Transcript – May 11, 2017: The Reluctant Learner

#lrnchat is an online chat over the social messaging service Twitter. It is held on Thursdays at 8:30-9:30pm ET/5:30-6:30pm PT. Participants are people interested in the topic of learning from one another and who want to discuss how to help other people learn in formal, informal, social and mobile ways. We aim to steer clear of topics that are more “training department” oriented and focus on how people learn, what they learn, and what we’re learning.  If you an idea for a topic that you would like to suggest for #lrnchat, please feel free to reach out to any of the Chat Hosts.

This Week’s Questions

  • What are some characteristics of a reluctant learner?
  • How does the reluctant learner disrupt learning?
  • What are some of the factors which distract learners from being fully engaged?
  • What are some risks associated with giving the learner a “sufficient level of control” when prompting engagement?
  • How can you make your own excitement for learning more contagious to others?
  • As a learner what do you do when you need to recharge or re-engage during a learning effort?
8:30 PM lrnchat Welcome everyone to #lrnchat! How have you been?
8:31 PM LearnNuggets Hi all! Kevin Thorn w/ NuggetHead Studioz. Crossing fingers that I don’t get pulled away tonight! #lrnchat
8:31 PM JaneBozarth RT @lrnchat: Welcome everyone to #lrnchat! How have you been?
8:32 PM urbie hey #lrnchat! i been okay, thank you for asking. urbie, learning experience designer doing hard time as a broadcast/video project manager..
8:32 PM OurMilkMoney Some people make #success look so easy. Learn their secrets #moms #wealth #Lrnchat #bizitips #momsinbiz #wealth
8:32 PM trojan2019 @lrnchat This is my first Twitter chat! #lrnchat I’m excited to see what it’s like!
8:32 PM MrKMaston RT @lrnchat: Welcome everyone to #lrnchat! How have you been?
8:32 PM lrnchat Please introduce yourselves. Passions? Projects? What are you working on these days? #lrnchat
8:32 PM eLearninCyclops It’s Jeff in Baltimore. Not reluctantly joining #lrnchat
8:32 PM LearnNuggets @urbie Hey Urbie! #lrnchat
8:32 PM eLearninCyclops @trojan2019 Welcome to #lrnchat !
8:33 PM eRowland_eLearn Eric from Rochester, NY. eLearning Specialist. #lrnchat
8:33 PM MrKMaston @lrnchat Hailing from Sydney! Concurrently tuning in to the #AITD2017 stream (you should too!) #lrnchat
8:33 PM JaneBozarth I’ve been here, thanks. You? #lrnchat
8:33 PM dawnjmahoney Hey, y’all! Been learning about electric meter installation the past two weeks
8:34 PM urbie @LearnNuggets Hey Kevin! #lrnchat
8:34 PM willconstantine Hey folks! #lrnchat
8:34 PM willconstantine RT @lrnchat: Please introduce yourselves. Passions? Projects? What are you working on these days? #lrnchat
8:34 PM EdXUHRD Grad student studying Human Resource Development. Millennial who never touched Twitter before. This is my first #lrnchat and Twitter journey
8:34 PM LearnNuggets Working on all sorts of cool stuff. Stopmotion and rotoscope animations in explainer videos. And studying comics for learning.
8:34 PM kelly_smith01 Good evening. I am attending a UX developer presentation and attending #lrnchat
8:34 PM lrnchat Any first-time #lrnchatters tonight? Please say hi. Ask for help if you need it. #lrnchat
8:34 PM urbie @LearnNuggets are you going to #atd2017 next week? which way to Atlanta is nicer, I-20 or ? #lrnchat
8:34 PM LearnNuggets @JaneBozarth Welcome home! #lrnchat
8:35 PM willconstantine It’s an interesting thing to go from triage mode to building a curriculum #lrnchat
8:35 PM Joshing Hello. Josh from Philly. Currently working on delivery. #lrnchat
8:35 PM busynessgirl Hi #lrnchat! What I have been up to … well, we publicly launched our startup on Monday: so I guess that’s news. 🙂
8:35 PM urbie RT @lrnchat: Please introduce yourselves. Passions? Projects? What are you working on these days? #lrnchat
8:35 PM JaneBozarth Jane, RDU, storming, norming, performing. Gubmint worker. Columnist for @learningsolmag Feral, rabid, whatnot. #lrnchat
8:35 PM lrnchat Q0) We always begin with this: What did you learn today? If not today, then this week? #lrnchat
8:35 PM JaneBozarth RT @lrnchat: Any first-time #lrnchatters tonight? Please say hi. Ask for help if you need it. #lrnchat
8:35 PM LearnNuggets @urbie No, missing ATD this year. If I were, I wouldn’t drive. Hate Atlanta traffic. #lrnchat
8:35 PM dawnjmahoney RT @lrnchat Q0) We always begin with this: What did you learn today? If not today, then this week? #lrnchat
8:35 PM JaneBozarth @LearnNuggets Thank you. I had to wear shoes yesterday. It was awful. #lrnchat
8:36 PM trojan2019 I am a pre service teacher. For a project based instruction class, I helped write a unit lesson for business plans and math. #lrnchat
8:36 PM willconstantine RT @lrnchat: Q0) We always begin with this: What did you learn today? If not today, then this week? #lrnchat
8:36 PM LearnNuggets @JaneBozarth Ha! I can relate. #lrnchat
8:36 PM MrKMaston @lrnchat A0) This week I learned how to make character tokens for @roll20app using Powerpoint and images from the i…
8:36 PM urbie RT @busynessgirl: Hi #lrnchat! What I have been up to … well, we publicly launched our startup on Monday: so I gues…
8:36 PM urbie RT @lrnchat: Q0) We always begin with this: What did you learn today? If not today, then this week? #lrnchat
8:37 PM willconstantine Q0) I learned that as a consultant you still have support the team you’re working with rather than being the lone wolf #lrnchat
8:37 PM LearnNuggets A0) I learned when you upgrade desks not realizing it takes an entire day to disassemble the studio and another day to put it back. #lrnchat
8:37 PM trojan2019 A0) This week I learned that no matter how prepared you think you are, things will NOT be perfect. So be prepared! #lrnchat
8:38 PM urbie #lrnchat A0 Learned this week? Best Buy’s amazing customer service. Bought a #Phantom4Pro in Arizona. DOA in New Mexico. Replaced in Texas.
