groundswell from non-mgt. #lrnchat
8:54:18 pm dpeter: RT @LM1: Are internal social networks receiving equal support? Is it generational? – Interesting. #lrnchat
8:54:21 pm DavidAKnopf: Curious how social networks will thrive with no IT support. #lrnchat
8:54:22 pm espnguyen: Q1) As learning profesionals, we need to connect functional groups together to make the network thrive #lrnchat
8:54:22 pm busynessgirl: RT @ajeanne: I feel the pain of early adopters when suggesting using 2.0 anything. (How can you do 2.0 when there is no 1.0?) #lrnchat
8:54:23 pm roninchef: @kelly_smith01 You are invoking a dark god with the Y speak. The early #lrnchat sessions we were assaulted by them #lrnchat
8:54:23 pm kelly_smith01: MUST work with IT. They control the universe and have some good ideas of their own. #lrnchat
8:54:25 pm JaneBozarth: My org is trying, and we're state govt. Baby steps, but new Governor and other upper mgmt is moving forward #lrnchat
8:54:27 pm jaycross: The word "social" is superfluous, is it not? Work is social. Learning is social. Hell, people are social. #lrnchat
8:54:34 pm jkunrein: saw a great presentation a few weeks ago from cerner with great examples of how uCern connects ppl inside w/ each other & customers #lrnchat
8:54:44 pm ajeanne: Q1) If there's something that everybody should know about right now… or a subset of folks… can post it immediately & get thru. #lrnchat
8:54:46 pm gminks: RT @hjarche: internal social networks increase feedback loops; without them, the org cannot learn & will fail to adapt to adversity #lrnchat
8:54:49 pm denniscallahan: [Reply] [Retweet] [User Control] [Favorite] @ JaneBozarth @jsuzcampos: Internal social networks DO thrive without IT… #lrnchat #lrnchat
8:54:52 pm cindyhugg: Agreed! RT @Dave_Ferguson: most compelling use of social network is: a respected colleague gets stuff done using it… #lrnchat
8:54:53 pm tmiket: Internal ntwks help you find who the right person IS to have the F2F with in the first place #lrnchat
8:54:55 pm gminks: RT @jaycross: The word "social" is superfluous, is it not? Work is social. Learning is social. Hell, people are social. #lrnchat
8:54:56 pm KoreenOlbrish: RT @jaycross: The word "social" is superfluous, is it not? Work is social. Learning is social. Hell, people are social. #lrnchat
8:55:20 pm JaneBozarth: @DavidAKnopf They don't need IT support — #lrnchat
8:55:20 pm chrisstjohn: Still like Ellen Wagner's supposed quote at dl09: "SM is like sex. If you're not doing it, you're not getting it." #lrnchat
8:55:21 pm jaycross: RT @DavidAKnopf: Curious how social networks will thrive with no IT support. | Same as the internet, no? #lrnchat
8:55:27 pm minutebio: RT @kelly_smith01: MUST work with IT. They control the univ& have some good ideas of their own – helps when they benefit too #lrnchat
8:55:38 pm willswords: Q1) Internal Social Networks help people find where their questions can be answered. Making them more visible is a catalyst. #lrnchat
8:55:41 pm joe_deegan: @MariaOD Web content mgr is using Twitter as an advertising/branding tool but I am twisting arms to use SoMe for learning #lrnchat
8:55:42 pm LearningPutty: Best quote of #learntrends "to start – just start." That's the answer. Start small with your own group – wiki, blog, twitter, etc #lrnchat
8:55:43 pm StephanieDaul: Leadership has alot to do with internal networks. #lrnchat
8:55:44 pm gwoodill: Q1 Is "performance of the org" a worthy goal? What if org needs radical change? What if social media punches holes in the org? #lrnchat
8:55:45 pm tonya_simmons: Q0 – I just learned that I'm MUCH too tired to keep up with answers to Q1 – I'll look forward to the transcript, nite all #lrnchat
8:55:49 pm sahana2802: RT @ jaycross The word "social" is superfluous, is it not? Work is social. Learning is social. Ppl are social. #lrnchat
8:56:00 pm tonnet: RT @gminks: RT @jaycross: The word "social" is superfluous, is it not? Work is social. Learning is social. Hell, people are social. #lrnchat
8:56:06 pm ajeanne: RT @jaycross: The word "social" is superfluous, is it not? Work is social. Learning is social. Hell, people are social. #lrnchat
8:56:08 pm dpeter: Hmm, social network, social media, social organization – social life, social work. Where do you draw the line? #lrnchat
8:56:09 pm kasey428: @kelly_smith01 IT has been a huge roadblock. Working w/them rather than against them to implement. We already have Yammer. #lrnchat
8:56:12 pm Mary_a_Myers: i still get smirks when i mention some tools like twitter @ work but @moehlert luckily gave me some ways to deal with this! #lrnchat
8:56:14 pm jaycross: iPhones route around IT. #lrnchat
8:56:22 pm tmiket: @minutebio Depends on your IT dept…some more open/helpful than others no? #lrnchat
8:56:25 pm NahumG: RT @moehlert: RT @lrnchat: If you participate in #lrnchat and @marciamarcia hasn't yet added you to pls @ or D …
8:56:28 pm DavidAKnopf: @jaycross But there was an infrastructure for the net .. #lrnchat
8:56:34 pm jkunrein: uCern example reminded me of how people connect when they both smoke, or play on a company team. connexions are difficult otherwise #lrnchat
8:56:35 pm ValerieRoberts: Q1 Social Networks can help with collaboration – people can find each other easier #lrnchat
8:56:39 pm nancyrubin: Q1) Lead by example – show others what can be done with tools you want to use in org #lrnchat
8:56:41 pm kasey428: RT @dpeter: Hmm, social network, social media, social organization – social life, social work. Where do you draw the line? #lrnchat
8:56:41 pm sillym0nkey: Q1 the most exciting thing about soc med is that we may hear from the quiet for the 1st time #lrnchat
8:56:41 pm kellygarber: Q1 internal SN creates unplanned collaboration and orgs can encourage that by using SN as orientation tool. #lrnchat
8:56:50 pm kathreenriel: @tmiket great question do social networks amplify unrecognized leaders #lrnchat
8:56:53 pm JaneBozarth: @sahana2802 @jaycross "social" also conjures up wrong images. McAfee says it makes CLevel think "Woodstock" #lrnchat
8:56:59 pm jadekaz: @Mary_a_Myers the smirks are the worst #lrnchat
8:57:03 pm dpeter: RT @tmiket: @minutebio Depends on your IT dept…some more open/helpful than others no? (Loaded question?!) #lrnchat
8:57:05 pm tmiket: Good article in WSJ other day about having better tech at home than at work. #lrnchat
8:57:06 pm cindyhugg: Q1 social networks in orgs allow for working in & around 'white space' of org charts. breaks down barriers & helps productivity. #lrnchat
8:57:12 pm joe_deegan: RT @chrisstjohn: Still like Ellen Wagners supposed quote at dl09: "SM is like sex. If youre not doing it, youre not getting it." #lrnchat
8:57:12 pm Mary_a_Myers: RT @sillym0nkey: Q1 the most exciting thing about soc med is that we may hear from the quiet for the 1st time #lrnchat
8:57:16 pm ajeanne: RT @ValerieRoberts: Q1 Social Networks can help with collaboration – people can find each other easier #lrnchat
8:57:22 pm allonsdanser: @ChristyATucker Thanks for turning me on to #lrnchat ! Awesome group of ID twitterers!
8:57:24 pm bschlenker: RT @KoreenOlbrish: Q1 internal social networks keep orgs alive & relevant, facilitating & encouraging them distinguishes leaders #lrnchat
8:57:27 pm kasey428: RT @sillym0nkey: Q1 the most exciting thing about soc med is that we may hear from the quiet for the 1st time #lrnchat
8:57:28 pm JaneBozarth: I don't need no IT. I have an iPhone. Circumvent the Man. #lrnchat
8:57:31 pm minutebio: RT @tmiket: @minutebio Depends on your IT dept…some more open/helpful than others no? True. Need to get "inside" connection #lrnchat
8:57:32 pm gminks: this is a joke right? RT @JaneBozarth: @DavidAKnopf They dont need IT support — #lrnchat
8:57:36 pm Dave_Ferguson: Q1: seek examples of success in orgs similar to yours (cos. in your field) — e.g., blog policies, internal wikis. #lrnchat
8:57:41 pm LearningPutty: Agreed. Social media is a tool – not new philosophy RT @jaycross: "Social" is superfluous… Work, Learning, and People are social #lrnchat
8:58:03 pm JaneBozarth: @allonsdanser and we're glad you're here! #lrnchat
8:58:04 pm jkunrein: i sympathize… will look this up RT @tmiket: Good article in WSJ other day about having better tech at home than at work. #lrnchat
8:58:05 pm ValerieRoberts: RT @chrisstjohn: Next version of Outlook 2010 will auto display Twitter/FB personal info. #lrnchat
8:58:09 pm Mary_a_Myers: @jadekaz i know! but some they will see the error in their ways πŸ˜‰ #lrnchat
8:58:09 pm tmiket: @minutebio Yes inside and underground 😎 #lrnchat
8:58:18 pm dpeter: Q1 Social networks? PLN? PLC? PLE? Collaboratory? How about COMMUNITY? #lrnchat
8:58:20 pm Dave_Ferguson: Yes, in general, leave out "social," any x.0, and above all SoMe. Don't let the terms be the enemy of the grasp. #lrnchat
8:58:22 pm espnguyen: Q1) Social networks break down silos across functions and regions. #lrnchat
8:58:22 pm sahana2802: An organization has to be culturally open to both positive and negative feedback to allow SN to officially flourish within…#lrnchat
8:58:26 pm ajeanne: Q1) Tell them if they want to know what's going on, they'll embrace 2.0. (I am not fond of the "social media" term.) #lrnchat
8:58:27 pm BlakeGroup: Q1 SNs are one of the only ways to reach across silos in orgs. And not all can. #lrnchat
8:58:37 pm Mary_a_Myers: I like your style! RT @JaneBozarth: I dont need no IT. I have an iPhone. Circumvent the Man. #lrnchat
8:58:40 pm JaneBozarth: It's bad enough to have a paradigm without having to shift it, too. #lrnchat
8:58:40 pm DavidAKnopf: @JaneBozarth I don't need no IT either – the 15K people I work with, on the other hand … #lrnchat
8:58:51 pm chrisstjohn: @kasey428 Its the quiet ones in the back that need watching. #lrnchat
8:58:53 pm sillym0nkey: RT JaneBozarth: @sahana2802 @jaycross "social" conjures wrong images. "Woodstock" Maybe that is the right image, ha! #lrnchat
8:58:54 pm kasey428: RT @Dave_Ferguson: Q1: seek examples of success in orgs similar to yours (cos. in your field) e.g., blog policies, internal wikis. #lrnchat
8:58:57 pm Mary_a_Myers: RT @Mary_a_Myers: @jadekaz i know! but some DAY they will see the error in their ways πŸ˜‰ #lrnchat
8:58:58 pm hjarche: people are only open with others they know/trust; no social networks then no learning between people #lrnchat
8:58:58 pm jkunrein: RT @BlakeGroup: Q1 SNs are one of the only ways to reach across silos in orgs. And not all can. #lrnchat
8:59:05 pm denniscallahan: @ LearningPutty – agree. Social tools can also be anti social. Depends on your thinking & participation #lrnchat
8:59:08 pm tmiket: @jkunrein WSJ article #lrnchat
8:59:12 pm dpeter: RT @JaneBozarth: Its bad enough to have a paradigm without having to shift it, too. #lrnchat
8:59:22 pm JaneBozarth: @sillym0nkey Ha! #lrnchat
8:59:23 pm kelly_smith01: RT @espnguyen: Q1) Social networks break down silos across functions and regions. #lrnchat
8:59:26 pm busynessgirl: If you move much faster than your IT support, it's not that we don't need it, just not useful. @gminks #lrnchat
8:59:28 pm ajeanne: Too funny! RT @JaneBozarth: Its bad enough to have a paradigm without having to shift it, too. #lrnchat
8:59:28 pm espnguyen: Q1) In our Yammer network, sharing happens regardless of role, location, or job title. Communication is beautiful and transparent #lrnchat
8:59:31 pm KoreenOlbrish: so get rid of social. call them communication tools. oh, and its not a "game"…its "competitive learning environment" #lrnchat
8:59:40 pm Mary_a_Myers: RT @hjarche: people are only open with others they know/trust; no social networks then no learning between people #lrnchat
8:59:41 pm pedepede2: Q1) question with question: are social networks 'open' to others or kept to organisation, eg yammer – balance bet open and private? #lrnchat
8:59:43 pm tonnet: RT @hjarche: people are only open with others they know/trust; no social networks then no learning between people #lrnchat
8:59:53 pm jkunrein: thanks! RT @tmiket: @jkunrein WSJ article #lrnchat
8:59:55 pm kelly_smith01: RT @JaneBozarth: Its bad enough to have a paradigm without having to shift it, too. #lrnchat
9:00:00 pm gminks: why isn't IT considered to be part of the internal social network? #lrnchat
9:00:01 pm cindyhugg: RT @sillym0nkey: Q1 internal networks cd allow for new leaders! #lrnchat <= yes. some might be fearful of this, but its a good thing!
9:00:02 pm sillym0nkey: Q1 what if everyone wanted to pile into the learning moshpit! like woodstock! then we have done our job #lrnchat
9:00:08 pm Dave_Ferguson: @sillym0nkey yeah, but how many are old enough to possibly have GONE to Woodstock? (Those who did get AARP junk mail now.) #lrnchat
9:00:15 pm Mary_a_Myers: i agree with @hjarche the theme of trust is huge…i guess for most interactions w/ppl really #lrnchat
9:00:23 pm lrnchat: RT @moehlert: #lrnchat Lemme just say to all the folks who may be joining becuz I talked about this endlessly at #dl09 ; Welcome!!
9:00:24 pm bschlenker: Q1) help employees get past the newness – lrng curve – once they're in they'll do most of the rest #lrnchat
9:00:27 pm JaneBozarth: RT @KoreenOlbrish: get rid of social. call them communication tools. oh, and its not a "game"but "competitive learning environment" #lrnchat
9:00:33 pm kellygarber: Q1 SN was "bad" and hidden by users for so long-need to market the message that SN is okay and desired. #lrnchat
9:00:35 pm dpeter: RT @kelly_smith01: RT @espnguyen: Q1) Social networks break down silos across functions and regions. – They build bridges also #lrnchat
9:00:37 pm chrisstjohn: In a heavily silo'd group, SN is the devil's brew, along with sharing and any thought of community. #lrnchat
9:00:44 pm willswords: Social networks already exist without IT. IT just helps make them more visible and their conversations archivable. #lrnchat
9:00:45 pm gminks: RT @hjarche: people are only open with others they know/trust; no social networks then no learning between people #lrnchat
9:00:48 pm lrnchat: We're going to start RTing those who aren't showing up in #lrnchat stream here.
