Truths about Training

[The following tweets are based on a #lrnchat February 4, 2010. The first time each person is quoted, their twitter ID links to their homepage.]


This summary simply highlighting similar ideas posted by multiple #lrnchat participants for a given question. It is not meant to be all-inclusive. It was assembled by @chambo_online and we thank her for it.

Training truths were varied and trends were not as apparent though a few key ideas rose to the surface.  One trend of truths in training revolved around the need for context to be provided in order for training to be effective.

Multiple participants posted regarding the need for management to be included in training and to be supportive of it.

Another trend included the idea that well-written objectives can make training better and help with measuring its effectiveness.

Varying ideas surrounding “soft skills” showed that training on these skills is a complex endeavor.  And, finally, another trend was the defense of ADDIE as long as it wasn’t being misused or overused.

Truths about Training
– Actual tweets – sorted by time posted

rmyardley: Myth execs don’t value learning yes they do but it’s the outcomes they value #lrnchat

jenisecook: I’m still going to defend ADDIE & role playing… only if designed right! Will still work. #lrnchat

StephanieDaul: @jenisecook agree but it’s not what they do on the job. It’s what the SME’s think they do #lrnchat

leavittm: @jadekaz #lrnchat agree! audio is good … sometimes! must think about where/how/when first.

ChristyATucker: A learning truth: well-designed games can be very effective learning tools #lrnchat

Dave_Ferguson: a training truth: complex skills don’t have a single right answer. #lrnchat

minutebio: Myth: Classroom training is always more effective than online #lrnchat

Quinnovator: that we need to engage hearts as well as minds in training (and learning) #lrnchat

KoreenOlbrish: experiential learning is expensive #lrnchat

chambo_online: Big myth: Online is easier than f2f. Truth: more work, requires self-discipline, etc. #lrnchat

kkapp: It really does take time to delivery effective instruction #lrnchat

Quinnovator: truth: that we need to focus on meaningful skills, not just knowledge #lrnchat

odguru: saw many times this week repeated: simple tools are key. But often if there isn’t mass people think it’s cheap. Not true! #lrnchat

D_Chan: Myth: Training & Change Mgmt are totally separate disciplines. #lrnchat

moehlert: @lrnchat Game design IS different than Instructional Design #lrnchat

rmyardley: Myth: all people like classroom training not true most like a variety of learning options #lrnchat

reward75: It’s ok to make mistakes and get things wrong, it’s part of the learning process #lrnchat

ChristyATucker: Learning truth that deserves attention: Social media tools can be used for learning even if you have security concerns #lrnchat

kellygarber: Training Truth – facilitator/teacher/trainer can make or break a workshop #lrnchat

sahana2802: Truth: Mangers and SMEs often don’t know what the training requirements are or what will improve performance. #lrnchat

rjpanetti: If it’s hard or important, we need to teach it in a classroom. #lrnchat

chambo_online: More tech tools are not always better. Tools for tool’s sake=busy work #lrnchat

niccinh: Truism: managers are critical to learner’s success. Get them primed before learning and reinforce after. Need more focus on this #lrnchat

MikeAbrams: Everything does NOT have to be trained to be learned. job aid/communication/reading/mentoring are effective too #lrnchat

Dave_Ferguson: Truth: training needs objectives. Myth: you must read 10 out loud & have them begin ‘learner will be able to…’ #lrnchat

D_Chan: It really does take time to delivery effective instruction #lrnchat (@kkapp) It takes time to perform an effective needs assessment.

britz: people need time to reflect and contextualize new knowledge independent of instructional time. #lrnchat

rmyardley: good instruction should entertain but most entertainment is not instructional #lrnchat

bacigalupe: training truth that people consider a myth: learning requires a relationship #lrnchat

jadekaz: Truth: leadership is paying attention. training does matter to them. #lrnchat

mglazer: @lrnchat ppl who aren’t “learning/training pros” have as much or more influence on learning as we do #lrnchat
rmyardley: good learning usually needs good content but content isn’t learning #lrnchat

billcush: Training Truth: Training can directly improve business results…increase sales, reduce costs..thus increase net profits. #lrnchat

spotlearning: @rmyardley I’d say good instruction should *engage* …”entertain” might be different, no? #lrnchat