8:38 PM Joshing Noting new, but a reminder. There is a lot to learn from the people in your network… but only if you keep the con…
8:38 PM eRowland_eLearn A0) I learned how I could approach my role better to help the team. #lrnchat
8:38 PM willconstantine Whoops, Will Constantine, and @WeAreExponent is my current project. We’re building our learning from the ground up! #lrnchat
8:39 PM busynessgirl A0) Learned to stop asking kids what to be when they grow up. Ask what problems they want to solve. Future jobs a mystery. #lrnchat
8:39 PM LearnNuggets A0) Learned that a client who doesn’t know how to manage their client is not my problem. #lrnchat
8:39 PM willconstantine @Joshing Very true Josh! #lrnchat
8:39 PM JaneBozarth A0 teaching myself about responsive design tools/HTML5. Love it. THIS IS SO MUCH EASIER THAN IT USED TO BE. #lrnchat
8:40 PM lrnchat Q1.) What are some characteristics of a reluctant learner? #lrnchat
8:40 PM dawnjmahoney RT @lrnchat Q1.) What are some characteristics of a reluctant learner? #lrnchat
8:40 PM eLearninCyclops Q0) Learned again today, sometimes you have to remind the higher ups how much eLearning is valued by those in the trenches #lrnchat
8:40 PM kelly_smith01 Q0) Learning about developer – designer relationship as I type this – multitasking #lrnchat
8:40 PM trojan2019 @MrKMaston @lrnchat @roll20app What are character tokens? #lrnchat
8:40 PM LearnNuggets A0) And…just like that I learned the dinner bell rang. Shoot. Hopefully I’ll be back before ending. #lrnchat
8:40 PM willconstantine RT @lrnchat: Q1.) What are some characteristics of a reluctant learner? #lrnchat
8:40 PM busynessgirl Join us in #lrnchat for the next hour if you want to talk about reluctant learners.
8:40 PM EdXUHRD A0) I learned that there’s a great community of learning professionals that meet on Twitter every week 🙂 #lrnchat
8:40 PM eLearninCyclops RT @JaneBozarth A0 teaching myself about responsive design tools/HTML5. Love it THIS IS SO MUCH EASIER THAN IT USED TO BE. #lrnchat | So Tru
8:41 PM eLearninCyclops RT @lrnchat Q1.) What are some characteristics of a reluctant learner? #lrnchat
8:41 PM dawnjmahoney A0) “Prove to me I need to learn this stuff” #lrnchat
8:41 PM willconstantine Q1) lack of value in what they are learning, level of uncomfort, failure, new responsibility #lrnchat
8:42 PM eLearninCyclops Q1) Not focused on development or taking it to the next level. #lrnchat
8:42 PM Joshing In my experience they are salespeople that think taking time to learn is really losing time to make money rather th…
8:42 PM trojan2019 @lrnchat A1) seeming engaged but trying to look disengaged in order to not draw attention to themselves #lrnchat
8:42 PM ShafPatel @lrnchat A1: Reluctant to learn things which could possibly benefit them in the future. #lrnchat
8:42 PM busynessgirl Characteristics of a reluctant learner: no show, procrastination, minimum viable responses to prompts, snarkiness #lrnchat
8:42 PM urbie RT @lrnchat: Q1.) What are some characteristics of a reluctant learner? #lrnchat
8:42 PM JaneBozarth RT @lrnchat: Q1.) What are some characteristics of a reluctant learner? #lrnchat
8:43 PM EdXUHRD A1) Disengaged, uninspired. Change-averse. #lrnchat
8:43 PM urbie #lrnchat A1 A reluctant learner’s probably been burned once or twice. Once subjected to poor learning experience twice shy some say..
8:43 PM dawnjmahoney A1) choosing not to engage #lrnchat
8:43 PM eLearninCyclops Q1) Not engaged in current job or pursuit – Unwilling to invest in it. #lrnchat
8:44 PM trojan2019 @lrnchat A1) always wanting to know why the subject is important, or what they will benefit from it. #lrnchat
8:44 PM eLearninCyclops RT @dawnjmahoney A1) choosing not to engage #lrnchat
8:44 PM JaneBozarth A1 Me? Eyerolling, trying to rush through/find way to hack. Sometimes surprised when I just stop and pay attention a minute. #lrnchat
8:44 PM kelly_smith01 Q1) Learner’s interest and motivation fades #lrnchat
8:44 PM rabbitoreg Hi everyone! Joining late after business trip. #lrnchat
8:44 PM JaneBozarth A1 “I don’t have time.” #lrnchat
8:45 PM eRowland_eLearn A1) They wont want to waste their time with learning. #lrnchat
8:45 PM urbie #lrnchat A1b It really depends on which side of the street you’re perspective is from. A little empathy goes a long way. “Where’s it hurt?”
8:45 PM kelly_smith01 RT @dawnjmahoney: A1) choosing not to engage #lrnchat
8:45 PM dawnjmahoney A1) Challenge the trainer, content #lrnchat
8:46 PM MelMilloway Hey #lrnchat peeps. Popping in for a moment to say howdy.