9:00:53 pm hjarche: @kelly_smith01 and without a clutch, at that #lrnchat
9:00:54 pm JaneBozarth: I'd like that RT @sillym0nkey:what if everyone wanted to pile into the learning moshpit! like woodstock! then we have done our job #lrnchat
9:00:56 pm SueSchnorr: RT @KoreenOlbrish: get rid of social. call them communication tools. not a "game"its "competitive learning environment" #lrnchat #lrnchat
9:00:58 pm kelly_smith01: Collaboration tools instead of social media #lrnchat
9:01:02 pm Dave_Ferguson: @pedepede2 I think the balance is essential, but how you achieve it varies. Some orgs: yammer, not twitter. Others: use your head. #lrnchat
9:01:05 pm jaycross: RT @Dave_Ferguson: @sillym0nkey yeah, but how many are old enough to possibly have GONE to Woodstock? #lrnchat
9:01:17 pm dpeter: RT @chrisstjohn: In a heavily silod group, SN is the devils brew, along with sharing and any thought of community. #lrnchat
9:01:18 pm JaneBozarth: RT @chrisstjohn: In a heavily silod group, SN is the devils brew, along with sharing and any thought of community. #lrnchat
9:01:21 pm bschlenker: RT @kasey428: Social networking is actually gaining some traction @ work, but it was started by a groundswell from non-mgt. #lrnchat
9:01:23 pm kasey428: My co. has an active forum for IDs and CDs. Am pushing social tools at the meetings. #lrnchat
9:01:31 pm Mary_a_Myers: @bschlenker this is key. b/c once they get a taste…they see the power and benefit. #lrnchat
9:01:45 pm ajeanne: 'Xactly: RT @kelly_smith01: Collaboration tools instead of social media #lrnchat
9:01:47 pm espnguyen: Q1) Should we start calling it "collaborative networks" vs. "social networks" to take a cue from @amcafee? #lrnchat
9:01:59 pm nancyrubin: Q1) Lots of IT apps (particularly help desk) have Web2.0 features today – IT people probably don't label them as collaborative #lrnchat
9:02:13 pm wlonline: RT @bschlenker: @kasey428: Soc networking actually gaining some traction @ work, but it was started by a groundswell from non-mgt #lrnchat
9:02:19 pm kasey428: @jaycross I was too young, but I do remember…does that count? #lrnchat
9:02:22 pm LearningPutty: My vote for next #lrnchat: What is a more appropriate term than "social learning" to describe what we are discussing? #lrnchat
9:02:24 pm Dave_Ferguson: @jaycross Me, too, but for most in workplace, Woodstock might as well have been First Manassas #lrnchat
9:02:24 pm bschlenker: RT @MariaOD: We can't seem to get Yammer going either. Everybody is too busy working #lrnchat << someday that will BE working πŸ˜‰
9:02:26 pm gminks: Since we've already invoked it, we don't have yammer implemented behind the firewall, so its mostly used for fluffy stuff #lrnchat
9:02:33 pm tmiket: Best ones start this way @kasey428: gaining some traction @ work, but it was started by a groundswell from non-mgt. #lrnchat
9:02:34 pm DavidAKnopf: @espnguyen Yes! "collaborative network" a big improvement over SN, when talking to the PHBs. #lrnchat
9:02:36 pm roninchef: @JaneBozarth I think @sillym0nkey may have to go on my lrnarchist list. Well met! #lrnchat
9:02:48 pm JaneBozarth: Did I see the phrase "rainbows and unicorns" somewhere today? Is that better than "social". Maybe not… #lrnchat
9:02:50 pm kathreenriel: Social media doesn't replace relationship building RT@Mary_a_Myers i agree with @hjarche the theme of trust is huge.. #lrnchat
9:02:51 pm joe_deegan: Here's the gory details of my attempt at social medial implementation #lrnchat
9:03:00 pm sillym0nkey: RT @chrisstjohn: In a heavily silod group, SN is the devils brew, . i love twhat that conjurs up – devils brew #lrnchat
9:03:02 pm jennystaley: RT @hjarche: people are only open with others they know/trust; no social networks then no learning between people #lrnchat
9:03:09 pm LM1: We had an internal posting place for new information to be posted, but it had an outdated search engine – could not find anything #lrnchat
9:03:16 pm JaneBozarth: Like this RT @espnguyen: Q1) Should we start calling it "collaborative networks" vs. "social networks" to take a cue from @amcafee? #lrnchat
9:03:18 pm Dave_Ferguson: @espnguyen Really, call the stuff things that the people listening will be comfy with. (Suggestion: avoid "affordance enablers.") #lrnchat
9:03:18 pm jaycross: RT @kasey428: @jaycross I was too young, but I do remember… that count? | Sure. The people who were there don't really remember #lrnchat
9:03:24 pm nancyrubin: Lots of orgs struggling with how to implement SNS on enterprise level – want to host internally but not sure how (yet) #lrnchat
9:03:31 pm sahana2802: RT @moehlert #lrnchat Just have to say -SoMe can move us away from subject-matter experts and toward subject-matter networks.
9:03:33 pm kelly_smith01: I knew some folks in the oil industry who had a form of social media more than 20 years ago for international collaboration #lrnchat
9:03:40 pm LM1: Anyone know of any studies that have been done on the impact of internal social networks? #lrnchat
9:03:40 pm kasey428: @espnguyen Collaborative would be received better by mgt. Social anything is just too…social. #lrnchat
9:03:43 pm lrnchat: RT @moehlert: #lrnchat Just have to say -SoMe can move us away from subject-matter experts and toward subject-matter networks πŸ˜‰
9:03:44 pm hjarche: @espnguyen I would prefer 'cooperative' over 'collaborative' networks – collab means a common obj, which is not always the case #lrnchat
9:03:52 pm JaneBozarth: @roninchef Agreed. @sillym0nkey would fit right in #lrnchat
9:03:54 pm willswords: One thing that makes a social network good is when it is easy to find. #lrnchat
9:04:05 pm chrisstjohn: @moehlert But an subj matter net doesnt build courseware or sit on aa design committee. #lrnchat
9:04:12 pm ldanakos: @gminks @hjarche I disagree to a point as I've networked and learned from social media contacts I don't know nor ever met #lrnchat
9:04:16 pm Dave_Ferguson: @kathreenriel Agree — many I trust via Twitter I got to know first thru blogs–more connections w/ ideas. #lrnchat
9:04:22 pm bschlenker: RT @jaycross: The word "social" is superfluous, is it not? Work is social. Learning is social. Hell, people are social. #lrnchat
9:04:23 pm badsquare: Q – What is the ROI for social learning networks? A – Who cares! What is the ROI for traditional structured learning? #lrnchat
9:04:30 pm tmiket: @kasey428 ..and we can't have any socializing at work now can we? #lrnchat
9:04:34 pm KoreenOlbrish: RT @moehlert: Just have to say -SoMe can move us away from subject-matter experts and toward subject-matter networks πŸ˜‰ #lrnchat
9:04:34 pm ajeanne: @Dave_Ferguson Oh, time to start drinking, Mr. Affordance Monitor! :)) #lrnchat
9:04:39 pm Mary_a_Myers: @JaneBozarth i have list envy. #lrnchat
9:04:42 pm kelly_smith01: Thats my term of the week “subject matter network” #lrnchat
9:04:48 pm marigo: internal social networks increase feedback loops in the org; without them, the org cannot learn & will fail to adapt #lrnchat (via @hjarche)
9:04:48 pm joe_deegan: I just recently won the battle of getting Twitter unblocked from IT. But I’m a special case. Everyone else is screwed. #lrnchat
9:04:50 pm ThomasStone: Tom Stone, from Element K in Rochester NY, joining #lrnchat a bit late tonight. Hi Jay, Jane B., Mary M., Harold, Dave F., and all!
9:04:51 pm LM1: Internal social networks could be costly bcuz companies may need to perform PC & software updates #lrnchat
9:04:52 pm espnguyen: @hjarche To me ‘collaborative’ implies problem solving. ??? #lrnchat
9:04:53 pm dpeter: RT @lrnchat: RT @moehlert: Just have to say -SoMe can move us away from subject-matter experts and toward subject-matter networks #lrnchat
9:04:54 pm denniscallahan: @hjarche: agree. Trust is huge and affects much of work…not just learning (realize u were not suggesting that) #lrnchat
9:04:56 pm jaycross: Folks, Jesus had a social network. This is not new. #lrnchat
9:04:57 pm kathreenriel: Each curve is different how do u address all the individual needs?@bschlenker Q1) help employees get past the newness – lrng curve #lrnchat
9:04:59 pm kasey428: @moehlert, didn’t you coin that phrase last week? subject matter networks… #lrnchat
9:05:18 pm chrisstjohn: I met a large group of govt lawyers that have an active social network aka Community of Practice. Works well. #lrnchat
9:05:24 pm Mary_a_Myers: @ldanakos this happens to me all the time too, but i often how nice it would be to meet f2f…the magic that could happen πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
9:05:32 pm LM1: When we are talking about internal social networks are we mostly referring to blogs and databases? Or chat rooms as well? #lrnchat
9:05:33 pm tmiket: @badsquare Saw good saying..somethings don’t need ROI aka what’s the ROI of wearing pants? You should just do it! #lrnchat
9:05:43 pm KoreenOlbrish: @kasey428 @moehlert just quoted himself πŸ˜‰ #lrnchat
9:05:44 pm jaycross: I store my knowledge in my network. #lrnchat
9:05:48 pm gminks: @kasey428 no SME hating tonight πŸ™‚ (hi!!) #lrnchat
9:05:48 pm kasey428: @tmiket Socializing must be kept to a minimum, but we can collaborate all we want. #lrnchat
9:05:52 pm Mary_a_Myers: @ThomasStone hello! #lrnchat
9:05:52 pm joe_deegan: RT @jaycross: Folks, Jesus had a social network. This is not new. #lrnchat
9:05:59 pm kelly_smith01: Jesus has the longest running social network #lrnchat
9:06:00 pm kathreenriel: tell us more @chrisstjohn In a heavily silo’d group, SN is the devil’s brew, along with sharing and any thought of community. #lrnchat
9:06:00 pm jenniswenson: RT @moehlert: #lrnchat Just have to say -SoMe can move us away from subject-matter experts and toward subject-matter networks πŸ˜‰
9:06:18 pm ajeanne: Let’s speed up and aggregate communications… Twitter is amazing if you want to follow a breaking news story, for example. #lrnchat
9:06:22 pm lrnchat: RT @moehlert: Nooo!!!! The ROI Demon has appeared!!! And Lo! BF Skinner rides atop the scaly beast! (Too much?) #lrnchat
9:06:31 pm hjarche: @espnguyen yes, but not always solving probs in social networks, sometimes just sharing stuff #lrnchat
9:06:34 pm badsquare: Looking too! RT @LM1 Anyone know of any studies that have been done on the impact of internal social networks? #lrnchat
9:06:38 pm CathyLAnderson: RT @kasey428: @moehlert, didn’t you coin that phrase last week? subject matter networks… #lrnchat I like this!
9:06:43 pm tmiket: RT @joe_deegan: RT @jaycross: Folks, Jesus had a social network. This is not new. #lrnchat
9:06:49 pm chrisstjohn: Firmly convinced that ROI is dead and replaced by VALUE added networks (VOI). #lrnchat
9:06:51 pm espnguyen: @LM1 To me the network is the connection people have made with one another. The network also manages those connections. #lrnchat
9:06:56 pm ThomasStone: @Mary_a_Myers Re: smirks, my advice is regularly note all the stuff you learn from Twitter, that the smirkers are missing out on! #lrnchat
9:06:58 pm Dave_Ferguson: @tmiket ROI of wearing pants: % of interviews followed by callbacks. #lrnchat
9:06:59 pm KoreenOlbrish: why is everyone afraid of words? you either get “it” or you don’t. if an exec doesn’t get it, chances are the org will suffer #lrnchat
9:07:02 pm gminks: drink to ROI #lrnchat
9:07:06 pm LM1: Senior Mgmt wants to know the benefits of it to offset the potential costs for upgrades #lrnchat
9:07:13 pm sillym0nkey: RT hjarche: @espnguyen ‘cooperative’ over ‘collaborative’ networks – collab =a common obj, not always case So True! #lrnchat
9:07:18 pm lrnchat: Q2) How can internal SNs impact individual performance? What can individuals and org practices do to ensure this? #lrnchat
9:07:21 pm BlakeGroup: Before SM tools, anything network-based was owned by IT. Now, anyone can play. Great opps for internal comm. #lrnchat
9:07:22 pm nancyrubin: Q1) Focus on apps that allow for collaboration on work product – Sharepoint – (don’t boo), Zoho (Google app), collab doc editing #lrnchat
9:07:24 pm JaneBozarth: Oh no not ROI… #lrnchat
9:07:28 pm kasey428: RT @chrisstjohn: Firmly convinced that ROI is dead and replaced by VALUE added networks (VOI). #lrnchat
9:07:40 pm jaycross: RT @chrisstjohn: Firmly convinced that ROI is dead and replaced by VALUE added networks (VOI). YES #lrnchat
9:07:43 pm tmiket: @Dave_Ferguson Call backs or calls to the police? 8) #lrnchat
9:07:43 pm JaneBozarth: Ok everyone ROI is here. Let’s have a toast to him. #lrnchat
9:07:52 pm Dave_Ferguson: @kasey428 And Moses had STANDARDS. #lrnchat
9:07:54 pm krinhoh: @hjarche “Collaborative” implies common purpose and diversity of thought. Sometimes it can go long way without problem solving. #lrnchat
9:07:54 pm minutebio: RT @lrnchat: Q2) How can internal SNs impact individual performance? What can individuals and org practices do to ensure this? #lrnchat
9:07:56 pm busynessgirl: RT @lrnchat: Q2) How can internal SNs impact individual performance? What can individuals and org practices do to ensure this? #lrnchat
9:07:57 pm Mary_a_Myers: @hjarche (didn’t mean to mess with your tweet; it just made me think as trust as a general theme of positive interaction) #lrnchat
9:08:01 pm jaycross: Q2 Well, without a network, you are toast. #lrnchat
9:08:02 pm LM1: @kasey428 that makes sense #lrnchat
9:08:03 pm espnguyen: RT @lrnchat: Q2) How can internal SNs impact individual performance? What can individuals and org practices do to ensure this? #lrnchat
9:08:05 pm JaneBozarth: Wait let me get my slide rule #lrnchat
9:08:06 pm hjarche: “blog” went mainstream, in spite of it being a really weird term #lrnchat
9:08:11 pm cindyhugg: RT @lrnchat: Q2) How can internal SNs impact individual performance? What can individuals and org practices do to ensure this? #lrnchat
9:08:13 pm lrnchat: RT @moehlert: @LM1 Anybody know the “wind turbine” story from #dl09? πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
9:08:15 pm sillym0nkey: RT kasey428: RT @chrisstjohn: Firmly convinced that ROI is dead and replaced by VALUE added networks (VOI).Let’s hope so! #lrnchat
9:08:15 pm jaycross: Not that kind of toast #lrnchat
9:08:21 pm nancyrubin: Social Media Revolution – #lrnchat
9:08:25 pm BlakeGroup: ROI = Return on Influence, Information. Not just Investment anymore. #lrnchat
9:08:36 pm dpeter: Q2) How can internal SNs impact individual performance? – Growth, development, connection, collaboration, personal worth #lrnchat
9:08:38 pm gminks: Q2 I think you have to determine performance measures before trying to use a SN as the intervention. (semester is almost over!!) #lrnchat
9:08:48 pm wlonline: RT @EDUCAUSEreview: What are your favorite Twitter lists for edtech? #lrnchat
9:08:49 pm LearningPutty: We know that the data for lrning outcomes is “lacking” so I would suggest looking at marketing data for SoMe outcomes… #lrnchat
9:08:50 pm jkunrein: webinar RT @hjarche: “blog” went mainstream, in spite of it being a really weird term #lrnchat
9:08:50 pm JaneBozarth: @jaycross @chrisstjohn Not only is ROI dead, he never existed in the first place. #lrnchat
9:08:52 pm Mary_a_Myers: @ThomasStone exactly and @moehlert suggested a focus on the dynamic rather than tools; what problems are solved, or perf nudged. #lrnchat
9:09:00 pm jaycross: the “wind turbine” story . I retold it today at #learntrends #lrnchat
9:09:06 pm krinhoh: If there is no real investment in learning , there can be no ROI. Social is often without investment #lrnchat
9:09:07 pm kasey428: RT @BlakeGroup: ROI = Return on Influence, Information. Not just Investment anymore. #lrnchat
9:09:10 pm ajeanne: Q2) Can ask for info about something…. most obvious individual performance enhancer. #lrnchat
9:09:13 pm kelly_smith01: RT @JaneBozarth: Wait let me get my slide rule #lrnchat
9:09:28 pm JaneBozarth: RT @lrnchat: Q2) How can internal SNs impact individual performance? What can individuals and org practices do to ensure this? #lrnchat
9:09:32 pm busynessgirl: Q2 I think it’s mixed. A social learning network can improve performance, a social SOCIAL network can impede (think students+FB). #lrnchat
9:09:33 pm DavidAKnopf: Q2) Individuals can participate, orgs can encourage/reward participation. #lrnchat
9:09:43 pm roninchef: Q2 The learner can call out their own knowledge gap and the network will respond to that call. #lrnchat
9:09:45 pm nancyrubin: Q2) Easier to keep track of personal achievements accomplishments – build a PLN and showcase portfolio #lrnchat
9:09:48 pm hjarche: @Mary_a_Myers I agree on foundational nature of trust – it’s in the defn of wirearchy #lrnchat
9:09:52 pm sillym0nkey: Q2) How can internal SNs can allow for individual performance. They can get credit for thier good ideas, etc. #lrnchat
9:09:54 pm minutebio: Participants can reflect on own KSAs and inspire / instruct others via SN. #lrnchat
9:09:59 pm espnguyen: Q2) SNs are like the crowd of people behind the guy in the Verizon commercial. They support and empower. #lrnchat
9:10:01 pm badsquare: RT @krinhoh If there is no real investment in learning , there can be no ROI. Social is often without investment #lrnchat
9:10:05 pm JaneBozarth: Q2 Give workers the TIME they need for this! It doesn’t happen on a punch-clock #lrnchat
9:10:05 pm cindyhugg: RT @BlakeGroup: ROI = Return on Influence, Information. Not just Investment anymore. #lrnchat <= I like this, think its important.