StephanieDaul: Myth: print your ppt and that’s a good particpant guide #lrnchat

bacigalupe: Pure Myth: we know what is happening in a physical classroom… corollary and, we don’t in an e-learning environment #lrnchat

simbeckhampson: Myth: Your never to old to learn or never to young to begin #lrnchat

valdiskrebs: I can teach better, you can learn better, if we share context, have overlap on understanding/knowledge #lrnchat

D_Chan: Truth: leadership is paying attention. training does matter to them. #lrnchat (@jadekaz) Yes-they just need to know biz impact.

ajeanne: Truth: Most learning requires active engagement & effort on the part of the learner. #lrnchat

ChristyATucker: Training truism: Context for learning matters. We have this mythical belief that we can train without it. #lrnchat

MariaOD: Truism Manager suppport is critical to learner success and motivation for that matter #lrnchat

mequel: Myth: If there is a enterprise or department wide failing…training can solve it #lrnchat

D_Chan: Myth: You can’t measure non-structured learning. #lrnchat

dwilkinsnh: truth: you *can* measure ROI in some cases and execs really, really care when you do… #lrnchat

britz: Truth: upfront analysis is critical and takes time #lrnchat

tonya_simmons: @ChristyATucker there’s the current brain matters blog post talks about how important context is in learning #lrnchat

simbeckhampson: @sahana2802 Re: Truth… or they pretend not to not to know… (it’s a cost) #lrnchat

roninchef: Truth- Odds are the person sitting next to you will have an answer for you. #lrnchat

billcush: The myth…mgrs don’t have to attend the same training as their people. RT @MariaOD: Truism Manager suppport is critical… #lrnchat

odguru: teach less learn more. Info influx not good for learning. #lrnchat

simbeckhampson: Truth: It is better to have learnt and lost than never to have learnt at all. #lrnchat

rmyardley: @niccinh agreed!!! without engagement rarely any learning takes place #lrnchat

ShaSha16: Truism: prof’l development is not just about attending a class! #lrnchat

shapah: if we want to teach fish how to swim it helps if we put them in the water #lrnchat

tonya_simmons: sorry, brain rules blog: #lrnchat

kellygarber: Training Truth – if objectives are performance based, return is easy to measure. #lrnchat

rmyardley: why are the soft skills so hard to learn, teach, develop #lrnchat

Quinnovator: truth: that the right learning design approach is to use the best learning approach regardless of age or ‘learning style #lrnchat

chambo_online: Truth: Taking time to create/grow community matters and makes a difference. #lrnchat

nickfloro: – we have to force learners to go thru content from a-z. We need to allow exploration of content, offer multiple tools & options #lrnchat

simbeckhampson: Truth: spaced repetition maximise the inflow of new information to memory #lrnchat

ajeanne: It’s the human factor! RT @rmyardley: why are the soft skills so hard to learn, teach, develop #lrnchat

danleavitt: Truth: Learning/Education is never neutral: #lrnchat

KoreenOlbrish: Truth: Immersive 3D experiences can be just as (or more!) effective than real-life practice–immediate feedback & coaching! #lrnchat