8:46 PM busynessgirl @karadefrias @lrnchat Sounds like a bad leader to me. Is a know-it-all same/different than a reluctant learner? #lrnchat
8:46 PM ShafPatel @trojan2019 I’d say that’s them being more questioning and curious than reluctant. #lrnchat
8:46 PM eLearninCyclops A1) Does not see the relevance btwn the learning event and their job #lrnchat
8:46 PM EdXUHRD A1) Doesn’t look at learning as an opportunity, but as a compliance activity #lrnchat
8:46 PM mohammadhassam @lrnchat #lrnchat Mohammad here, instructional designer at #Citrix. My passion is Learning
8:46 PM urbie #lrnchat A1c The “What’s in it for me?” either doesn’t ring true for a reluctant learner or.. Anyway, they passively/actively hang back.
8:47 PM MrKMaston @trojan2019 @lrnchat @roll20app They represent each player’s character on the tabletop client. You can embed them w…
8:47 PM rabbitoreg A1) I’ll be in and out. Mentally. #lrnchat
8:47 PM busynessgirl I think this is right. Reluctant learners are “employee” learners. Just tell me what to do and I’ll fill the menu o…
8:47 PM lrnchat Q2.) How does the reluctant learner disrupt learning? #lrnchat
8:47 PM eLearninCyclops A1) Doesn’t even own a thinking cap. #lrnchat
8:47 PM dawnjmahoney RT @lrnchat Q2.) How does the reluctant learner disrupt learning? #lrnchat
8:47 PM willconstantine RT @lrnchat: Q2.) How does the reluctant learner disrupt learning? #lrnchat
8:47 PM eLearninCyclops RT @lrnchat: Q2.) How does the reluctant learner disrupt learning? #lrnchat
8:47 PM mohammadhassam @lrnchat Busy but great!. Hello Everyone! #lrnchat #elearning
8:47 PM trojan2019 @lrnchat A1) they seem to put up a fight, but it could stem from insecurities in the subject. #lrnchat
8:48 PM MelMilloway A1 Whenever anyone says: They are too old, too non-tech savvy, too something, to not be able to learn. #lrnchat
8:48 PM ShafPatel @lrnchat A2: think they know all the answers and refuses to see different perspectives, opinions and ways to do things. #lrnchat
8:48 PM willconstantine Q2) skepticism, challenging questions, we don’t do it that way #lrnchat
8:48 PM urbie #lrnchat A1d An oft missed characteristic of a reluctant learner.. they may be right [to reluct]. Is training appropriate? Designed well?
8:48 PM dawnjmahoney A2) Disrupt? or be Disruptive? #lrnchat
8:49 PM EdXUHRD A2) In social contexts, a reluctant learner can prevent the rest of the group from having a positive learning experience #lrnchat
8:49 PM urbie RT @lrnchat: Q2.) How does the reluctant learner disrupt learning? #lrnchat
8:49 PM kelly_smith01 Q1) Looks at the bright and shiny objects #lrnchat
8:49 PM eLearninCyclops RT @willconstantine Q2) skepticism, challenging questions, we don’t do it that way #lrnchat
8:49 PM mohammadhassam I learn how to design interactive and engaging simulations #lrnchat
8:49 PM trojan2019 @lrnchat A2) can be very closed minded, thus steering peers away from the instructor #lrnchat
8:49 PM rabbitoreg A2) “In reality…” #lrnchat
8:49 PM MelMilloway LOL whoops when I misread a question. #lrnchat
8:49 PM Joshing Sometimes they are a distraction. Or they become a bad influence on those who otherwise embrace learning. 😢#lrnchat
8:49 PM urbie #lrnchat A2a Depends.
8:49 PM busynessgirl A2) disruptive body language, loud sighs, off-topic rants/distractions, opinionated disagreements #lrnchat
8:49 PM JaneBozarth RT @lrnchat: Q2.) How does the reluctant learner disrupt learning? #lrnchat
8:50 PM MelMilloway A2 They cause an outbreak and you start to hear the same thing from all of your learners. #lrnchat
8:50 PM JaneBozarth A2 Reluctant people can always find a way to make something not work. #lrnchat
8:50 PM eLearninCyclops Q2) Discourages others… Doesn’t share knowledge with peers either. #lrnchat
8:50 PM rabbitoreg A2) Bringing up the exceptions. “Yes, that’s too but…” #lrnchat
8:51 PM JaneBozarth @ShafPatel Hi– glad you’re here tonight. #lrnchat
8:51 PM eLearninCyclops RT @JaneBozarth A2 Reluctant people can always find a way to make something not work. #lrnchat
8:51 PM willconstantine @rabbitoreg It should be that way if the solution is designed right 😉 #lrnchat
8:51 PM eLearninCyclops RT @rabbitoreg A2) Bringing up the exceptions. “Yes, that’s too but…” #lrnchat
8:51 PM trojan2019 @lrnchat A2) can make the learning environment a negative place for their peers because of them being combative of instruction #lrnchat
8:51 PM JaneBozarth RT @eLearninCyclops: Q2) Discourages others… Doesn’t share knowledge with peers either. #lrnchat
8:51 PM urbie #lrnchat A2b To what extent do her peers agree with the reluctant learner? They ask lots of questions. They don’t ask any questions.
8:51 PM JaneBozarth @eLearninCyclops Yes– don’t just hurt their own learning but interfere with others. #lrnchat
8:52 PM karadefrias @lrnchat A2: “Well, actually…” #lrnchat
8:52 PM eLearninCyclops Q2) Asks, “Can you just send me the PowerPoint slides?” #lrnchat
8:52 PM mohammadhassam @lrnchat A1) Pretends to learn. Just like an empty box. #lrnchat
8:52 PM dawnjmahoney I’ll say it. I’ll bet every single one of us is a reluctant learner, most of the time #lrnchat
8:53 PM urbie #lrnchat A2x Compliance training.. where a learner *has* to be in the course for two hours. Maybe they finish in 2 minutes & put feet up?