9:10:11 pm BlakeGroup: Q2 SNs can be used to deliver news/events/info/training/benefits/etc. …with feedback!! #lrnchat
9:10:12 pm willswords: Q1) to further this along people need one place to go for social networking in the organization, not a jambalaya of websites #lrnchat
9:10:21 pm lrnchat: RT @moehlert: @JaneBozarth So ROI and ADDIE walk into this bar…. #lrnchat
9:10:24 pm bschlenker: @kathreenriel addressing personal needs- no longer our responsibility-community steps up via altruism- it's amazing 2see it happen #lrnchat
9:10:28 pm chrisstjohn: I did a study for Johns Hopkins – looked at 133 med schools. The test score diff between those SME users & those who didnt was 2%. #lrnchat
9:10:29 pm LearningPutty: Q2) How can SoMe impact employees? One of the major impacts is the constant feedback opportunities social networks provide #lrnchat
9:10:33 pm JaneBozarth: Q2 Let workers do what they need to do– don't overmanage/direct/control. Oh there I go again… #lrnchat
9:10:42 pm Dave_Ferguson: @roninchef I do think you can only call so many gaps before people start wondering why you have the job you do. #lrnchat
9:10:43 pm espnguyen: Have to give credit to @moehlert for the Verizon analogy. Something about how a person brings their whole network to a job #lrnchat
9:10:45 pm krinhoh: much better RT @BlakeGroup: ROI = Return on Influence, Information. Not just Investment anymore. #lrnchat
9:10:48 pm Mary_a_Myers: RT @badsquare: RT @krinhoh If there is no real investment in learning , there can be no ROI. Social is often without investment #lrnchat
9:10:49 pm ThomasStone: Perhaps "social" not best word to convince C-suite of value, but we need a word to diff. what IBM does internally, and most don't! #lrnchat
9:10:51 pm gminks: @badsquare Social is never w/o investment… #lrnchat
9:11:03 pm ldanakos: @Mary_a_Myers it's always nice to be able to meet as you can get more interaction #lrnchat
9:11:08 pm dpeter: Q2) What can individuals and org practices do to ensure this? Provide the tools, the support, the environment and the need for use #lrnchat
9:11:10 pm JaneBozarth: Q2 TRUST the workers w/ time, information, getting what they need. Trust. Oh now I've said it. Oh dear. #lrnchat
9:11:10 pm ajeanne: Q2) If you run into a good article or blog, you can post it if will be of help to others in your organization (obvious, again) #lrnchat
9:11:13 pm kelly_smith01: Q2) SME (SMN) relationships, mentor relationships, follow-up to training, maybe follow up questions of learners via SoMe #lrnchat
9:11:17 pm krinhoh: understd how much time it takes RT @JaneBozarth: Q2 Give workers the TIME they need for this! It doesn't happen on a punch-clock #lrnchat
9:11:18 pm KristiBroom: Q2 it's easy for orgs to look at the negative impacts to productivity w/out recognizing the positive impacts #lrnchat
9:11:25 pm sillym0nkey: RT JaneBozarth: Q2 Let workers do what they need to do– don't overmanage/direct/control. Oh there I go again…Love that! #lrnchat
9:11:25 pm busynessgirl: Easier to participate in social networks from a job that already has flexible hours (i.e. academia) @JaneBozarth #lrnchat
9:11:27 pm Dave_Ferguson: @JaneBozarth A hidden evil in most org online learning: you cram it in around your "real" job. Or outside. #lrnchat
9:11:42 pm Steli: RT @jaycross: I store my knowledge in my network. #lrnchat
9:11:50 pm JaneBozarth: Good @chrisstjohn Say more about the study? #lrnchat
9:11:51 pm minutebio: SMEs can share info directly with staff without those pesky e-learning designers in the way…oops, nevermind #lrnchat
9:11:52 pm Steli: RT @jaycross: Folks, Jesus had a social network. This is not new. #lrnchat
9:11:59 pm nancyrubin: Portals can be electronic doorway to an org today if well managed (think wiki gardner). Info needs to be relevant and timely. #lrnchat
9:12:04 pm JaneBozarth: @Dave_Ferguson That's what I used to do. Better now. #lrnchat
9:12:05 pm hjarche: FWIW, I've thought long & hard on collaboration, but it's "cooperation" that happens in networks #lrnchat
9:12:06 pm krinhoh: THk YOU RT @JaneBozarth: Q2 TRUST the workers w/ time, information, getting what they need. Trust. Oh now I've said it. Oh dear. #lrnchat
9:12:08 pm ValerieRoberts: RT @espnguyen: Q2) SNs are like the crowd of people behind the guy in the Verizon commercial. They support and empower. #lrnchat
9:12:09 pm espnguyen: Q2) What can individuals and org practices do to ensure this? TRUST. #lrnchat
9:12:09 pm sahana2802: RT @Dave_Ferguson @JaneBozarth A hidden evil in most org online learning: you cram it in around your "real" job. Or outside. #lrnchat
9:12:11 pm dpeter: Q2) Trust? or Empower? Engage? Enrich? #lrnchat
9:12:21 pm kellygarber: Q2 – SN can make employees that use it well look like a rock star b/c they will get more answers faster than others. #lrnchat
9:12:30 pm marciamarcia: RT @krinhoh: If there is no real investment in learning, there can be no ROI. Social is often without investment #lrnchat
9:12:34 pm bacigalupe: @espnguyen besides potential empowerment, a big crowd behind could also immobilize #lrnchat
9:12:38 pm chrisstjohn: But feedback opportunities mean exposure. Silo'd organizations resist sharing that they think equates to loss of control. #lrnchat
9:12:51 pm tmiket: @minutebio If it was easy enough we certainly wouldn't need as many right? #lrnchat
9:12:51 pm wlonline: Q2 try it rather than avoid it #lrnchat
9:12:55 pm jkunrein: RT @lrnchat: Q2) How can internal SNs impact individual performance? What can individuals and org practices do to ensure this? #lrnchat
9:12:59 pm nancyrubin: RT @dpeter: Q2) Trust? or Empower? Engage? Enrich? — EMPOWER – sounds dangerous πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
9:13:04 pm kelly_smith01: Q2) expand – enhance inforal learning possibly document some informal learning #lrnchat
9:13:07 pm gminks: but don't you think if you can prove you are hitting performance measures there would be more support? #lrnchat
9:13:18 pm dpeter: RT @wlonline: Q2 try it rather than avoid it #lrnchat
9:13:19 pm StephanieDaul: Fear, control, trust #lrnchat #lrnchat
9:13:34 pm ajeanne: Q2) To encourage, a manager might say "Hey, good tweet about X the other day." #lrnchat
9:13:38 pm Dave_Ferguson: @hjarche Your point is good. W/in an org, both collab & coop have their place (collab for a cross-dept team, f'rinstance). #lrnchat
9:13:39 pm Mary_a_Myers: embrace it RT @wlonline: Q2 try it rather than avoid it #lrnchat
9:13:41 pm espnguyen: RT @hjarche: FWIW, I've thought long & hard on collaboration, but it's "cooperation" that happens in networks #lrnchat
9:13:46 pm kasey428: Q2 Create a rating system for contributors. Those who contribute the highest rated info could be acknowledged. #lrnchat
9:13:57 pm espnguyen: RT @dpeter: RT @wlonline: Q2 try it rather than avoid it #lrnchat
9:13:57 pm dpeter: RT @nancyrubin: RT @dpeter: Q2) Trust? or Empower? Engage? Enrich? — EMPOWER – sounds dangerous πŸ™‚ – Have to take a chance? #lrnchat
9:14:02 pm minutebio: RT @tmiket: @minutebio If it was easy enough we certainly wouldnt need as many right? I wouldn't have a job-JG #lrnchat
9:14:02 pm BlakeGroup: One of the toughest things in an internal comm effort is feedback. But also very valuable. A good SN has it. #lrnchat
9:14:05 pm Mary_a_Myers: @gminks i think so; actually i know so. #lrnchat
9:14:30 pm jkunrein: q2) back to uCern example from #kcastd: someone in legal asks for an outline, someone in training has it. no one recreates wheel. #lrnchat
9:14:32 pm theherocc: What is #lrnchat? I'm missing something important, I can tell.
9:14:35 pm abhijitkadle: RT @moehlert: Nooo!!!! The ROI Demon has appeared!!! And Lo! BF Skinner rides atop the scaly beast! (Too much?) #lrnchat
9:14:39 pm StephanieDaul: You are going to particpate if you see your manager posting #lrnchat
9:14:41 pm kelly_smith01: Hey man, my boss RTed me today. Cool. #lrnchat
9:14:50 pm joe_deegan: @ajeanne Yes, I try to bring up as many positive examples as I can for execs. #lrnchat
9:14:54 pm KoreenOlbrish: Q2 intrnl social networks help ppl find the other ppl that they need, whether they realize it or not. it is often who you know… #lrnchat
9:14:55 pm tmiket: It's about how you apply your SocNetwks..just another's HOW you use it #lrnchat
9:14:56 pm Dave_Ferguson: We don't often talk about the individual's need to manage / filter; outsiders worry but maybe can't phrase the question. #lrnchat
9:14:59 pm chrisstjohn: RT @kasey428: Q2 Create a rating system for contributors. Those who contribute the highest could be acknowledged. (or persecuted) #lrnchat
9:15:00 pm sillym0nkey: RT ajeanne: Q2) A mngr might say "Hey, good tweet about X …" Iit cd garner comments from mgrs not usually accessible #lrnchat
9:15:00 pm ajeanne: Q2) Also, if managers use and refer to stuff they saw online, then others will think they should pay attention, too. #lrnchat
9:15:01 pm kasey428: RT @chrisstjohn: feedback opportunities mean exposure.Silod organizations resist sharing that they think equates to loss of control #lrnchat
9:15:02 pm kathreenriel: @bschlenker to maxmize these altruistic opportunities we need to expand our notions of community as Nancy White suggested #lrnchat
9:15:10 pm espnguyen: @dpeter Some employees need to be empowered in their orgs though. Many have gone far too long without a voice #lrnchat
9:15:22 pm busynessgirl: @theherocc Search twitter for the hashtag #lrnchat and you'll see. #lrnchat
9:15:24 pm kellygarber: RT @StephanieDaul: You are going to particpate if you see your manager posting #lrnchat
9:15:26 pm lrnchat: #lrnchat Just so you know…one company from #dl09, deploying Yamm*r, estimate savings at $3-5 million per year in linking global repair ops
9:15:34 pm willswords: Q2) Over time searchable social networks give individuals access to collective intelligence #lrnchat
9:15:39 pm BlakeGroup: One way to rate SN contribs is by comments from readers. Like blogs do. #lrnchat
9:15:41 pm Dave_Ferguson: @theherocc see ; twitter-based conversation on learning issues, use #lrnchat hashtag #lrnchat
9:15:55 pm badsquare: Social tech platforms finally bring organic order to the slew of disconnected comm & productivity tools…email, IM, "documents" #lrnchat
9:16:00 pm kasey428: @kelly_smith01 Does that mean a raise is in your future? #lrnchat
9:16:01 pm hjarche: @theherocc it is: #lrnchat
9:16:10 pm urbie: @marciamarcia it requires investment in people. no investment = sad/mad people and probably not the social interaction you wanted. #lrnchat
9:16:18 pm dpeter: RT @willswords: Q2) Over time searchable social networks give individuals access to collective intelligence – and growth #lrnchat
9:16:19 pm cindyhugg: needing to step away from #lrnchat, hope to be back…
9:16:27 pm JaneBozarth: RT @StephanieDaul: You are going to particpate if you see your manager posting #lrnchat
9:16:42 pm joe_deegan: Never underestimate the importance of marketing when it comes to implementing social learning. It doesn't just happen. #lrnchat
9:16:42 pm sahana2802: RT @lrnchat #lrnchat …one company from #dl09, deploying Yamm*r, estimate savings at $3-5 million per year in linking global repair ops
9:16:50 pm jkunrein: how does that get factored into performance review? RT @kasey428: @kelly_smith01 Does that mean a raise is in your future? #lrnchat
9:16:51 pm tmiket: @badsquare I like organic…add to it naturally #lrnchat
9:16:56 pm tgrevatt: Hey social media followers – check out the discussion going on with the #lrnchat gang tonight. Well worth the read.