Quinnovator: truth: we need to reactivate, again and again #lrnchat

Dave_Ferguson: @rmyardley On the one hand, ’soft skill’ sometimes means ‘not well defined.’… #lrnchat

kkapp: Myth: Focus all learning dollars on new employees. Truth Experienced employees need training too..different kind but need training. #lrnchat

espnguyen: Truth: Design the learning, then select the technology #lrnchat

rmyardley: Myth the SME tells it like it is! Most experts give you their elegant model not what is #lrnchat

jadekaz: Myth: one day is enough to teach anything. Truth: Small doses over time. #lrnchat

simbeckhampson: Truth: avoid short term gratification at the cost of long-term learning #lrnchat

marciamarcia: Training truism: training is sometimes a great solution. eg CPR, driving, emergency response. #lrnchat

billcush: Truth: Learners will decide what they want to learn, no matter what you do. Myth, we have to “make sure” they learn it #lrnchat

rjpanetti: The LMS or Instructional Design is dead… #lrnchat. Rumors of their death have been greatly exaggerated…

britz: Truth If learners are tuning out, you failed to understand / meet their needs #lrnchat

J_Schulz: Myth: One person doing it wrong during an audit = everyone needs training. #lrnchat

kasey428: Myth: eLearning is about taking classroom training online. #lrnchat

MariaOD: truism–If your org score high on customer satisfaction– training may have a role #lrnchat

TerrenceWing: Truth: Welcome the learners into the design process. Actually welcome them through the entire learning process #lrnchat

simbeckhampson: Truth: use the power of your own neural networks: solve problems, practice your skills, compute, abstract, associate #lrnchat

AllisonAnderson: Truth: objectives matter #lrnchat

bacigalupe: Myth: we know what learning is and how to measure it. Truth: it’s messy… #lrnchat

Dave_Ferguson: @Mary_a_Myers On another hand, “soft” can mean “complex thing you do differently each time” — thus, WORK TO LEARN. #lrnchat

kelly_smith01: RT @J_Schulz Myth: The SME is always right. #lrnchat | that’s why we need subject matter networks, inspired by @moehlert #lrnchat

KOPasley: @PearlFlipper Oh god yes! The customer expects to receive training on the new [insert product name here]. Next week, yes? #lrnchat

ThomasStone: On the lighter side, and recognizing the important distinction between “training” and “learning”… #lrnchat

TerrenceWing: Cliche Training topics like customer service should be overhauled or tortured #lrnchat

Quinnovator: truth: consider the entire ‘performance ecosystem’: what do practitioners and experts need, not just novices #lrnchat

simbeckhampson: Truth: Do memorise! Just make a smart selection of things to learn. #lrnchat

jadekaz: Myth: Standing in front of student. Truth: Sitting next to student. #lrnchat

PearlFlipper: #lrnchat Truth: you can teach a classroom instructor to lead an effective elearning sesion. Myth: the above is easy

ThomasStone: I’ll provide this classic movie quote: “If you question training, you only train yourself in asking questions.” #lrnchat

danleavitt: Truth: Our task is not to impose our dreams on them, but to challenge them to have their own dreams. -Freire #lrnchat

moehlert: @AllisonAnderson Yes but do they also have to go up front? #lrnchat

tonya_simmons: objectives do matter, but you don’t necessariliyb need to beat people over the head with them #lrnchat

gregkrauska: @kkapp #lrnchat & existing employees could be positive deviants whom others can model, learn from and apply wisdom to their situation.

kkapp: Myth: Its about being there. Truth: Its about DOING there #lrnchat

hjarche: soft skills are hard skills #lrnchat

spotlearning: RT @kellygarber: RT @AllisonAnderson: Truth: objectives matter #lrnchat –> when aligned with biz/org goals! 2 many are not real objs.

kkapp: @ajeanne objectives matter for design…for instruction….maybe asking pointed questions…#lrnchat

marciamarcia: Truth: Training departments sometimes have many smart interesting people #lrnchat

niccinh: RT @Dave_Ferguson: @Mary_a_Myers On another hand, “soft” can mean “complex thing you do differently each time” — thus, WORK TO LEARN. #lrnchat

bacigalupe: Clinical supervision is possible in an e-environment #hcsm #hcsm #lrnchat