8:53 PM MelMilloway @dawnjmahoney Oh my gosh. *raises hand* I have to convince myself to just jump right in and not care if I mess up. #lrnchat
8:53 PM willconstantine @karadefrias @lrnchat Perhaps skeptic rather than recluse #lrnchat
8:53 PM kelly_smith01 Q2) No contribution, reluctant to collaborate, does not share accomplishments or knowledge gained #lrnchat
8:53 PM dawnjmahoney RT @eLearninCyclops Q2) Asks, “Can you just send me the PowerPoint slides?” <– ICK/Not reluctant to me. Idiotic. #lrnchat
8:53 PM eLearninCyclops @dawnjmahoney Well, some of the time. 😉 #lrnchat
8:53 PM willconstantine @mohammadhassam @lrnchat Yes! Motions! #lrnchat
8:54 PM lrnchat Q3.) What are some of the factors which distract learners from being fully engaged? #lrnchat
8:54 PM dawnjmahoney RT @lrnchat Q3.) What are some of the factors which distract learners from being fully engaged? #lrnchat
8:54 PM urbie RT @dawnjmahoney: I’ll say it. I’ll bet every single one of us is a reluctant learner, most of the time #lrnchat
8:54 PM busynessgirl RT @lrnchat: Q3.) What are some of the factors which distract learners from being fully engaged? #lrnchat
8:54 PM MelMilloway A3 I think the fear that they won’t do it the *right* way. #lrnchat
8:54 PM eLearninCyclops @dawnjmahoney True – Idiotic, but they are out there. #lrnchat
8:55 PM JaneBozarth @eLearninCyclops YES. OH MY YES. Before you even start. #lrnchat
8:55 PM eLearninCyclops RT @lrnchat Q3.) What are some of the factors which distract learners from being fully engaged? #lrnchat
8:55 PM willconstantine @busynessgirl Some of the behavior that can be contagious to the rest of the learners. #lrnchat
8:55 PM EdXUHRD A3) Well, disruptive learners can distract other learners from being engaged #lrnchat
8:55 PM JaneBozarth RT @lrnchat: Q3.) What are some of the factors which distract learners from being fully engaged? #lrnchat
8:55 PM urbie @dawnjmahoney i think you’re on to something. We shouldn’t dismiss a reluctant learner w/o asking ‘em what up? #lrnchat
8:55 PM ShafPatel @lrnchat A3: A boring topic, a bad instructor, general lack of interest in the topic being taught. #lrnchat
8:55 PM willconstantine RT @lrnchat: Q3.) What are some of the factors which distract learners from being fully engaged? #lrnchat
8:55 PM Joshing I’m not reluctant when it is something I choose to do. I also think there is a difference between reluctant & easil…
8:55 PM trojan2019 @lrnchat A3) home life; even though we can’t control what goes on at their house, it effects our students in our class too #lrnchat
8:55 PM karadefrias @lrnchat A3: The business of everyday life: family, kids, Twitter, gov, groceries, Scandal, pets. #lrnchat
8:55 PM urbie RT @lrnchat: Q3.) What are some of the factors which distract learners from being fully engaged? #lrnchat
8:55 PM busynessgirl Life distracts learners from being engaged: environment, relationships, job dissatisfaction, financial issues, responsibilities. #lrnchat
8:56 PM MrKMaston @lrnchat A3) Relevance. Delivery. #lrnchat
8:56 PM willconstantine Q3) SMARTPHONE! Anxiety over what they’re learning, the disruptive learner and the reluctant learner #lrnchat
8:56 PM rabbitoreg A3) No relevance.Either because topic, timing or role. #lrnchat
8:56 PM trojan2019 @lrnchat A3) personal problems; sometimes students need a minute, but all too often they are seen as students rather than people #lrnchat
8:56 PM busynessgirl And everyone on #lrnchat goes to check their phone …
8:56 PM KatieStroudPro Late to #lrnchat. What’d I miss?
8:56 PM EdXUHRD A3b) Time is a huge factor. If they can’t see how the learning exp. will provide immediate benefit to them, they check out #lrnchat
8:56 PM willconstantine @EdXUHRD Roger that! #lrnchat
8:56 PM urbie #lrnchat A3a Windows (the kind you look out of and think, “If only I’d called out today I could be riding my bike in the park, too..”
8:57 PM eLearninCyclops Q3) Being overwhelmed by the job and/or being overworked #lrnchat
8:57 PM urbie #lrnchat A3b It’s not readily apparent how the training can be used in their real life.