9:17:03 pm chrisstjohn: RT @willswords: Q2) Social networks give indivs access to collective intelligence. (But like the BORG, what is the collective?) #lrnchat
9:17:03 pm krinhoh: @hjarche Collaboration also happens – but it's hit or miss #lrnchat
9:17:08 pm kellygarber: RT @willswords: Q2) Over time searchable social networks give individuals access to collective intelligence #lrnchat
9:17:15 pm DavidAKnopf: @BlakeGroup Content & contributor ranking can really help but can be a double-edged sword, too. #lrnchat
9:17:22 pm debs: I store my knowledge in my network. #lrnchat (via @jaycross)
9:17:22 pm NahumG: @moehlert @marciamarcia @krinhoh Learning could be indirect & thus hard to measure investment. Does that make investment not real? #lrnchat
9:17:23 pm joe_deegan: @kasey428 @kelly_smith01 Do raises still exist? #lrnchat
9:17:26 pm gminks: they had metrics to prove this ROI RT @lrnchat: 1 company deploying Yamm*r, est savings at $3-5M per year linking global repair ops #lrnchat
9:17:27 pm kelly_smith01: I see big value for SoMe with field techs. In the field they sometimes need support & direction big $$$ for time and manpower #lrnchat
9:17:31 pm LearningPutty: Forethought maybe… but always invstmt RT @krinhoh: If no real invstmt in lrng, then no ROI. Social is often without investment #lrnchat
9:17:43 pm kasey428: RT @badsquare: Social tech platforms finally bring organic order to the slew of disconnected comm & productivity tools…email… #lrnchat
9:17:48 pm hjarche: social networks create the grist for your PKM (personal knowledge management) mill #lrnchat
9:17:49 pm ThomasStone: I really don't like idea of changing name of something just to get C-suite to accept it. Social is accurate, so I say stick with it #lrnchat
9:17:51 pm marciamarcia: Several great enterprise microsharing solutions: For example, check out Socialtext Signals #lrnchat
9:17:53 pm lorireed: RT @jaycross: Folks, Jesus had a social network. This is not new. #lrnchat
9:17:54 pm BlakeGroup: A good SN can be collective corporate database. People come + go, but here is way to capture some knowledge. #lrnchat
9:17:57 pm KoreenOlbrish: social networks grow out of a collective need that's not being met otherwise. what are those unmet org needs? #lrnchat
9:18:02 pm ajeanne: Thankfully, we are not BORGS, at least, not yet. πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
9:18:04 pm dpeter: RT @debs: I store my knowledge in my network. #lrnchat (via @jaycross) #lrnchat
9:18:05 pm StephanieDaul: using sn to identify talent in an organization #lrnchat
9:18:12 pm nancyrubin: RT @willswords: Q2) social networks give individuals access to collective intelligence – and more and more competitive intelligence #lrnchat
9:18:25 pm Dave_Ferguson: "The collective" is also knows as your industry or your field. Ain't as scary that way. #lrnchat
9:18:26 pm LearningPutty: RT @lrnchat: One company from #dl09, deploying Yamm*r, estimate savings at $3-5 million per year in linking global repair ops #lrnchat
9:18:33 pm krinhoh: @LearningPutty not necessarily. social networks and tech often left to grassroots #lrnchat
9:18:34 pm busynessgirl: RT @ajeanne: Thankfully, we are not BORGS, at least, not yet. πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
9:18:35 pm insynctraining: RT @StephanieDaul: You are going to participate if you see your manager posting #lrnchat
9:18:42 pm hjarche: @krinhoh collaboration has an objective, cooperation doesn't – both can succeed or fail for many reasons #lrnchat
9:18:45 pm badsquare: RT @marciamarcia Several great enterprise microsharing solutions: For example, check out Socialtext Signals #lrnchat
9:18:46 pm nancyrubin: RT @BlakeGroup: A good SN can be collective corporate database. — New form of expert system from back in the day #lrnchat
9:18:53 pm sillym0nkey: RT dpeter: RT @willswords: Q2 Searchable social ntwrks give individuals access 2 collective intelligence YES & it's huge #lrnchat
9:18:54 pm sahana2802: RT @KoreenOlbrish social networks grow out of a collective need that's not being met otherwise. what are those unmet org needs? #lrnchat
9:18:55 pm Steli: Educators 2.0 is an example of a newly launched social learning network #lrnchat
9:18:55 pm supercoolSchool: Educators 2.0 is an example of a newly launched social learning network #lrnchat
9:19:00 pm kasey428: RT @marciamarcia: Several great enterprise microsharing solutions: For example, check out Socialtext Signals #lrnchat
9:19:01 pm lrnchat: RT @marciamarcia: Several great enterprise microsharing solutions: For example, check out Socialtext Signals #lrnchat
9:19:02 pm BlakeGroup: @DavidAKnopf That's why I like comments! People have to explain their reactions, not just rate. Adds context. #lrnchat
9:19:03 pm busynessgirl: Are the Borg a social learning network? #lrnchat
9:19:04 pm instructron: Q2 Negative perspective – employees want to hold on to their knowledge for fear of job security? #lrnchat
9:19:08 pm espnguyen: @ThomasStone Problem is the word "social" has gotten a bad wrap being linked to other [perceived] time wasters #lrnchat
9:19:11 pm dpeter: Social networks provide the link to the past, the understanding of the present, and the vision for the future. #lrnchat
9:19:16 pm joe_deegan: Q2) So far internal SN is making an impact by reducing tech support calls. Search the wiki before emailing the helpdesk! #lrnchat
9:19:17 pm gminks: RT @marciamarcia: Several great enterprise microsharing solutions: For example, check out Socialtext Signals #lrnchat
9:19:26 pm StephanieDaul: Collective intellegence scares some organizations #lrnchat
9:19:38 pm wlonline: RT @dpeter: Social networks provide the link to the past, the understanding of the present, and the vision for the future. #lrnchat
9:19:39 pm Mary_a_Myers: social networks bring out the human aspects, the real vs. the cloak of "professionalism" often maintained in the workplace. #lrnchat
9:19:42 pm bmo: @hjarche not really social networks are about love #lrnchat
9:19:50 pm krinhoh: right RT @moehlert: @nahumg @marciamarcia #lrnchat Think the pt is that social networks don't rely on external $$ to exist – tuff to measure
9:19:51 pm kelly_smith01: @hjarche PKM is great for indexing expertise from inside/outside corporate wall. The issue is organizing knowledge for access #lrnchat
9:19:54 pm ThomasStone: Ha! in Twitter-like jargon, Jesus had *followers* πŸ™‚ RT @jaycross: Folks, Jesus had a social network. This is not new. #lrnchat
9:19:56 pm allonsdanser: RT @hjarche: social networks create the grist for your PKM (personal knowledge management) mill #lrnchat
9:20:03 pm chrisstjohn: RT @ajeanne: But it is the fear of the Borg, not the realization that scares boomer managers. #lrnchat
9:20:07 pm Dave_Ferguson: @busynessgirl No, the Borg mainly concentrate on SCORM compliance. #lrnchat
9:20:08 pm JaneBozarth: yes RT @instructron: Q2 Negative perspective – employees want to hold on to their knowledge for fear of job security? #lrnchat
9:20:12 pm tmiket: @instructron I'd rather share and we are all better off..I know that's not always common #lrnchat
9:20:14 pm kathreenriel: gotta go now! I just discovered the true meaning of virtual surfing! Thanks #lrnchat
9:20:17 pm busynessgirl: Better question, is twitter a "hive mind" ? #lrnchat
9:20:18 pm jkunrein: RT @Mary_a_Myers: SNs bring out the human aspects, the real vs. the cloak of "professionalism" often maintained in the workplace. #lrnchat
9:20:26 pm ajeanne: RT @joe_deegan: Q2) ..Internal SN is making an impact by reducing tech support calls. Search the wiki before emailing the helpdesk! #lrnchat
9:20:29 pm nancyrubin: RT @joe_deegan: Did case study on this for a univ a few years ago – cut help desk calls over 50% (understatement) #lrnchat
9:20:29 pm hamtra: Joined in late and lurking. #lrnchat
9:20:32 pm StephanieDaul: Sn becomes the buzzword without any definition #lrnchat
9:20:34 pm krinhoh: well said RT @hjarche: @krinhoh collaboration has an objective, cooperation doesn't – both can succeed or fail for many reasons #lrnchat
9:20:35 pm tmiket: SoMe gives me access to expertise that doesn't even exist internally #lrnchat
9:20:40 pm jkunrein: RT @Dave_Ferguson: @busynessgirl No, the Borg mainly concentrate on SCORM compliance. #lrnchat
9:20:40 pm sillym0nkey: RT instructron: Q2 Neg perspective-employees want 2hold on 2their knowledge 4fear of job security?Yes! &tht prty is over #lrnchat
9:20:42 pm BlakeGroup: RT @dpeter Social networks provide link to the past, understanding of the present, + vision for the future. Excellent! #lrnchat
9:20:48 pm bschlenker: RT @kellygarber: RT @willswords: Q2) Over time searchable social networks give individuals access to collective intelligence #lrnchat
9:20:53 pm JaneBozarth: @instructron You're right– we're all assuming that all workers want all this sharing #lrnchat
9:20:53 pm dpeter: CSI mentions Twitter – Sgt Brass tweets! #lrnchat
9:20:58 pm busynessgirl: RT @Dave_Ferguson: @busynessgirl No, the Borg mainly concentrate on SCORM compliance. (and learning objects) #lrnchat
9:21:10 pm Dave_Ferguson: There are lots of knowledge-hoarders in any org / bureaucracy. And not a few academi departments. #lrnchat
9:21:10 pm deanna128: ooh I like that!! RT @KoreenOlbrish: … its not a "game"…its "competitive learning environment" #lrnchat
9:21:14 pm gminks: drink…. RT @Dave_Ferguson: @busynessgirl No, the Borg mainly concentrate on SCORM compliance. #lrnchat
9:21:20 pm sillym0nkey: RT tmiket: SoMe gives me access to expertise that doesn't even exist internally The REAL value #lrnchat
9:21:33 pm kasey428: @StephanieDaul I see that client environments (federal agencies). The collective can let loose the fear of a god for the gov't. #lrnchat
9:21:44 pm espnguyen: s'okay You're doing great work with the Tweetbook I'm sure. RT @hamtra: Joined in late and lurking. #lrnchat
9:21:50 pm krinhoh: RT @Dave_Ferguson: There are lots of knowledge-hoarders in any org / bureaucracy. And not a few academi departments. #lrnchat
9:21:51 pm Mary_a_Myers: helps me discover the hidden talents of my network #lrnchat
9:22:09 pm bschlenker: RT @lrnchat: #lrnchat A company from #dl09, deploying Yamm*r, estimate savings at $3-5 million per year in linking global repair ops <<nice!
9:22:17 pm denniscallahan: RT @willswords: Q2) Over time searchable social networks give individuals access to collective intelligence #lrnchat
9:22:19 pm KoreenOlbrish: @busynessgirl i think Twitter is a hive mind…you have to get past the buzzing #lrnchat
9:22:20 pm MariaOD: Tweetie, Twittlelators are hung! Cnt #lrnchat. :-(. #fb
9:22:20 pm JaneBozarth: @gminks First ROI, now SCORM, and I have to work tomorrow… #lrnchat
9:22:32 pm Dave_Ferguson: I like the def. of ‘value’ as “better, faster, cheaper, more.” The noun those modify depends on you & your organization. #lrnchat
9:22:39 pm tmiket: @krinhoh Down with knowledge hoarders! #lrnchat
9:22:42 pm nancyrubin: Help Desk KB (Wiki) #lrnchat
9:22:43 pm kellygarber: Q2 in an rancid environment employees fear sharing b/c it has meant their ideas are “stolen” and they do not get credit. #lrnchat
9:22:44 pm ajeanne: Many boomers I know just shake their heads & think that people using Twitter, e.g., are “way out there” technologically. Sad. #lrnchat
9:22:51 pm JaneBozarth: RT @Dave_Ferguson: There are lots of knowledge-hoarders in any org / bureaucracy. And not a few academic departments. #lrnchat
9:22:52 pm StephanieDaul: Why aren’t SN part of talent management systems? #lrnchat
9:23:00 pm dpeter: RT @KoreenOlbrish: @busynessgirl i think Twitter is a hive mind…you have to get past the buzzing #lrnchat
9:23:01 pm kelly_smith01: RT @dpeter: RT @debs: I store my knowledge in my network. #lrnchat (via @jaycross) #lrnchat
9:23:06 pm jkunrein: @Dave_Ferguson i think SNs and COPs work because most ppl really aren’t knowledge hoarders, though #lrnchat
9:23:07 pm willswords: #lrnchat
9:23:08 pm dpeter: RT @tmiket: @krinhoh Down with knowledge hoarders! #lrnchat
9:23:10 pm lrnchat: RT @KoreenOlbrish: @busynessgirl i think Twitter is a hive mind…you have to get past the buzzing #lrnchat
9:23:10 pm Dave_Ferguson: @JaneBozarth We’ll lunch at Addie’s restaurant… #lrnchat
9:23:12 pm bschlenker: RT @kathreenriel: @bschlenker to maxmize these altruistic opportunities we need to expand our notions of community < #lrnchat
9:23:59 pm krinhoh: YES YES RT @dpeter: RT @tmiket: @krinhoh Down with knowledge hoarders! #lrnchat
9:24:07 pm busynessgirl: Instead of offering you the option to sign up for a twitter account, Twitter should offer to “assimilate you” #lrnchat
9:24:14 pm ajeanne: You mentioned my best girlfriend! :))) RT @Dave_Ferguson: @JaneBozarth Well lunch at Addies restaurant… #lrnchat
9:24:26 pm dpeter: So, Twitterers are bees … drones, working in the hive, bringing pollen (knowledge) back and sharing it with others? Buzz buzz #lrnchat
9:24:28 pm hamtra: The moment you RT are you part of the collective then? Contributing to the hive. #lrnchat
9:24:31 pm dresingleton: @dpeter orgs have to be receptive to social networks. those that control security have to understand why this is needed #lrnchat
9:24:34 pm kelly_smith01: Will there be a “SCORM” for social media #lrnchat
9:24:45 pm Dave_Ferguson: @jkunrein Absolutely SNs & CoPs work. Only meant not everyone values / buys into them. And some will resist if not sabotage. #lrnchat
9:24:46 pm busynessgirl: @urbie Agreed, the new spam tweets that are @ replies are particularly annoying because you can’t get rid of them. #lrnchat
9:24:56 pm espnguyen: @StephanieDaul Especially since the best talent in most orgs aren’t the ones the org has “officially” identified #lrnchat
9:25:05 pm lrnchat: RT @hamtra: The moment you RT are you part of the collective then? Contributing to the hive. #lrnchat
9:25:12 pm bschlenker: RT @hamtra: Joined in late and lurking. #lrnchat << cuz ur wrkn on that killer devlearn tweetbook right? πŸ˜‰
9:25:13 pm tmiket: @kelly_smith01 What would SoMe SCORM do? #lrnchat
9:25:24 pm sillym0nkey: krinhoh: YES YES RT @dpeter: RT @tmiket: @krinhoh Down with knowledge hoarders Yes! We win! They lose!! #lrnchat
9:25:24 pm Mary_a_Myers: RT @espnguyen: @StephanieDaul Especially since the best talent in most orgs arent the ones the org has "officially" identified #lrnchat
9:25:24 pm dpeter: @Dave_Ferguson I hope no SCORM for SoMe! #lrnchat
9:25:24 pm DavidAKnopf: RT @kelly_smith01: Will there be a "SCORM" for social media | hmm … wonder how that would work #lrnchat
9:25:28 pm ajeanne: Well, you could keep your intelligence to yourself… oh wait… #lrnchat
9:25:32 pm Dave_Ferguson: @kelly_smith01 I have no doubt. And SoMe SCOs, and SoMe manifests… #lrnchat
9:25:37 pm krinhoh: @LearningPutty grassroots is how we got 75 percent of our stuff done….maybe's what pushed us forward. Fortune 100 co. #lrnchat
9:25:38 pm JaneBozarth: @kelly_smith01 Please no #lrnchat
9:25:42 pm KevinDJones: @kelly_smith01 The SCORM for SM is the trail of contributions you leave behind – sharing and networking. #lrnchat
9:25:47 pm busynessgirl: Maybe the "SCORM" for social media is the 140-character limit, which originated in texting. #lrnchat
9:25:48 pm KoreenOlbrish: @dpeter I'd rather like to think i'm the bee pollenating the flowers… #lrnchat
9:25:55 pm chrisstjohn: As Microsoft builds Twitter into Outlook 2010, it will be the sames as a SCORM. #lrnchat
9:25:55 pm ethang: would love to #lrnchat but busy finishing paper about #ict4d – i'm there in twirit
9:26:02 pm kellygarber: If "someone" decides it must be measured, right? RT @kelly_smith01: Will there be a "SCORM" for social media #lrnchat
9:26:04 pm JaneBozarth: Is someone who never RTs then considered a knowledge hoarder? #lrnchat
9:26:04 pm sillym0nkey: RT lrnchat: RT @hamtra: The moment u RT r u part of the collective then? Contributing 2the hive.Maybe but in a good way #lrnchat
9:26:08 pm krinhoh: #lrnchat
9:26:20 pm krinhoh: Just cuz you need to know…you guys all rock. #lrnchat
9:26:20 pm JaneBozarth: RT @ajeanne: Well, you could keep your intelligence to yourself… oh wait… #lrnchat
9:26:23 pm kasey428: RT @Dave_Ferguson: @kelly_smith01 I have no doubt. And SoMe SCOs, and SoMe manifests… #lrnchat
9:26:31 pm ajeanne: @KevinDJones Hi Kevin! πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
9:26:33 pm joe_deegan: I'm so over SCORM #lrnchat
9:26:35 pm kelly_smith01: RT @tmiket: @kelly_smith01 What would SoMe SCORM do? Something like #hashtags? #lrnchat
9:26:40 pm jadekaz: ha ha ha ha RT @chrisstjohn: As Microsoft builds Twitter into Outlook 2010, it will be the sames as a SCORM. #lrnchat
9:26:47 pm busynessgirl: If you're following and confused by all the tweets, search for #lrnchat on twitter and join us. #lrnchat
9:26:52 pm sillym0nkey: RT chrisstjohn: As Microsoft builds Twitter into Outlook 2010, it will be the sames as a SCORM. /??? what does that mean? #lrnchat
9:26:53 pm tmiket: @JaneBozarth The hoarders don't even tweet in the 1st place #lrnchat
9:26:57 pm dpeter: RT @KoreenOlbrish: @dpeter Id rather like to think im the bee pollenating the flowers… πŸ™‚ Spreading the knowledge here and there #lrnchat
9:27:08 pm KoreenOlbrish: RT @joe_deegan: Im so over SCORM #lrnchat
9:27:10 pm bmo: @hjarche it's not rocket science and it may not be quanitifable buit iit is human #lrnchat
9:27:13 pm Dave_Ferguson: @JaneBozarth I prefer to think it's someone who "hasn't yet" retweeted. Speramus meliora. #lrnchat
9:27:15 pm KevinDJones: @ajeanne Hi! Joining late, but always good to be here. #lrnchat
9:27:18 pm sillym0nkey: RT joe_deegan: I'm so over SCORM – SCORM is dead #lrnchat
9:27:24 pm bschlenker: RT @sillym0nkey: RT tmiket: SoMe gives me access to expertise that doesn't even exist internally The REAL value #lrnchat
9:27:25 pm valdiskrebs: RT it is futile 2 resist!