Quinnovator: truth: it is hard work to do it right, but better than the alternative #lrnchat

tonya_simmons: If you start with your set of obj., design your course to meet those objectives – is necessary to inform the learner before & aft #lrnchat

MariaOD: Let’s just call it what it is! Soft-interpersonal- hard – technical! #lrnchat

tonya_simmons: if the course is successful – won’ thte learner already be able to meet those objectives #lrnchat

moehlert: @AllisonAnderson Not at all. Look at how games sometimes slowly reveal objectives – curiosity can be powerful driver. #lrnchat

ajeanne: Truth: If you’re thinking about your learners, context, content, what matters, whether learning is the answer = A in ADDIE #lrnchat

kellygarber: Training Truth – your training sessions will have backchannels #lrnchat

ajeanne: Truth: If you are figuring out an experience for learning based on a useful learning goal/objective, that’s the D in ADDIE #lrnchat

michelle300: Truth: A trainer does not have to know EVERYTHING about their subject; the students sometimes know more and can teach each other #lrnchat

usablelearning: @lrnchat Did we already do this one? Truth: It’s not always a training/learning problem #lrnchat

ThomasStone: yes, bigtime truth RT @Quinnovator: truth: we need to reactivate, again and again #lrnchat

britz: Learning Truth: people can learn independent of formal instruction – take tonight for example #lrnchat

spotlearning: I think we need to pay more attention to the scientific basis of engagement – it’s not simply “art” as oft supposed. #lrnchat

marciamarcia: @MariaOD I usually say hardskills=quantifiable, softskills=qualifiable. May not be great, but gets msg across. #lrnchat

kelly_smith01: An ounce analysis is worth a pound of objectives – Harless (I hope is not considered a myth) #lrnchat

StephanieDaul: Truth: Need to create an environment where you can fail and explore #lrnchat

usablelearning: @lrnchat Truth: ADDIE isn’t so much useless as misused #lrnchat

kasey428: Truth: Most SMEs do not make good instructors/trainers/facilitators #lrnchat

minutebio: Truth: Non-linear WBTs are effective. Myth: We must ensure learners are strictly directed thru each page, in order. #lrnchat

KoreenOlbrish: And used out of context RT @usablelearning: @lrnchat Truth: ADDIE isnt so much useless as misused #lrnchat

rdclark: @Quinnovator Truth; Engagement matters. Myth: Get engagement by giving a teacher a big bag of tricks (or e-learning lots of “pop”) #lrnchat

minutebio: Truth: We no longer need Next buttons. #lrnchat

marciamarcia: @michelle300 When I was a trainer, slogan was “I can teach anything as long as *someone* in the room knows it.” #lrnchat

Quinnovator: @bacigalupe yes, trainers have to set ego aside, not have to ‘own’ knowledge, but become facilitators #lrnchat

MariaOD: But informal learning is not equitable! But about those who are not on Twitter!! #lrnchat

marciamarcia: The best trainers are facilitators of a walk toward understanding and practice. #lrnchat

ShaSha16: Truth: locking down your elearning frustrates learners – we’re adults! #lrnchat

KOPasley: Truth is that a trainer facilitates connections between learners, content, extended learning network, etc. Can’t know ALL #lrnchat

chambo_online: Truth: not everyone can facilitate effectively. #lrnchat

tonya_simmons: but clicking the next button is not engagement – you have to build interactivity into the course along the way #lrnchat

Quinnovator: truth: need to be aligning with organizational goals, not what think they need, what really will make a difference #lrnchat

cellodav: interactivity = clicking, interaction = connecting with people … myth or truth? #lrnchat

kasey428: Truth: Icebreakers guarantee nothing. #lrnchat

Mary_a_Myers: maybe i just like icebreakers b/c they can bust up huge bricks of ice. the visual is hard to resist. #lrnchat

kasey428: Truth: Butts in seats = butts in seats #lrnchat

Myths about TrainingMyths about Learning
Truths about TrainingTruths about Learning

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