8:57 PM dawnjmahoney RT @eLearninCyclops Q3) Being overwhelmed by the job and/or being overworked #lrnchat
8:57 PM Joshing Outside responsibilities, the Internet, shiny things… 🎆🐶🎈What was I talking about again? #lrnchat
8:57 PM EdXUHRD @willconstantine All it takes is one person to ruin it for everyone else! #lrnchat
8:57 PM zarstardesigns Nothing teaches you more about yourself than #parenting #moms #mombiz #parentpreneurs #SAHM #Kids #lrnchat #momceos
8:57 PM willconstantine @ShafPatel @lrnchat And if they can use what’s in the topic #lrnchat
8:57 PM kelly_smith01 Q3) They feel like a rat trapped in a maze – no feeling of accomplishment or cannot identify a path #lrnchat
8:58 PM eLearninCyclops Q3) Cognitive overload #lrnchat
8:58 PM MelMilloway I think it’s also, do I have the right tools? Like I want to learn how to bake but I don’t have the tools :’D #lrnchat
8:58 PM willconstantine @Joshing I believe there is #lrnchat
8:58 PM KatieStroudPro Heck NO! I love to learn! #lrnchat Call me a nerd, but…well, I might be a nerd. 🤓
8:58 PM eLearninCyclops RT @kelly_smith01 Q3) They feel like a rat trapped in a maze – no feeling of accomplishment or cannot identify a path #lrnchat
8:58 PM willconstantine @MrKMaston @lrnchat Nice! #lrnchat
8:58 PM gabriellabroady RT @lrnchat: Q3.) What are some of the factors which distract learners from being fully engaged? #lrnchat
8:58 PM dawnjmahoney A3) I don’t think devices is really the answer these days/Many can multitask with them just fine/Emotionally checking out is harder #lrnchat
8:58 PM eLearninCyclops RT @MelMilloway I think it’s also, do I have the right tools? Like I want to learn how to bake but I don’t have the tools :’D #lrnchat
8:58 PM urbie @KatieStroudPro are you a reluctant learner? Late to #lrnchat
8:59 PM ShafPatel @MelMilloway Or I don’t have a big enough kitchen to actually bake what I want #lrnchat
8:59 PM eRowland_eLearn A3) perhaps some level of prejudice to learning or training. #lrnchat
8:59 PM willconstantine @busynessgirl Ah ha! 😉 #lrnchat
8:59 PM mdragoNYC @lrnchat A1) They sometimes can smell what’s been put before them is an attempt to hijack learning to fix a different problem #lrnchat
8:59 PM willconstantine @KatieStroudPro That’s exactly what a distracted learner might say! #lrnchat
8:59 PM MelMilloway @ShafPatel LOL yes! I need a kitchen island to do my best baking or cooking. I don’t have enough counter space. #lrnchat
9:00 PM urbie #lrnchat A3x Watercooler talk by their peers describing a painful learning experience. Maybe no clear way to apply learning back at work?
9:00 PM Joshing Another aspect is a trainer that is not empathetic to their audience and has no sense of their needs. #lrnchat
9:00 PM mohammadhassam @lrnchat Lots of words on the screen, no highlighters, not having concise content, misalignments, bad audio or video quality #lrnchat
9:00 PM syamsularifin RT @Catlin_Tucker: Save Your Sanity w/Things to Revamp for Next Year List #edchat #adminchat #lrnchat #ntchat https…
9:00 PM trojan2019 @lrnchat A3) delivery of information; giving information is an intimidating way can discourage students from giving…
9:00 PM dawnjmahoney A?) Reluctant = Rushing through the content to get done/Not to engage with the content & plan to tweak their own performance #lrnchat
9:00 PM gabriellabroady A3. Life. Disorganized facilitators, poorly designed activities, bosses calling u during training #lrnchat
9:00 PM gabriellabroady RT @eLearninCyclops: Q3) Cognitive overload #lrnchat
9:00 PM eLearninCyclops Q3) Courses that has nothing to do with your job or the goal of your org. #lrnchat
9:01 PM urbie #uhoh.. #pedagome’s on at the same time as #lrnchat .. yikes!!
9:01 PM MelMilloway Speaking of food. I’m off to get dinner, everyone! See you next week perhaps! It was great chatting. #lrnchat
9:01 PM urbie #lrnchat
9:01 PM rabbitoreg A3) Myths. Like learning styles, how much we remember, using 10% of the brain… #lrnchat
9:01 PM eLearninCyclops MT @dawnjmahoney A?) Reluctant = Rushing through the content to | NEXT #lrnchat
9:01 PM kelly_smith01 Q3/ Pressing a Next or arrow button #lrnchat
9:01 PM urbie #lrnchat
9:01 PM lrnchat Q4.) What are some risks associated with giving the learner a “sufficient level of control” when prompting engagement? #lrnchat
9:02 PM dawnjmahoney RT @lrnchat Q4.) What are some risks associated with giving the learner a “sufficient level of control” when prompting engagement? #lrnchat
9:02 PM eLearninCyclops RT @rabbitoreg A3) Myths. Like learning styles, how much we remember, using 10% of the brain… #lrnchat
9:02 PM KatieStroudPro @willconstantine You may have a point. #lrnchat
9:02 PM willconstantine @mdragoNYC @lrnchat An informed learner! #lrnchat
9:02 PM RitaWirtz @lrnchat Q3: What a Q! #lrnchat Think Dewey. Ss fully engaged and flow state when interested and have schema!
9:02 PM KatieStroudPro A0) I learned that people think you’re a nut job when they catch your bike climbing the walls. #lrnchat
9:02 PM eLearninCyclops RT @lrnchat Q4.) What are some risks associated with giving the learner a “sufficient level of control” when prompting engagement? #lrnchat
9:02 PM willconstantine @gabriellabroady These are all real life problems too! #lrnchat
9:03 PM EdXUHRD A4) The possibility of a “hostile takeover” by a participant who “knows more” than the facilitator! #lrnchat
9:03 PM RitaWirtz @EdXUHRD A3b: Truth. #lrnchat
9:03 PM trojan2019 @lrnchat A4) misuse of power by the learner, biting off more they can chew then getting behind #lrnchat
9:03 PM eLearninCyclops Q4) Taking away control doesn’t keep them, relevance and “hooking” them does. #lrnchat
9:03 PM urbie #lrnchat A4a That conversation should have happened early in the analysis [if contractor then in the SOW/contracting] phase..
9:03 PM rabbitoreg A4) They would ask the questions that they are really want to know. #CorporateBS #lrnchat
9:04 PM dawnjmahoney A4) Involve them #lrnchat
9:04 PM willconstantine Q4) can derail the entire experience for others and even themselves…until they realize it’s too late! #lrnchat
9:04 PM ShafPatel @lrnchat A4: You have to give them some level of control or they will shut down and not want to learn at all. #lrnchat
9:04 PM gabriellabroady A5. They might break it (tongue in cheek) #lrnchat
9:04 PM Joshing Losing control of the class to the person that is reluctant and/or a distraction and therefore losing the rest of t…
9:04 PM urbie @KatieStroudPro Are there outtakes to go with the bike climbing walls? Security camera footage? That’d be cool. #lrnchat
9:04 PM gabriellabroady RT @EdXUHRD: A4) The possibility of a “hostile takeover” by a participant who “knows more” than the facilitator! #lrnchat
9:04 PM mohammadhassam @lrnchat A4) The biggest risk I think of is losing tracks and matrixes. #lrnchat
9:04 PM KatieStroudPro A1) class clown, procrastinator, bully, know-it-all #lrnchat Am I missing any?