9:27:46 pm kelly_smith01: SCORM thinks it is to cool for school. They are so proud of themselves. #lrnchat
9:27:53 pm JaneBozarth: I’m going to pitch a reality show about slide rule- wielding control freaks named Roi. He works for SCORM, Inc. #lrnchat
9:28:01 pm nancyrubin: Do you tag your own personal content or just blog posts? How important is tagging in organizing info in your PLN? Still assessing. #lrnchat
9:28:02 pm espnguyen: Can we please leave AICC, SCORM, et al out of this? They’ll just cause things to break #lrnchat
9:28:04 pm bacigalupe: Q2 In a networked world, people connect to ppl like thmslves. What flows is at the edges of similarity (Boyd) #lrnchat
9:28:10 pm KevinDJones: Seriously, I think we spend too much time trying to take old notions to fit them in to the modern world. Time to think totally new. #lrnchat
9:28:14 pm krinhoh: YES RT lrnchat: RT @hamtra: The moment u RT r u part of the collective then? Contributing 2the hive.Maybe but in a good way #lrnchat
9:28:14 pm JaneBozarth: RT @KoreenOlbrish: RT @joe_deegan: Im so over SCORM #lrnchat
9:28:18 pm roninchef: @hamtra Yes! The RT passes the knowledge on and reaffirms the knowledge through repetition. The hive mind grows stronger. #lrnchat
9:28:20 pm kasey428: RT @joe_deegan: Im so over SCORM > I wish could be ‘so over SCORM’. Everything we do must be compliant. Darn. #lrnchat
9:28:24 pm espnguyen: @KevinDJones By the way, I miss the social learning strategies and trends podcast. #lrnchat
9:28:25 pm busynessgirl: Can we coin the phrase tweetborg here? #lrnchat
9:28:28 pm chrisstjohn: @sillym0nkey Wall Street Journal today reported that Outlook 2010 will have Twitter and Facebook built in. #lrnchat
9:28:31 pm instructron: Over time a SN may accrue outdated knowledge. Moderation of content necessary. #lrnchat
9:28:39 pm marciamarcia: Also for enterprise microsharing, Cubetree… #lrnchat
9:28:42 pm urbie: urbie@bschlenker in the small shops where i typically work the real value of SoMe is knowing there are others “out there” #lrnchat
9:28:44 pm tmiket: RT @espnguyen: Can we please leave AICC, SCORM, et al out of this? They’ll just cause things to break #lrnchat
9:28:45 pm JaneBozarth: LOL! RT @espnguyen: Can we please leave AICC, SCORM, et al out of this? Theyll just cause things to break #lrnchat
9:28:46 pm ethang: don’t worry i drank #lrnchat
9:28:49 pm krinhoh: you could say that…the grazers and gawkers RT @JaneBozarth: Is someone who never RTs then considered a knowledge hoarder? #lrnchat
9:28:53 pm lrnchat: RT @marciamarcia: Also for enterprise microsharing, Cubetree… #lrnchat
9:28:55 pm kellygarber: @dpeter @KoreenOlbrish if you all bring birds into that analogy we are going to have to expand the drinking list. #lrnchat
9:28:56 pm KevinDJones: RT @espnguyen: Can we please leave AICC, SCORM, et al out of this? They’ll just cause things to break #lrnchat > AMEN!
9:29:01 pm jkunrein: @Dave_Ferguson optimistic, but… SNs and COPs could cure knowledge hoarding b/c once you answer someone’s q, you’re the expert #lrnchat
9:29:02 pm kelly_smith01: I want one of those giant slide rules the math teacher used to have #lrnchat
9:29:08 pm krinhoh: LMAO RT @espnguyen: Can we please leave AICC, SCORM, et al out of this? They’ll just cause things to break #lrnchat
9:29:12 pm Mary_a_Myers: @JaneBozarth Roi is King (also so is Elvis) #lrnchat
9:29:12 pm sahana2802: RT @JaneBozarth I’m going to pitch a reality show about slide rule- wielding control freaks named Roi. He works for SCORM, Inc. #lrnchat πŸ™‚
9:29:18 pm tmiket: Does SCORM, AICC etc come with too much friction to be successful in SoMe realm? #lrnchat
9:29:23 pm chrisstjohn: RT @busynessgirl: Can we coin the phrase TWEETBORG here? #lrnchat
9:29:31 pm krinhoh: @nancyrubin tagging is critical for searchability and context in learning #lrnchat
9:29:32 pm JaneBozarth: @KevinDJones AND too much time acting as if things that have been around forever are brand-new. Think differently about that, too. #lrnchat
9:29:32 pm Dave_Ferguson: A RT is ‘hey, look at this.’ Some people, 90% of their RTs: their own stuff. Genius, or personality disorder? #lrnchat
9:29:35 pm sillym0nkey: RT JaneBozarth: I’m going 2 pitch reality show about slide rule- wielding control Roi, works 4 SCORM, Inc. Can I help? #lrnchat
9:29:35 pm BlakeGroup: Sorry all, gotta run. Great #lrnchat ! Thanks, @marciamarcia and @lrnchat
9:29:40 pm gminks: so the 90% lurkers are all info hoarders? #lrnchat
9:29:42 pm KevinDJones: @espnguyen Me too. Dave and I are going to start it up again when he gets back from the UK. #lrnchat
9:29:52 pm espnguyen: In fact, we should add SCORM to the list of words that make you take a drink during #lrnchat
9:29:56 pm chrisstjohn: i hope that is the start of a beautweetful relationship!! #lrnchat
9:29:58 pm dpeter: @nancyrubin: I do tag my blog posts. Easier to find and sort. SoMe seems to work better with some taxonomy of sorts #lrnchat
9:30:05 pm kelly_smith01: Getting back to IT. I still want to know more of the bandwidth chewing of SoMe #lrnchat
9:30:13 pm ajeanne: Let us not borgify the whole tweeting thing! #lrnchat
9:30:15 pm joe_deegan: SCORM in internal Social Media would promote internal spamming. #lrnchat
9:30:20 pm sillym0nkey: ROI just left the building #lrnchat
9:30:28 pm Mary_a_Myers: RT @Dave_Ferguson: A RT is hey, look at this. Some people, 90% of their RTs: their own stuff. Genius, or personality disorder? #lrnchat
9:30:31 pm nancyrubin: Examples of SM at use in orgs? Wikis for what? Project building, document collaboration, knowledge bases? Blogs for pers info? #lrnchat
9:30:41 pm JffZllr: Hive concept is only better if collective knowledge is greater than individual knowledge. #lrnchat
9:30:46 pm espnguyen: @KevinDJones Super! If you didn’t I was considering asking you for the rights to it πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
9:30:48 pm DavidAKnopf: SCORM, AICC, etc. not designed to measure things that SoMe is good at. #lrnchat
9:30:53 pm lrnchat: Q3) How can internal SNs impact relationships with partners and customers? Actions to take to improve the odds? #lrnchat
9:31:00 pm tmiket: @kelly_smith01 Ah default reason for IT to deny something…too much bandwith #lrnchat
9:31:01 pm ThomasStone: @espnguyen yeah, I know it has bad rap. But if we stray from most accurate word, we’ll regret it later. If there is better word, ok #lrnchat
9:31:01 pm Philip_Cummings: RT @SrtaOwens: QO “Children are likely to live up to what you believe in them.” Ladybird Johnson #lrnchat
9:31:14 pm marciamarcia: nahumg Learning could be indirect & thus hard to measure investment. Does that make investment not real? #lrnchat RT @nahumg
9:31:14 pm JaneBozarth: Sorry did I miss something? I was hiding some knowledge under the floorboards in the kitchen. #lrnchat
9:31:15 pm tmiket: RT @lrnchat: Q3) How can internal SNs impact relationships with partners and customers? Actions to take to improve the odds? #lrnchat
9:31:18 pm kellygarber: They take more from their network then they give. RT @gminks: so the 90% lurkers are all info hoarders? #lrnchat
9:31:24 pm dpeter: RT @lrnchat: Q3) How can internal SNs impact relationships with partners and customers? Actions to take to improve the odds? #lrnchat
9:31:30 pm StephanieDaul: Lurkers don’t feel empowered to speak #lrnchat
9:31:36 pm ErickTaft: Joining in on #lrnchat. #lrnchat
9:31:45 pm marciamarcia: Learning could be indirect & thus hard to measure investment. Does that make investment not real? #lrnchat RT @nahumg
9:31:46 pm krinhoh: Damn. Who just said we need to start thinking differently? That is DEAD ON! #lrnchat
9:31:47 pm ajeanne: RT @JaneBozarth: Sorry did I miss something? I was hiding some knowledge under the floorboards in the kitchen. #lrnchat
9:31:50 pm ErickTaft: RT @lrnchat: Q3) How can internal SNs impact relationships with partners and customers? Actions to take to improve the odds? #lrnchat
9:31:54 pm JaneBozarth: RT @lrnchat: Q3) How can internal SNs impact relationships with partners and customers? Actions to take to improve the odds? #lrnchat
9:31:56 pm espnguyen: RT @lrnchat: Q3) How can internal SNs impact relationships with partners and customers? Actions to take to improve the odds? #lrnchat
9:32:07 pm nancyrubin: Q3) Feature customers as Case Studies – showcase their successes along with yours #lrnchat
9:32:14 pm sillym0nkey: Q3) How can internal SNs impact relationships w/partners &customers? they can let us know they hear us #lrnchat
9:32:17 pm gminks: @kellygarber which nw? the online social nw, maybe, but what if they forward URLs, talk about content IRL…. #lrnchat
9:32:20 pm busynessgirl: RT @lrnchat: Q3) How can internal SNs impact relationships with partners and students? Actions to take to improve the odds? #lrnchat
9:32:21 pm chrisstjohn: RT @StephanieDaul: Lurkers don’t feel empowered to speak. (U have to watch the quiet ones in the back.) #lrnchat
9:32:22 pm ajeanne: RT @lrnchat: Q3) How can internal SNs impact relationships with partners and customers? Actions to take to improve the odds? #lrnchat
9:32:23 pm dpeter: Q3) How can internal SNs impact relationships with partners and customers? Improve communication, share expectations #lrnchat
9:32:33 pm joe_deegan: Q3) Internal social networks are the only way to maintain relationships with distant co workers #lrnchat
9:32:36 pm JaneBozarth: Q3 Yes can make for a better customer experience. I’d say “seamless” but people in #lrnchat would have to drink on that #lrnchat
9:32:38 pm Dave_Ferguson: “Lurker” ain’t a bad thing, necessarily. Some folks need a while to choose to dip a toe in. #lrnchat
9:32:50 pm ErickTaft: Q3) I can’t get my job done without internal SNs whether they are through microsharing, in-person, etc. #lrnchat
9:32:55 pm KoreenOlbrish: Exactly. RT @DavidAKnopf: SCORM, AICC, etc. not designed to measure things that SoMe is good at. #lrnchat
9:33:00 pm urbie: does SN have a change management component? #lrnchat
9:33:10 pm KevinDJones: @marciamarcia My fave: What is the ROI of putting your pants on in the morning #lrnchat (Don’t remember who said that.)
9:33:15 pm krinhoh: Right. How do we turn them from lurkers into actives? RT @StephanieDaul: Lurkers don’t feel empowered to speak #lrnchat
9:33:18 pm allonsdanser: #lrnchat something to soothe your SCORM soul. EBSCOhost: Role-Based Design: A Contemporary Perspective for Innovation in Instruction…
9:33:20 pm ThomasStone: RT @tmiket: @krinhoh Down with knowledge hoarders! #lrnchat
9:33:23 pm busynessgirl: Need a graphic designer out there to take the twitter bird and make it into a cube to represent the tweetborg. #lrnchat
9:33:24 pm gminks: Q3 internal SNs can accelerate learning about competitive issues, this can be spread to all orgs at 1 time #lrnchat
9:33:27 pm jkunrein: RT @lrnchat: Q3) How can internal SNs impact relationships with partners and customers? Actions to take to improve the odds? #lrnchat
9:33:29 pm krinhoh: @ErickTaft Welcome #lrnchat
9:33:36 pm kelly_smith01: Use SN to share knowledge of customers or partners or industry from past/present experience #lrnchat
9:33:37 pm roninchef: @JaneBozarth I get all Howard Hughes with my info. I keep it in pickle jars and empty kleenex boxes. #lrnchat
9:33:39 pm DavidAKnopf: Q3) Simple: better internal communication means better external communication. #lrnchat
9:33:47 pm ErickTaft: @Dave_Ferguson Good analogy – I used that recently in a presentation to a local ASTD chapter. #lrnchat
9:33:49 pm JaneBozarth: @KoreenOlbrish Don’t you think lots of things are measures for the sake of measures? #lrnchat
9:33:53 pm espnguyen: @Dave_Ferguson I’ve had great in person interactions with lurkers as a result of their experience lurking on SoMe #lrnchat
9:33:59 pm ajeanne: Q3) You can ask your customers what they want. You could do that already, but you can add a little immediacy & collaboration. #lrnchat
9:34:00 pm busynessgirl: Q3 Only helps with customer/student experience if they are participants in that social network (sometimes a small fraction). #lrnchat
9:34:00 pm krinhoh: @StephanieDaul often it’s the lurkers that either have the information or most need it #lrnchat
9:34:06 pm sillym0nkey: just found out my app is ready for sale! sorry to go off subject but I am psyched! “#lrnchat
9:34:07 pm wlonline: RT @gminks: Q3 internal SNs can accelerate learning about competitive issues, this can be spread to all orgs at 1 time #lrnchat
9:34:13 pm dpeter: Q3 What IS an internal SN? Office-mate? Email list? Phone number? #lrnchat
9:34:19 pm urbie: are there barriers (firewall, etc) to SN with external peeps? #lrnchat
9:34:20 pm KoreenOlbrish: Q3. SNs allow you to show your customers you’re human. that counts for a lot. #lrnchat
9:34:21 pm denniscallahan: @Dave_Ferguson: agree. Listening can be social too. #lrnchat
9:34:22 pm chrisstjohn: “I just love having knowledge.” Malika Obama via POTUS.#lrnchat
9:34:29 pm Schnicker: Just in! (Friday long lunch) Catching up on tweets.. #lrnchat
9:34:30 pm kasey428: Q3 We use a collaborative space (via a platform similar to SharePoint) where we can interact w/clients on projects. It is OK. #lrnchat
9:34:32 pm kellygarber: @gminks they are giving back just via different avenues-but if covert, and the network doesn’t know, can it *damage* their SN rep? #lrnchat
9:34:49 pm KevinDJones: @DavidAKnopf Yep. Better communication overall is a culture. If it happens in, it will happen out as well. #lrnchat
9:34:50 pm JaneBozarth: RT @chrisstjohn: “I just love having knowledge.” Malika Obama via POTUS.#lrnchat #lrnchat
9:34:51 pm gminks: Lurkers don’t have to speak to be active. Lurking is an action! #lrnchat
9:34:51 pm kelly_smith01: Use SNs to share information on business processes 4 customers/partners or industry 4 product development/customer service #lrnchat
9:35:05 pm nancyrubin: Q3) Use SNs to inform employees about company info, have Q and A section, CEOs are blogging – doing YouTube broadcast ala Obama #lrnchat
9:35:10 pm minutebio: SN – customer following and learning Company culture, Company staff can learn customer culture…and needs too #lrnchat
9:35:13 pm busynessgirl: @KoreenOlbrish Unless, of course, you are part of the tweetborg. #lrnchat
9:35:18 pm NahumG: @moehlert @marciamarcia @krinhoh In open world-social is more spontaneous than in organizations-Soc networks in orgs can rely on $ #lrnchat
9:35:18 pm gminks: @kellygarber if they are lurkers do they *care* about a sn rep? #lrnchat
9:35:20 pm Dave_Ferguson: RT @gminks: Lurkers dont have to speak to be active. Lurking is an action! #lrnchat
9:35:21 pm espnguyen: RT @gminks: Lurkers don’t have to speak to be active. Lurking is an action! #lrnchat
9:35:46 pm StephanieDaul: How do you measure lurking as participating? #lrnchat
9:35:53 pm ajeanne: Depends, @urbie, on the org. RT @urbie: are there barriers (firewall, etc) to SN with external peeps? #lrnchat
9:35:53 pm espnguyen: @Schnicker Welcome! #lrnchat
9:35:55 pm krinhoh: yes. but must speak sometime. it’s a balance RT @denniscallahan: @Dave_Ferguson: agree. Listening can be social too. #lrnchat
9:35:56 pm dpeter: RT @gminks: Lurkers dont have to speak to be active. Lurking is an action! – Lurking is STILL active learning. Cognitive processing #lrnchat
9:36:03 pm Mary_a_Myers: RT @KoreenOlbrish: Q3. SNs allow you to show your customers youre human. that counts for a lot. #lrnchat
9:36:12 pm ThomasStone: I don’t get why knowledge hoarders fear SN / Web 2.0 tools. They make it quite transparent who shared an idea first. Archived. #lrnchat
9:36:13 pm jadekaz: Q3 SN can increase sales through “micro”-local focused marketing (e.g., restaurant announcing a special to followers) #lrnchat
9:36:25 pm sillym0nkey: RTnancyrubin: Q3) Use SNs 2 inform employees about company info, QA section, CEOs are blogging… #lrnchat
9:36:34 pm JaneBozarth: Q3 Who is it that I just read about making such good use of SNs/customers? Was it Hewlett-Packard, maybe? Don’t remember. #lrnchat
9:36:41 pm KevinDJones: RT @StephanieDaul: How do you measure lurking as participating? #lrnchat> Why would you measure that?
9:36:42 pm zaana: Internal social networks increase feedback loops in th org; without -th org cannot learn & will fail 2 adapt #lrnchat (via @hjarche @marigo)
9:36:46 pm Dave_Ferguson: Do remember that not all social networks are 2.0. Hallways, phone, email, etc. have served many well for a long time… #lrnchat
9:36:49 pm Schnicker: @espnguyen thanks :o) #lrnchat
9:36:50 pm kellygarber: Good point-maybe they aren’t aware? SN etiquette training? :)RT @gminks: if they are lurkers do they *care* about a sn rep? #lrnchat
9:36:52 pm bacigalupe: Q3: Assume yr professional & personal life will merge online #hcsm (thx @cindythroop @MeredithGould @BFFox) #lrnchat
9:36:58 pm bschlenker: RT @KevinDJones: @marciamarcia My fave: What is the ROI of putting your pants on in the morning #lrnchat (Don’t remember who said that.)LOL
9:37:00 pm TBsocialmedia: Social media doesn’t replace relationship building RT@Mary_a_Myers i agree with @hjarche the theme of trust is huge.. #lrnchat
9:37:04 pm jkunrein: okay, back to uCern example: custs share custom code w/ each other, making the co’s products more valuable FOR the company #lrnchat
9:37:07 pm hamtra: @ThomasStone Great point. (Web 2.0 tools. They make it quite transparent who shared an idea first. Archived. #lrnchat)
9:37:13 pm JaneBozarth: @ThomasStone But then someone else would know what they know. #lrnchat
9:37:16 pm NahumG: @moehlert @marciamarcia @krinhoh Part 2: e.g., community management requires investment. Same 4 develop soc tools 4 the enterprise #lrnchat
9:37:17 pm Dave_Ferguson: …the Vatican had email more than 20 years ago. (My employer at the time supplied it.) #lrnchat
9:37:25 pm tmiket: Knowledge hoarders don’t want anyone else to be seen as smarter than them…usually doesn’t work tho does it? #lrnchat
9:37:28 pm ThomasStone: @marciamarcia Do you have or know of any comparison charts for SocialCast vs. Yammer? #lrnchat
9:37:29 pm roninchef: @gminks That depends on the network. I lurk GameFAQs forums for info. But I do not want to partake in that conversation. #lrnchat
9:37:32 pm allonsdanser: #lrnchat. Again. Balm for the Scorm soul.
9:37:46 pm kelly_smith01: No use hoarding knowledge unless others know you have knowledge not much value in hoarding unless you share #lrnchat
9:37:47 pm gminks: @kellygarber you can’t force ppl to connect to a SN. They connect in the way that makes sense for them. Show lurkers love #lrnchat
9:37:53 pm wlonline: @JaneBozarth Dell was one #lrnchat
9:38:02 pm busynessgirl: There have been times that I’ve blogged JUST because I knew someone else was getting close to the same idea. #lrnchat
9:38:24 pm gminks: RT @Dave_Ferguson: Do remember that not all social networks are 2.0. Hallways, phone, email, have served many well for a long time #lrnchat
9:38:32 pm Mary_a_Myers: Scary are these thoughts. RT @JaneBozarth: @ThomasStone But then someone else would know what they know. #lrnchat
9:38:35 pm JaneBozarth: @gminks mmmmmmm…. I have a hard time loving the lurkers. #lrnchat
9:38:46 pm kasey428: RT @busynessgirl: There have been times that Ive blogged JUST because I knew someone else was getting close to the same idea. #lrnchat
9:39:04 pm krinhoh: sometimes it’s the grassroots actions that bring enuff attention for investment 2 occur #lrnchat
9:39:06 pm chrisstjohn: @jadekaz Can be done using location-based marketing, ie walking by a Starbucks = announcing specials on your iPhone. #lrnchat
9:39:08 pm tmiket: @JaneBozarth Lurkers are people too #lrnchat
9:39:12 pm KoreenOlbrish: I worked for a tech company that had an annual “user’s conference” to get their customers together…now you can do that every day #lrnchat
9:39:12 pm kellygarber: Q3 how many of us know when we are on a conf. call and people on the call are participating in side chats? Damage to ext.? #lrnchat
9:39:17 pm ldanakos: RT @gminks: Lurkers don’t have to speak to be active. Lurking is an action! #lrnchat <I prefer this when new to get feel for environment
9:39:21 pm ajeanne: @Dave_Ferguson Oh, you're such a Luddite, with your telephones & stuff. πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
9:39:22 pm lyford: RT @Dave_Ferguson: Do remember that not all social networks are 2.0. Hallways, phone, email, have served many well for a long time #lrnchat
9:39:24 pm instructron: Without lurkers, we may end up with information overload. #lrnchat
9:39:35 pm KevinDJones: @gminks So true. It is like we are trying to force culture, community and sociality. Guide it, adv. it, but don't force it. #lrnchat
9:39:42 pm JaneBozarth: @tmiket I'm not so sure. How can I tell if all they do is lurk? #lrnchat
9:39:47 pm kelly_smith01: HP had something on SN also Nokia – need to review transcript @JaneBozarth #lrnchat
9:39:52 pm sillym0nkey: RT bschlenker: RT @KevinDJones: @marciamarcia fave: What is ROI of putting ur pants on nthe morning #lrnchat ( who said that.)LOL
9:39:55 pm espnguyen: Q3) I think our internal SNs have the ability to connect previously disparate BUs that worked with the same customer #lrnchat
9:39:55 pm dpeter: @JaneBozarth There's always time needed to process, evaluate, reflect and then … do something. #lrnchat
9:40:03 pm gminks: @KoreenOlbrish that's one of the things the community I manage does! πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
9:40:12 pm ValerieRoberts: RT @nancyrubin: Q3) Use SNs to inform employees about co info, have Q & A sec, CEOs are blogging-doing YouTube broadcast ala Obama #lrnchat
9:40:15 pm jjjohnson01: @chrisstjohn Msft & Outlook virtually killed NNTP; I have confidence they will find a way to screw up Twitter/Facebook interface, 2 #lrnchat
9:40:16 pm Dave_Ferguson: @ajeanne Guess the approximate year of the first wireless phone call… #lrnchat
9:40:32 pm SuzNet: Lurkers may be just be waiting to have something new to say #lrnchat
9:40:32 pm bschlenker: @sillym0nkey congrats! That must be exciting. Go ahead and send a link. #lrnchat
9:40:40 pm JaneBozarth: Not just picking on them– actually have experienced a couple of real instances of problems caused by lurkers #lrnchat
9:40:42 pm gminks: @JaneBozarth but the lurkers love you…or they wouldn't stay around to lurk πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
9:40:50 pm KevinDJones: @KoreenOlbrish Us, too. But when they got back home, it was business as usual and they forgot all about connecting and sharing. #lrnchat
9:40:53 pm Dave_Ferguson: @instructron Without lurkers, the world would be filled with shaved-headed social media guys at TED. #lrnchat
9:41:07 pm sillym0nkey: RT lyford: RT @Dave_Ferguson: Remember not all social networks r 2.0. Hallways, phone, email, served many well 4 long time #lrnchat
9:41:09 pm krinhoh: @moehlert I agree, Tim. But they also need credibility. Acknowledge the value. #lrnchat
9:41:17 pm ErickTaft: @espnguyen And do they use it? Or do they prefer the old channels? #lrnchat
9:41:26 pm lrnchat: RT @moehlert: @marciamarcia @krinhoh @nahumg I dunno. I think "community" needs us 2 get out of way more than "manage" -connections #lrnchat
9:41:30 pm sillym0nkey: RT Dave_Ferguson: @instructron Without lurkers, the world would be filled with shaved-headed social media guys at TED. #lrnchat
9:41:32 pm JaneBozarth: @gminks How is lurking not knowledge hoarding? #lrnchat
9:41:41 pm jjjohnson01: Q3 – when they forget to mute the phone? Disruptive for other participants. #lrnchat
9:41:42 pm joe_deegan: RT @Dave_Ferguson: @instructron Without lurkers, the world would be filled with shaved-headed social media guys at TED. #lrnchat
9:41:47 pm kasey428: @gminks Agree. We encourage, but can't force SN. When SN becames a dictate, it is doomed to fail. #lrnchat
9:41:56 pm lrnchat: RT @moehlert: @instructron "info overload" is just a code for bad info design that I can't change (IMHO) #lrnchat
9:41:58 pm busynessgirl: @Dave_Ferguson Uh oh, if I get in to TED, do I have to shave my head? #lrnchat
9:42:05 pm ThomasStone: @Dave_Ferguson a RT of your own tweet is a retweet in name only. A nominal re-tweet. Pathetic. #lrnchat
9:42:10 pm dpeter: Are lurkers another form of back channeling? We never hear them, but they've got to be doing something, right? #lrnchat
9:42:19 pm krinhoh: bless the lurkers. but they are smart! RT @gminks: @JaneBozarth but the lurkers love you…or they wouldn't stay around to lurk πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
9:42:20 pm denniscallahan: @kelly_smith01: The perceived power of hoarding knowledge is that "they can't do it w/out you" #lrnchat
9:42:20 pm JaneBozarth: RT @lrnchat RT @moehlert: @marciamarcia I dunno. I think "community" needs us 2 get out of way more than "manage" -connections #lrnchat
9:42:22 pm jadekaz: Q3 In a CoP, lurkers are the reason for "experts" at the top to be involved and support the newbies. Encourage participation. #lrnchat
9:42:26 pm ajeanne: 1926? RT @Dave_Ferguson: @ajeanne Guess the approximate year of the first wireless phone call… #lrnchat
9:42:28 pm kellygarber: @gminks IMO-networks are about a give/take-you can lurk but if you limit what you give, you will have less to take. #lrnchat
9:42:30 pm Dave_Ferguson: @JaneBozarth Lurking, from Lawrence Berra: you can observe a lot just by watching. #lrnchat
9:42:30 pm gminks: @JaneBozarth I think lurkers share. Just not in the same network. #lrnchat
9:42:34 pm StephanieDaul: RT @Dave_Ferguson: Do remember that not all social networks are 2.0. Hallways, phone, email, have served many well for a long time #lrnchat
9:42:34 pm tmiket: Agreed RT @kasey428: @gminks Agree. We encourage, but can't force SN. When SN becames a dictate, it is doomed to fail. #lrnchat
9:42:38 pm chrisstjohn: Evolve dammit! EVOLVE! #lrnchat
9:42:38 pm bschlenker: @Schnicker I KNEW we were missing someone tonight! Glad you're here, we've missed you #lrnchat
9:42:39 pm espnguyen: @ErickTaft It's taking some time, but I we're seeing potential #lrnchat
9:42:45 pm allonsdanser: @dpeter So true.I lurked #edchat for a while b4 participating.Same with #lrnchat. Lurking has value.SNs facilitate it.eventual participation
9:42:45 pm roninchef: @instructron Lurkers are just using the network to gather info like reading a textbook. That's how I lurk at least. #lrnchat
9:43:11 pm kelly_smith01: Make a friend of a lurker. Take a lurker to lunch. Buy them a Starbucks card. Friend them on FB. #lrnchat
9:43:12 pm KevinDJones: Did you all see the backchannel tweeting at #w20 this week on Tuesday? It was bad. #lrnchat
9:43:13 pm lyford: RT @gminks: @JaneBozarth I think lurkers share. Just not in the same network. #lrnchat
9:43:14 pm kasey428: RT @ThomasStone: @Dave_Ferguson a RT of your own tweet is a retweet in name only. A nominal re-tweet. Pathetic. #lrnchat
9:43:17 pm ErickTaft: @JaneBozarth @gminks Some may choose to not participate rather than lurk. They are the ultimate knowledge hoarders. #lrnchat
9:43:26 pm gminks: RT @Dave_Ferguson: @instructron Without lurkers, the world would be filled with shaved-headed social media guys at TED. #lrnchat
9:43:37 pm JaneBozarth: Really– did a study about a CoP– eventually the more active contributors got tired of the lurkers never sharing anything. #lrnchat
9:43:38 pm joe_deegan: I’m fine with lurkers. They just make me look like an expert. #lrnchat
9:43:51 pm ajeanne: There are some people one might wish would lurk forever & never type a public word. πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
9:43:56 pm SrtaOwens: @Dave_Ferguson The first wireless phone call was in 1973…yes? #lrnchat
9:44:00 pm dpeter: @allonsdanser Yup. Lurking encourages participation — eventually! Patience is a VIRTUE #lrnchat
9:44:16 pm urbie: @StephanieDaul don’t forget the message in a bottle form of SN. #lrnchat
9:44:19 pm nancyrubin: Most SN projects (just like others) require guidelines for success…they are just tools. Newbies need incentives/ideas to start #lrnchat
9:44:19 pm espnguyen: RT @joe_deegan: I’m fine with lurkers. They just make me look like an expert. #lrnchat
9:44:20 pm jjjohnson01: Agreed. Which helps spread the “word.” RT: @gminks @JaneBozarth I think lurkers share. Just not in the same network. #lrnchat
9:44:20 pm chrisleblanc: Lurkers don’t have to speak to be active. Lurking is an action! #lrnchat (via @gminks) I’m in lurking acquisition mode = listening
9:44:29 pm kelly_smith01: Am a a lurker if I am watching “the Birds” while in #lrnchat #lrnchat
9:44:34 pm krinhoh: @ErickTaft Then again, they may be taking the information back to other. Thus, supporting the process #lrnchat
9:44:35 pm sillym0nkey: I have been a lurker and then got very involved with groups in the past. people lurk for different reasons #lrnchat
9:44:36 pm Schnicker: @bschlenker Thanks! Here now, was out at Friday lunch :o) #lrnchat
9:44:41 pm SueSchnorr: you can’t ‘stereotype’ lurkers. One may be quiet because of lack of knowledge to share, taking it in, & 1 day providing insights #lrnchat
9:44:59 pm bschlenker: @StephanieDaul web intranet tracking tools can help track both actives AND lurkers #lrnchat
9:45:02 pm ajeanne: In Europe, radio telephony was first used on the first-class passenger trains between Berlin and Hamburg in 1926. #lrnchat
9:45:06 pm gminks: RT @espnguyen: RT @joe_deegan: Im fine with lurkers. They just make me look like an expert. #lrnchat
9:45:08 pm rmyardley: SN impacts partners and customers when trust is built. See impact of trust on GDP per capita. See #lrnchat
9:45:21 pm wlonline: @chrisleblanc I think lurkers are perhaps reflecting… #lrnchat
9:45:41 pm KoreenOlbrish: just realized i’ve been lurking on this lurkers conversation. #lrnchat
9:45:42 pm JaneBozarth: @kelly_smith01 Yes, and you’re multitasking, and lots of research says that’s not possible. So stop it. #lrnchat
9:45:44 pm kelly_smith01: What will Clark say about the frequency of the word “lurkers” tonight? #lrnchat
9:45:47 pm ErickTaft: @krinhoh The lurker taking the knowledge back to non-participant. Hmmm.. #lrnchat
9:45:51 pm allonsdanser: @sillym0nkey #lrnchat One must lurk before running off at the tweet.