9:04 PM dawnjmahoney A4) Andragogy is a real thing and we need to pay attention to it through our needs assessment/Dev/Facilitation/Evaluation/Iteration #lrnchat
9:04 PM WillWorkLearn A4) Research suggests learner control is not beneficial: #lrnchat #driveby…
9:04 PM willconstantine @RitaWirtz @lrnchat Interesting perspective #lrnchat
9:05 PM gabriellabroady A4. Beware of rabbit holes #lrnchat
9:05 PM willconstantine @KatieStroudPro Or about to jump! #lrnchat
9:05 PM RitaWirtz @dawnjmahoney Interesting! I think there has to be Schema, interest, a need to know, motivation & knowing what & how to do it. #lrnchat
9:06 PM KatieStroudPro A2) Disrupt? They cause teachers/facilitators to design for the lowest common denominator #lrnchat
9:06 PM EINS_Institute RT @WillWorkLearn: A4) Research suggests learner control is not beneficial: #lrnchat #driveby #doingmystupidaccount…
9:06 PM willconstantine @KatieStroudPro Sounds like a cast for a movie! #lrnchat
9:06 PM EdXUHRD @gabriellabroady Sometimes that rabbit hole can be good! If a Q is asked that spurs a new/deeper discussion. But still risky! #lrnchat
9:06 PM urbie Yes! #lrnchat
9:06 PM trojan2019 @lrnchat A4) control is important, but If it is not used productively the whole class may become a mad house #lrnchat
9:06 PM kelly_smith01 RT @WillWorkLearn: A4) Research suggests learner control is not beneficial: #lrnchat #driveby #doingmystupidaccount…
9:07 PM KatieStroudPro A2) They also cause pros in the field to find the most enjoyable and easiest way to present info. #lrnchat
9:07 PM urbie @dawnjmahoney Speaking of adults.. does a reluctant learner acting out appear childish? #lrnchat
9:08 PM eklavyasinha @lrnchat A4: You could win the battle and lose the war! We need to ask what will be in the ‘greater common good’ & act accordingly. #lrnchat
9:08 PM JaneBozarth Reminder: Sometimes reluctant “learners” have every right to be. We’ve all been sent to stuff we didn’t want/need, haven’t we? #lrnchat
9:08 PM urbie #geniushour #pbl #lrnchat
9:08 PM eRowland_eLearn A4) well the risks stay the same. They can still be disengaged. More “faith” must be given to the learner. #lrnchat
9:08 PM KatieStroudPro A3) Personal issues for sure. Chaotic environment. Stale environment. Unused channels for receiving info. #lrnchat
9:08 PM WillWorkLearn #lrnchat #driveby Well, sure, there may be exceptions. But hostility isn’t a given is it? Maybe good learning desig…
9:08 PM lrnchat Q5.) How can you make your own excitement for learning more contagious to others? #lrnchat
9:09 PM JaneBozarth Did I miss the part where we asked WHY they are reluctant? Is there a good reason? #lrnchat
9:09 PM eLearninCyclops RT @lrnchat Q5.) How can you make your own excitement for learning more contagious to others? #lrnchat
9:09 PM JaneBozarth RT @lrnchat: Q5.) How can you make your own excitement for learning more contagious to others? #lrnchat
9:09 PM willconstantine @eklavyasinha @lrnchat Interesting way of thinking about that! #lrnchat
9:09 PM willconstantine RT @lrnchat: Q5.) How can you make your own excitement for learning more contagious to others? #lrnchat
9:09 PM KatieStroudPro A4) A certain amount of control is another thing to “learn.” Engage all their senses instead. #lrnchat
9:09 PM gabriellabroady RT @eLearninCyclops: RT @lrnchat Q5.) How can you make your own excitement for learning more contagious to others? #lrnchat
9:10 PM WillWorkLearn Hey #lrnchat, I might as well see if you know anyone who wants to save American democracy. #nowmyaccounting #sigh
9:10 PM ShafPatel @lrnchat A5: Make the topic more interesting to them: be inthusiastic. Give them a reason for them to learn and explain why. #lrnchat
9:10 PM busynessgirl A5) Learning structured as a puzzles to solve is hard to ignore. Even the reluctant get sucked in. Fun to watch. #lrnchat
9:10 PM willconstantine Q5) define what success looks like, allow them to feel it and see it #lrnchat
9:10 PM eLearninCyclops Q5) We’ll fix up the old barn and put on a show. #lrnchat
9:10 PM Joshing Passion! Empathy! Being Genuine! #lrnchat
9:10 PM gabriellabroady A5. Make a mistake-fast-and laugh about it; drives safe environment #lrnchat
9:10 PM urbie RT @lrnchat: Q5.) How can you make your own excitement for learning more contagious to others? #lrnchat
9:10 PM willconstantine You all have such great responses! #lrnchat
9:10 PM eLearninCyclops RT @willconstantine Q5) define what success looks like, allow them to feel it and see it #lrnchat
9:11 PM trojan2019 @lrnchat A5) by being real with your students; don’t “love learning” because you’re a teacher. Love and share it be…
9:11 PM rabbitoreg RT @WillWorkLearn: Hey #lrnchat, I might as well see if you know anyone who wants to save American democracy. #nowm…
9:11 PM gabriellabroady RT @Joshing: Passion! Empathy! Being Genuine! #lrnchat
9:12 PM eLearninCyclops Q5) Share the exciting things you are learning, how you are applying it, and how it has benefited you. #lrnchat
9:12 PM rabbitoreg A5) Show them the money. #lrnchat
9:12 PM JaneBozarth Show how it solves their problem #lrnchat
9:12 PM trojan2019 @lrnchat A5) I’ve had teachers that LOVED learning, rather it be science or mechanics. Learning sparked their inter…
9:12 PM EdXUHRD A5) Authenticity goes a long way! I like to emphasize how curiosity leads to discovery…w/o it, there’s no intrinsic motivation #lrnchat
9:12 PM urbie #lrnchat A5a I like employing 1 of @burgessdave’s #tlap hooks. A story [case study] raises curiosity & fire up innate sense of “I got this”
9:13 PM gabriellabroady A5. Bring on the ‘real’–“what would you do” scenarios #lrnchat
9:13 PM willconstantine @rabbitoreg 5’s, 10’s or 20’s? #lrnchat
9:13 PM EdXUHRD A5b) some people have a higher natural “need for cognition.” Hard to implant that in someone if they don’t have it already! #lrnchat
9:13 PM willconstantine @JaneBozarth Duh! #lrnchat
9:13 PM MrKMaston @lrnchat A5) Consistent behaviour and connection. Being interested in what others do and connecting it to the bigger picture. #lrnchat
9:13 PM UpAndAtom2 A5: show that you’re passionate about what you’re teaching. If you are, your audience will be too. #lrnchat
9:13 PM urbie #lrnchat A5b Crime scene tape can go a long way towards revving up excitement. Wrap it around a chalk figure of a [not trained] victim?