9:45:55 pm NahumG: @moehlert @marciamarcia @krinhoh From my work experience, within orgs it’s different from the open world- but sometimes similar #lrnchat
9:45:57 pm Dave_Ferguson: @SrtaOwens Close. You’re only off by 93 years. #lrnchat
9:45:58 pm Mary_a_Myers: i lurk, you lurk, they lurk, we lurk…(sung to the tune of Shebop) #lrnchat
9:46:06 pm sillym0nkey: RT SueSchnorr: ucan’t ‘stereotype’ lurkers. May b quiet because of lack of knowledge 2share, taking it n, OR just quiets #lrnchat
9:46:07 pm kellygarber: no, you are a multi-tasker! RT @kelly_smith01: Am a a lurker if I am watching “the Birds” while in #lrnchat #lrnchat
9:46:12 pm KevinDJones: Trust is the currency of socializing – on or offline. #lrnchat
9:46:16 pm krinhoh: @so 2 be clear.we do love the lurkers. But we want 2 make sure they’re getting what they need. And giving the oppty 2 contribute. #lrnchat
9:46:29 pm dpeter: RT @wlonline: @chrisleblanc I think lurkers are perhaps reflecting… – yes, critically reflecting! #lrnchat
9:46:33 pm roninchef: In defense of lurking- #lrnchat
9:46:44 pm mrch0mp3rs: #lrnchat hey everybody!
9:46:48 pm gminks: I think lurker has a societal negative connotation – silly participation inequality rule! #lrnchat
9:46:51 pm krinhoh: But that’s not bad…if it’s info they need RT @ErickTaft: @krinhoh The lurker taking the knowledge back to non-participant. Hmmm.. #lrnchat
9:46:51 pm busynessgirl: With a lurk lurk here and a lurk lurk there … here a lurk, there a lurk, everywhere a lurk lurk … #lrnchat
9:46:53 pm wlonline: When time is right, some lurkers won’t lurk and will be ready contribute #lrnchat
9:46:53 pm tmiket: RT @KevinDJones: Trust is the currency of socializing – on or offline. #lrnchat
9:46:58 pm krinhoh: RT @KevinDJones: Trust is the currency of socializing – on or offline. #lrnchat
9:46:59 pm kelly_smith01: I came, I saw, I lurked #lrnchat
9:47:01 pm sillym0nkey: KoreenOlbrish: just realized i’ve been lurking on this lurkers conversation. — ha #lrnchat
9:47:05 pm Schnicker: Lurkers might just want to absorb more info, before voicing an opinion #lrnchat
9:47:12 pm Dave_Ferguson: Lurkers: some study; some adopt; some just snooze. But you don’t know how many there are, nor why, so why worry? #lrnchat
9:47:15 pm krinhoh: @kellygarber OMG The Birds is on? #lrnchat
9:47:25 pm wlonline: Have you never lurked? #lrnchat
9:47:30 pm planetrussell: Chance the Gardener from _Being There_ does #lrnchat: “I like to lurk.” (I sure did before participating.)
9:47:31 pm ajeanne: I’ve been in f2f meetings where we were all better off if a few attendees said nothing at all… why different on line? #lrnchat
9:47:32 pm dpeter: RT @KevinDJones: Trust is the currency of socializing – on or offline. #lrnchat
9:47:38 pm nancyrubin: Use polls to encourage lurkers to contribute to conversation. Interactive polls are a good way to gauge “temperature” on an issue. #lrnchat
9:47:40 pm roninchef: @mrch0mp3rs Hi mrch0mp3rs! #lrnchat
9:47:51 pm KoreenOlbrish: @Schnicker @mrch0mp3rs hey you two πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
9:47:53 pm krinhoh: agreed RT @Schnicker: Lurkers might just want to absorb more info, before voicing an opinion #lrnchat
9:47:57 pm gminks: @mrch0mp3rs have you been lurking! #lrnchat
9:48:13 pm KevinDJones: Many lurkers lurk because they don’t want to speak up and look stupid. #lrnchat
9:48:15 pm mbogle: @wlonline I’m lurking right now πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
9:48:17 pm Mary_a_Myers: what was the question again? (welcome @mrch0mp3rs) #lrnchat
9:48:27 pm gminks: some lurkers may not be in a position to speak. #lrnchat
9:48:30 pm chrisstjohn: RT @mrch0mp3rs: #lrnchat hey everybody! (Speaking of lurkers… :)) ) #lrnchat
9:48:32 pm espnguyen: I used to wonder what value lurkers had until a lurker told me they liked what I post on Yammer πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
9:48:35 pm joe_deegan: Can I get that printed on a shirt? RT @kelly_smith01: I came, I saw, I lurked #lrnchat
9:48:37 pm Dave_Ferguson: I don’t lurk so much as lollygag. #lrnchat
9:48:37 pm kasey428: RT @KevinDJones: Trust is the currency of socializing – on or offline. #lrnchat
9:48:55 pm lrnchat: @nahumg @krinhoh @marciamarcia #lrnchat @KoreenOlbrish had grt pnt at #dl09 re combining personal & professional 2 create human connection
9:49:02 pm bschlenker: RT @gminks: @JaneBozarth I think lurkers share. Just not in the same network. #lrnchat << great point! I lurk in some share in others
9:49:02 pm mrch0mp3rs: @gminks #lrnchat just got the kids in bed. No lurking for me.
9:49:04 pm gminks: participation inequality: #lrnchat
9:49:05 pm Dave_Ferguson: @KevinDJones No problem. There are TONS of experts willing to speak up and BE stupid. #lrnchat
9:49:11 pm KoreenOlbrish: @KevinDJones ha, i've never been afraid of looking stupid…often to my detriment #lrnchat
9:49:34 pm jadekaz: lurking is a natural part of the learning curve. #lrnchat
9:49:35 pm roninchef: @wlonline From that link. At absolute best maybe 20% of the regular visitors are contributors. Via CBC Spark #lrnchat
9:49:47 pm JaneBozarth: Well I think then we must spread the love and assume knowledge hoarders are just like lurkers, too. #lrnchat
9:49:49 pm busynessgirl: Come to think of it, I think we have a lot of "lurkers" in the classroom. There, but not participating. #lrnchat
9:49:51 pm chrisleblanc: @chrisleblanc I think lurkers are perhaps reflecting… #lrnchat (via @wlonline) πŸ™‚ *nod* affirmative
9:49:51 pm gminks: @mbogle we know the way to get you to stop working is to start talking about blackboard #lrnchat
9:50:02 pm Mary_a_Myers: RT @kasey428: RT @KevinDJones: Trust is the currency of socializing – on or offline. #lrnchat
9:50:05 pm KevinDJones: @Dave_Ferguson Agreed, but that is a roadblock for too many. Hey, look at me – I'm with ya, @koreenolbrish ! #lrnchat
9:50:10 pm KoreenOlbrish: yes, agree… RT @jadekaz: lurking is a natural part of the learning curve. #lrnchat
9:50:21 pm kasey428: @wlonline Yes, I have lurked and I felt like a Peeping Tom. #lrnchat
9:50:21 pm bschlenker: RT @chrisstjohn: Evolve dammit! EVOLVE! #lrnchat << is dammit or evolve in the drinking game?
9:50:29 pm tmiket: @KoreenOlbrish If you're afraid of looking dumb will you EVER look smart? #lrnchat
9:50:30 pm lrnchat: Qwrap) Time to reintroduce yourself. Links welcome. What can we help you with? #lrnchat
9:50:36 pm krinhoh: @moehlert oh my heavens…it's all 24/7…personal & prof are ONE..we are who we are…yes, human connection! #lrnchat
9:50:41 pm chrisstjohn: RT @wired: Can an unannounced product be delayed? Sure β€” if it's an Apple iTablet #lrnchat
9:50:50 pm roninchef: @Dave_Ferguson I like to think of it as browsing. I am using a browser after all. #lrnchat
9:50:54 pm espnguyen: Absolutely! RT @busynessgirl: Come to think of it, we have a lot of "lurkers" in the classroom. There, but not participating. #lrnchat
9:50:57 pm urbie: @KoreenOlbrish maybe it's because they don't have anything to say: they don't know what they don't know #lrnchat
9:50:59 pm StephanieDaul: Or aren't comfortable with format #lrnchat
9:51:01 pm kelly_smith01: I have lurked. Good way to get and evaluate information or situation #lrnchat
9:51:03 pm Dave_Ferguson: @JaneBozarth I didn't really hoard that knowledge about 1st wireless phone call… but I did hide it long ago on my blog. #lrnchat
9:51:04 pm instructron: What methods encourage shy lurkers to participate? Anonymous rating/commenting? #lrnchat
9:51:05 pm KevinDJones: But in trad. training done poorly, all you have are lurkers – it was encouraged. #lrnchat
9:51:16 pm chrisstjohn: @bschlenker Okay, okay. I'll get another glass of wine. #lrnchat
9:51:17 pm JaneBozarth: I'm sorry, did I miss anything? I was unfriending learners on Facebook. #lrnchat
9:51:18 pm ajeanne: I want my Apple iTablet!!! #lrnchat
9:51:21 pm ThomasStone: I don't mind lots of lurkers. Afterall, SNs are not AA meetings, where everyone has to talk and tell their story. #lrnchat
9:51:26 pm KoreenOlbrish: @tmiket if you're never afraid of looking dumb, will you ever look smart? πŸ˜‰ #lrnchat
9:51:37 pm mrch0mp3rs: #lrnchat was just talking about phases of community maturity with @StephanieDaul today. Lurking is a first step.