9:13 PM trojan2019 @lrnchat A5) remind them that you are continuously learning, and give them real examples #lrnchat
9:13 PM KatieStroudPro A5) Ask them to share their story! #lrnchat
9:14 PM rabbitoreg A5) Street credit. Stories. Personal ones. Emotion. #lrnchat
9:14 PM willconstantine @gabriellabroady Take it a step further and have them actually do it…closer to performance and their job #lrnchat
9:14 PM KatieStroudPro A5) Seriously, if we make it about showing them how much WE love learning, we’ll never pull it out of THEM #lrnchat
9:14 PM eRowland_eLearn A5) share the kool aid. Get buy in. #lrnchat
9:14 PM JaneBozarth @willconstantine Yeah you’d be surprised. Telling people something is “AWESOME!” doesn’t really make them leap up and embrace it. #lrnchat
9:15 PM dawnjmahoney @urbie Once built a course w/chalk outline on the floor/Crime tape on the door until I let attendees in/”Death of Customer Service” #lrnchat
9:15 PM willconstantine @UpAndAtom2 That is not always the case. The value or problem they are solving will have more impact #lrnchat
9:15 PM dawnjmahoney A5) Give learners the info, tools – Get out of their way to learn as they need to #lrnchat
9:15 PM lrnchat Q6.) As a learner what do you do when you need to recharge or re-engage during a learning effort? #lrnchat
9:16 PM ShafPatel @JaneBozarth @willconstantine Right, they’re not going to understand how awesome it is until you explain how and why. #lrnchat
9:16 PM willconstantine RT @lrnchat: Q6.) As a learner what do you do when you need to recharge or re-engage during a learning effort? #lrnchat
9:16 PM dawnjmahoney RT @lrnchat Q6.) As a learner what do you do when you need to recharge or re-engage during a learning effort? #lrnchat
9:16 PM gabriellabroady RT @lrnchat: Q6.) As a learner what do you do when you need to recharge or re-engage during a learning effort? #lrnchat
9:16 PM rabbitoreg A6) I watch a TED talk. #lrnchat
9:16 PM ApraRalli RT @lrnchat: Q3.) What are some of the factors which distract learners from being fully engaged? #lrnchat
9:16 PM MrKMaston @lrnchat A6) Drink wine. Failing that, take a rest. Meditate. Reflect. Exercise. Whatever floats your boat #lrnchat
9:16 PM MrKMaston @lrnchat A6) Drink wine. Failing that, take a rest. Meditate. Reflect. Exercise. Whatever floats your boat #lrnchat
9:16 PM gabriellabroady A6. Stand. #lrnchat
9:17 PM trojan2019 @lrnchat A6) this is the hardest for me. I look for something I can connect to. If it’s not there I ask questions u…
9:17 PM ShafPatel @lrnchat A6: Take a break, eat, maybe even do something refreshing that doesn’t require learning. Take a walk. #lrnchat
9:17 PM JaneBozarth RT @lrnchat: Q6.) As a learner what do you do when you need to recharge or re-engage during a learning effort? #lrnchat
9:17 PM busynessgirl Try to identify and write down a couple key learnings, actions to take as a result of learning… #lrnchat
9:17 PM gabriellabroady @willconstantine Yep #lrnchat
9:17 PM willconstantine Q6) I will step away first, then reflect on why this is important. Shouldn’t have to convince yourself…unless compliance 😉 #lrnchat
9:17 PM JaneBozarth Try to find a new challenge with it. (See Jane Google: “Long Cool Woman Ukulele”) . #lrnchat
9:18 PM MrKMaston @lrnchat A6) Also, let’s avoid calling people “learners” please? Rephrase question to “when learning, what do you do…” #lrnchat
9:18 PM Joshing Take a short break to refresh and refocus. #lrnchat
9:18 PM dawnjmahoney A6) Step back/apply it to real world situation & how I will use the learning–if I will #lrnchat
9:18 PM urbie RT @lrnchat: Q6.) As a learner what do you do when you need to recharge or re-engage during a learning effort? #lrnchat
9:18 PM JaneBozarth Nope, sticking with it. #lrnchat
9:19 PM trojan2019 @lrnchat A6) I’ve had to completely disengage, explore on my own for a minute or two, and then reconnect. #lrnchat
9:19 PM KatieStroudPro A6) Go for a nature walk. It reduces the intrinsic cognitive load (gives your brain a break). #lrnchat
9:19 PM urbie #lrnchat A6a I was that reluctant learner a while back when I started doing broadcast/video project management. “It ain’t design” said i..