9:51:40 pm krinhoh: these wl B some of your smartest people RT @tmiket: @KoreenOlbrish If you're afraid of looking dumb will you EVER look smart? #lrnchat
9:51:40 pm SueSchnorr: lurkers have introverted preference 4chatting. Think 1st, reflect be4 'talking', vs. extroverted chatters who type as they think! #lrnchat
9:51:41 pm jadekaz: RT @KevinDJones: But in trad. training done poorly, all you have are lurkers – it was encouraged. #lrnchat
9:51:49 pm Schnicker: @KoreenOlbrish hello! :o) lurking on lurking, ha.. love it #lrnchat
9:51:52 pm chet_stevenson: Regarding Social Media, How can you overcome an organizational fear of negative/shared input from customers? #lrnchat
9:51:59 pm dpeter: Qwrap) Dave Peter, Director Center for Teaching/Learning, Vincennes University, Indiana – GREAT chat tonight #lrnchat
9:52:12 pm trcuth: RT @KevinDJones: Trust is the currency of socializing – on or offline. #lrnchat
9:52:16 pm sillym0nkey: RT instructron: What methods encourage shy lurkers 2participate? Anonymous rating/commenting? YES &positive reinforcement #lrnchat
9:52:16 pm ajeanne: Some people don't have anything to say, so they lurk. Or, they are learning how to participate in a new venue, so they watch. #lrnchat
9:52:22 pm busynessgirl: I write a blog at (not just math, also ed tech, future of higher ed, and various musings) #lrnchat
9:52:30 pm ErickTaft: @instructron Provide them with a back channel like SoMe, or a hallway conversation. #lrnchat
9:52:31 pm krinhoh: RT @ThomasStone: I don't mind lots of lurkers. Afterall, SNs are not AA meetings, where everyone has to talk and tell their story. #lrnchat
9:52:35 pm Dave_Ferguson: In traditional training done poorly, you don't have lurkers; you have victims. #lrnchat
9:52:36 pm KevinDJones: @instructron To get lurkers talking think about how you would do it in real life… #lrnchat
9:52:42 pm sillym0nkey: RT instructron: What methods encourage shy lurkers to participate? no mean people allowed! #lrnchat
9:52:51 pm roninchef: @JaneBozarth I see what you did there. With that call back. Good, very good. #lrnchat
9:52:52 pm bschlenker: RT @mbogle: @wlonline I'm lurking right now πŸ™‚ #lrnchat << nuh uh! You just participated πŸ˜‰
9:52:54 pm dpeter: Thinking more about the value of participation in ANY SN or CoP – and what constitutes REAL participation #lrnchat
9:52:56 pm krinhoh: send 1 plsRT @dpeter: Qwrap) Dave Peter, Director Center for Teaching/Learning, Vincennes University, Indiana – GREAT chat tonight #lrnchat
9:53:00 pm ErickTaft: RT @Dave_Ferguson: In traditional training done poorly, you dont have lurkers; you have victims. #lrnchat
9:53:01 pm chrisstjohn: Chris St.John. Exec Dir Pres' Council of Inspectors Gen Training Acad. I love knowledge! #lrnchat
9:53:02 pm kelly_smith01: Kelly Smith, past-lurker, ISD for hire, Texas, recovering from #learntrends #lrnchat
9:53:09 pm tmiket: RT @Dave_Ferguson: In traditional training done poorly, you don't have lurkers; you have victims. #lrnchat
9:53:09 pm minutebio: Been great. Jeff, e-Learning Guy – Baltimore #lrnchat
9:53:12 pm espnguyen: @erickttaft Yeah, I guess a lurkers back channel is in person #lrnchat
9:53:15 pm lrnchat: RT @Dave_Ferguson: In traditional training done poorly, you don't have lurkers; you have victims. #lrnchat
9:53:21 pm urbie: in effective communication what's the ratio of talking to listening [lurking]? #lrnchat
9:53:22 pm gminks: & they only lurk in the classroom RT @Dave_Ferguson: In traditional training done poorly, you dont have lurkers; you have victims. #lrnchat
9:53:26 pm kasey428: RT @Dave_Ferguson: In traditional training done poorly, you dont have lurkers; you have victims. #lrnchat
9:53:38 pm mrch0mp3rs: #lrnchat Aaron Silvers, Chicago. Learning Strategist, straight outta #dl09 and coming at ya soon at #iitsec09
9:53:42 pm Dave_Ferguson: Dave Ferguson, Wash-DC area (lrnchat meetup week of 11/30); need to know more re org internal comm strategy. #lrnchat
9:53:44 pm ThomasStone: LOL RT @ajeanne: There are some people one might wish would lurk forever & never type a public word. πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
9:53:52 pm KevinDJones: @dpeter Real Participation is individualized – whatever works for that person #lrnchat
9:53:56 pm sillym0nkey: RT kasey428: RT @Dave_Ferguson: In traditional training done poorly, you dont have lurkers; you have victims. #lrnchat
9:54:05 pm urbie: urbie, id @ unlv #lrnchat
9:54:06 pm nancyrubin: Over and out in So Fla…see you on the beach tomorrow…virtually or in person πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
9:54:09 pm KevinDJones: RT @tmiket: RT @Dave_Ferguson: In traditional training done poorly, you don't have lurkers; you have victims. #lrnchat
9:54:10 pm JaneBozarth: RDU, Pompatus of love & world's oldest Millenial. #lrnchat Next book, mid-2010 "Social Media in Training" http://bozarthzone.blogspot&#8230;
9:54:12 pm Mary_a_Myers: I'm Mary, in Kingston, knowledge worker, non-hoarder of knowledge, working for the weekend, and my smithwicks is almost done. #lrnchat
9:54:15 pm busynessgirl: RT @Dave_Ferguson: In traditional training done poorly, you dont have lurkers; you have victims. #lrnchat
9:54:15 pm planetrussell: Good, @kelly_smith01! Veni, Vidi, Latiti. – I came, I saw, I lurked. (Latito = I lay concealed.) #lrnchat
9:54:16 pm SuzNet: Lurking might be the introvert's approach to participation …but you always have to wonder about the quiet ones #lrnchat
9:54:17 pm dpontefract: Sometimes lurking is simply irregular participation – like me, here, now, due to 6, 4, & 2 year old & being on west coast time zone #lrnchat
9:54:18 pm ErickTaft: Qwrap) Erick, learning junkie. Northwest Arkansas. #lrnchat
9:54:21 pm dpeter: My blog – #lrnchat
9:54:29 pm Dave_Ferguson: So if YOU are Wash-DC area & want to meet, let me know. (If you just want to lurk, bingo, you're already done) #lrnchat
9:54:31 pm joe_deegan: Joe Deegan, Instructional Design/eLearning Dev, SCORM Hater #lrnchat
9:54:33 pm bschlenker: @mrch0mp3rs Hey! Have YOU been lurking just to prove a point? #lrnchat
9:54:34 pm Bob_MacKie: Fire hose absorbing lurker signing off. BTW I still live with the guilt of talking a friend out of going to Woodstock. #lrnchat #lrnchat
9:54:44 pm krinhoh: Sorry. Recently laid off Learning Professional…believe educ is key 2 everything…amazed at our capacity if we could do it right #lrnchat
9:54:45 pm tmiket: Mike Taylor Learning developer & sometime lurker in Columbus OH please don't hate me @janebozarth 😎 #lrnchat
9:54:47 pm chrisstjohn: Is a classroom lurker the one who is asleep in the back? #lrnchat
9:54:47 pm quincyconley: RT @ValerieRoberts: RT @chrisstjohn: Next version of Outlook 2010 will auto display Twitter/FB personal info. #lrnchat
9:54:53 pm sillym0nkey: Mary_a_Myers: I'm Mary, in Kingston, knowledge worker, non-hoarder of knowledge, working for the weekend …Ha. #lrnchat
9:54:54 pm ValerieRoberts: RT @ajeanne: Some people don't have anything to say, so they lurk. Or, they are learning to participate in new venue, so they watch #lrnchat
9:54:55 pm JaneBozarth: @roninchef Thank you. It's a gift, really. #lrnchat
9:55:01 pm krinhoh: We have ALL lurked. πŸ™‚ RT @kelly_smith01: I have lurked. Good way to get and evaluate information or situation #lrnchat
9:55:02 pm roninchef: Good night all. Mason Masteka Elearning Dev in Portland, ME. Gotta go do some lurking. #lrnchat
9:55:05 pm ErickTaft: RT @krinhoh: But that's not bad…if it's info they need RT @ErickTaft The lurker taking the knowledge back to non-participant. #lrnchat
9:55:07 pm kellygarber: Qwrap – Kelly, freelance ISD, great chat tonight – thanks. If you need me, shout-I'll be lurking out there somewhere… #lrnchat
9:55:10 pm JoanVinallCox: Totally missed #lrnchat. Drat! Meep! Did, however, get the newsletter done for tomorrow so I can get to my app't and mark!
9:55:18 pm dpeter: @KevinDJones True, participation like education is a personal experience – learning is a one-on-one venture, a journey #lrnchat
9:55:20 pm mrch0mp3rs: @bschlenker The Beard doesn't even know how to lurk. #lrnchat
9:55:27 pm gminks: Gina, non-lurker type living outside Boston, working, grad school, next week VACAY!!! #lrnchat
9:55:36 pm bschlenker: RT @kasey428: RT @KevinDJones: Trust is the currency of socializing – on or offline. #lrnchat << nice! Now THATs a t-shirt!
9:55:43 pm chrisstjohn: Goona miss this years IITSEC. Darn. #lrnchat
9:55:44 pm kelly_smith01: My next book "lurkers in social media" #lrnchat
9:55:53 pm rmyardley: Enjoyed my first #lrnchat experience. Being Friday afternoon here in Melbourne I look forward to a drink this evening and then a great w/e.
9:56:00 pm espnguyen: Steve Nguyen, Mpls, a BIG GO BUCKEYES to all you OSU fans! BEAT MICHIGAN! Signing off to watch bball Bucks #lrnchat
9:56:02 pm krinhoh: and I'm in L.A. area #lrnchat
9:56:15 pm ajeanne: Jeanne Farrington, San Jose, CA… night night to lurkers and tweeters, all. #lrnchat
9:56:16 pm KoreenOlbrish: @mrch0mp3rs you just made me LAUGH OUT LOUD. Or The Beard did. #lrnchat
9:56:25 pm nancyrubin: I could never lurk… I have way to much to say…just ask me…or don't…isn't that what Twitter is all about. πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
9:56:25 pm KevinDJones: @bschlenker Great idea!!!! #lrnchat
9:56:31 pm kelly_smith01: RT @bschlenker: RT @kasey428: RT @KevinDJones: Trust is the currency of socializing – on or offline. nice! Now THATs a t-shirt! #lrnchat
9:56:33 pm joe_deegan: RT @kelly_smith01: My next book "lurkers in social media" #lrnchat
9:56:35 pm krinhoh: @JoanVinallCox We talked about you. πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
9:56:39 pm kasey428: Kay Wood, Wash-DC area (lrnchat meetup week of 11/30), see @DaveFerguson, eh, tweet @DaveFerguson, Goodnight, all. #lrnchat
9:56:42 pm Schnicker: Nicole Fougere, New Zealand, Litmos ( Blogger girl… missing the buzz of #dl09 but lovin' #lrnchat πŸ™‚
9:56:45 pm jkunrein: qwrap) Judy Unrein, instructional designer currently in Kansas City, shortform blogger at #lrnchat
9:56:49 pm ValerieRoberts: Valerie, ID in Phoenix #lrnchat
9:56:53 pm krinhoh: @ajeanne Night Jeanne #lrnchat
9:56:58 pm ThomasStone: Yes, you are a professional lollygagger (is that a word?) RT @Dave_Ferguson: I don't lurk so much as lollygag. #lrnchat
9:57:01 pm krinhoh: RT @KoreenOlbrish: @mrch0mp3rs you just made me LAUGH OUT LOUD. Or The Beard did. #lrnchat
9:57:01 pm jjjohnson01: QWrap) JJ Hi-Ed WA state.#lrnchat Caught only the end and had to lurk for a few.~
9:57:02 pm chrisstjohn: RT @Tanya_J90: I still live with the guilt of talking a friend out of going to Woodstock. (THAT'S serious guilt!) #lrnchat
9:57:21 pm mrch0mp3rs: @KoreenOlbrish now imagine The Beard is a llama. Good. #lrnchat
9:57:23 pm KoreenOlbrish: Koreen Olbrish, Phillyish, learner, gamer, entrepreneur, writer, need to be a better blogger, rarely a lurker #lrnchat
9:57:36 pm SueSchnorr: , Rochester, NY, freelance instructional designer and rarely a lurker… thanks for the chat, have a good week! #lrnchat
9:57:54 pm kelly_smith01: night lurkers #lrnchat
9:57:57 pm JaneBozarth: RT @mrch0mp3rs: @bschlenker The Beard doesnt even know how to lurk. #lrnchat
9:57:59 pm KevinDJones: RT @mrch0mp3rs: @KoreenOlbrish now imagine The Beard is a llama. Good. #lrnchat HA!
9:58:18 pm JaneBozarth: RT @mrch0mp3rs: @KoreenOlbrish now imagine The Beard is a llama. Good. #lrnchat
9:58:19 pm jadekaz: qwrap) Jade – training developer from Milwaukee. CoPs, stories, imagery are on my radar right now. #lrnchat
9:58:33 pm kasey428: RT @kelly_smith01: My next book “lurkers in social media” #lrnchat
9:58:58 pm ethang: FYI there’s an Colorado EduIsland Open House at 10:30am MST tomorrow, my first foray into second life #lrnchat #edchat
9:59:07 pm allonsdanser: So! I learned lots tonight by mostly lurking through the entire #lrnchat session. I’ll be back….
9:59:16 pm espnguyen: @mrch0mp3rs No way that beard is lurking ANYWHERE. We can hear that thing coming! #lrnchat
9:59:17 pm busynessgirl: Glad my Broadband2Go got me through #lrnchat. Now back to life without Internet. Where is broadband for all? #lrnchat
9:59:21 pm lrnchat: Thank you for joining us on #lrnchat. Pls remember to submit Qs & theme ideas for upcoming chats at See u next week!
9:59:46 pm kasey428: RT @moehlert: @kasey428 But compliance is a threshold not a ceiling right? #lrnchat> yes.
9:59:50 pm chrisstjohn: RT @KoreenOlbrish now imagine The Beard is a llama. (Llama no. Lama yes. There’s wisdom/philosophy in that Beard.) #lrnchat
9:59:53 pm planetrussell: β™« So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodnight, #lrnchat:
9:59:55 pm ThomasStone: Tom Stone, from Element K in Rochester NY. Rarely a lurker, as my colleagues can attest! Great conversation tonight all! #lrnchat
10:00:06 pm krinhoh: and I see a multi-volume set of lurking tomes. Go, y’all! #lrnchat
10:00:13 pm kelly_smith01: Imagine the lurker is a llama #lrnchat
10:00:18 pm marciamarcia: If you participate in #lrnchat & I *still* haven’t added you to pls @ or DM me.
10:00:26 pm krinhoh: This was spectacular. You’ll never get rid of me now. xoxox #lrnchat
10:00:28 pm busynessgirl: @lrnchat Possible topic: How to make learning through games less scary / more palatable. #lrnchat
10:00:34 pm sillym0nkey: Deborah Thomas of game-based learning geek -ATL signing off – will think on the wisdome from tonite and chuckle #lrnchat
10:00:41 pm ThomasStone: And a big hello to those I didn’t say “hi” to earlier… Kevin, Brent, Tracy, and Sue x 2 #lrnchat
10:00:54 pm Dave_Ferguson: @ThomasStone Sometimes I lollygag. Sometimes I gallivant. Comedy, love, a bit with a dog — that’s what they want. #lrnchat
10:00:59 pm mrch0mp3rs: @espnguyen lol. Subtlety ain’t its bag. #lrnchat
10:01:02 pm espnguyen: @ThomasStone Is the recording of your webinar from this week available? #lrnchat
10:01:26 pm bschlenker: Brent Schlenker – AZ – needing a @mrch0mp3rs hug – miss you AND The Beard! – help me find speakers for #dl10 #lrnchat
10:01:43 pm mrch0mp3rs: @chrisstjohn @koreenolbrish that’s quite a compliment. #lrnchat
10:02:07 pm krinhoh: @marciamarcia i’m guessing i’m not on there, marcia! #lrnchat
10:02:31 pm KevinDJones: Fun gabb’n with you all. – KJ, Father of 7, husband of 1. Taking NASA into the E2.0 world kicking & screaming – with love #lrnchat
10:02:32 pm lrnchat: Thanks for joining us, participants and lurkers alike. #lrnchat
10:02:49 pm allonsdanser: @kpett Been participating in #lrnchat. IDT tweet session. Pretty cool. How’s life? Semester’s almost over. Tired.
10:03:02 pm mrch0mp3rs: @bschlenker count me in. I’ll run a disruption boot camp. #lrnchat. Only requirement: lunch and bio breaks.
10:03:13 pm chrisstjohn: Good nite all. The dawg needs to go out. He senses when I have had enough.. #lrnchat
10:03:26 pm krinhoh: a spitting llama? RT @kelly_smith01: Imagine the lurker is a llama #lrnchat
10:03:44 pm allonsdanser: @JaneBozarth Thank you. I enjoyed my first #lrnchat. Does anyone compile the tweets?
10:03:52 pm krinhoh: @planetrussell Are you dancing on your way out? #lrnchat
10:03:55 pm bschlenker: RT @mrch0mp3rs: @KoreenOlbrish now imagine The Beard is a llama. Good. #lrnchat << okay – I just blew Guinness out my nose! LOL!
10:04:12 pm ThomasStone: Will be very soon. RT @espnguyen: @ThomasStone Is the recording of your webinar from this week available? #lrnchat
10:04:30 pm mrch0mp3rs: I dont know where this is going but im there. RT @kelly_smith01: Imagine the lurker is a llama #lrnchat
10:04:31 pm krinhoh: Thx back! C ya next week! RT @lrnchat: Thanks for joining us, participants and lurkers alike. #lrnchat

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