9:19 PM ShafPatel @MrKMaston Why? Everybody’s a learner. #lrnchat
9:19 PM willconstantine Q6) Netflix and chill! 😉 #lrnchat
9:19 PM EdXUHRD A6) Depends on the type of learning. ILT? Take a walk, cuppa coffee. eLearning? Step away. On 2nd thouggh, I guess they’re the same #lrnchat
9:20 PM urbie #lrnchat A6b What helped me to engage with it and [slowly] learn the ropes was being reminded that it’s the same food chain.. helping train.
9:20 PM kelly_smith01 Q6) Curse. Throw soft pillows. Look at cute dog videos/pictures – Find Franklin #lrnchat
9:20 PM andykfoley Q5) smile. be honest. care about what you are learning and speak about it with passion! #lrnchat
9:20 PM eRowland_eLearn A6) remember why Im doing this. #lrnchat
9:20 PM busynessgirl I’ve got to bow out of #lrnchat. Sorry to bail early. Please check out our product launch video for Coursetune?
9:20 PM willconstantine @kelly_smith01 Franklin the turtle? #lrnchat
9:21 PM urbie #lrnchat A6c In the military [Navy] we’d have occasional stand downs. Back to basics. Sometimes involving volleyball & topless BBQs. #ground
9:21 PM eRowland_eLearn A6) Play some games. #lrnchat
9:21 PM andykfoley joining the #lrnchat late tonight – just catching up now!
9:21 PM urbie #lrnchat A6x As a learner.. realize it’s not a perfect world. Deal with the drag in the moment [take notes, persevere] & email author..
9:22 PM kelly_smith01 @willconstantine Franklin the tri color corgi on Facebook #lrnchat
9:22 PM JaneBozarth @andykfoley HI– good to see you here. #lrnchat
9:22 PM willconstantine @andykfoley It’s never too late! #lrnchat
9:22 PM lrnchat Q7) What is something that you learned tonight, will research further, or will try based on tonights discussion? #lrnchat
9:22 PM urbie @rabbitoreg I was stationed on NavCommSta Diego Garcia.. men only at the time [circa 1978]. Can you say hot & humid? No tees. #lrnchat
9:23 PM urbie RT @lrnchat: Q7) What is something that you learned tonight, will research further, or will try based on tonights discussion? #lrnchat
9:23 PM andykfoley Q6) drink a glass of water and take a big stretch 🙂 #Lrnchat
9:23 PM rabbitoreg A7) Reluctant to say that. #lrnchat
9:23 PM willconstantine RT @lrnchat: Q7) What is something that you learned tonight, will research further, or will try based on tonights discussion? #lrnchat
9:24 PM EdXUHRD A7) Going to be more aware of my own attitudes/behaviors when I’m in the learner’s seat #lrnchat
9:24 PM lrnchat QWrap. It’s that time again. Please re-introduce yourselves. Shameless plugs welcome #lrnchat
9:24 PM mohammadhassam @lrnchat A5) By telling them the benefits #lrnchat
9:24 PM willconstantine Q7) Focus on the problem not the pizazz! #lrnchat
9:24 PM JaneBozarth RT @lrnchat: QWrap. It’s that time again. Please re-introduce yourselves. Shameless plugs welcome #lrnchat
9:24 PM trojan2019 @lrnchat A7) I want to try looking for those reluctant learners. Being a pre-service teacher, this is something I n…
9:25 PM willconstantine RT @lrnchat: QWrap. It’s that time again. Please re-introduce yourselves. Shameless plugs welcome #lrnchat
9:25 PM andykfoley @JaneBozarth I am going to try to always be on now! 🙂 #lrnchat
9:25 PM JaneBozarth QWrap Jane, still wondering how someone with no real skills, aside from self-marketing, keeps finding gainful employment #lrnchat
9:25 PM urbie #lrnchat A7 This. I’ll read up on it. Is it different with #pedagogy? I hear this is a good thing with kids. So yes…
9:25 PM urbie RT @WillWorkLearn: A4) Research suggests learner control is not beneficial: #lrnchat #driveby #doingmystupidaccount…
9:25 PM urbie RT @lrnchat: QWrap. It’s that time again. Please re-introduce yourselves. Shameless plugs welcome #lrnchat
9:25 PM andykfoley @willconstantine True story! Always so much to read up and learn! #lrnchat
9:25 PM dawnjmahoney AWrap) If you are at #ATD17 I will be there/Also UW PD Distance Learning Conf & eACH Conf in Toronto #lrnchat
9:26 PM willconstantine QWrap) Will Constantine, check out my latest contribution! #lrnchat
9:26 PM rabbitoreg AWrap) Two weeks before #atd2017 Don’t be reluctant to say hi there! #lrnchat
9:26 PM urbie #lrnchat Awrap.. urbie, learning experience designer. I’ll be in Atlanta for #atd2017 next week. Lots of #periscope & #snaps #drone too!
9:26 PM JaneBozarth Qwrap Jane, taking the “show your work” show next to Montreal, Portland OR, Portland Maine, NoLa, Vegas. #wol #lrnchat
9:26 PM trojan2019 @lrnchat A7) I learned that we can all be reluctant learners. With that we should all be able to connect with them. #lrnchat
9:26 PM unevoie RT @urbie: #lrnchat A6x As a learner.. realize it’s not a perfect world. Deal with the drag in the moment [take notes, persevere] & email a…
9:26 PM Joshing Goodnight all! I’m looking forward to #ATD2017 in just over a week and seeing some #lrnchat people IRL.
9:27 PM willconstantine @JaneBozarth Hmmmmm #lrnchat
9:27 PM EdXUHRD AWrap) Ed, Grad Student/L&D Manager. Thanks for sharing your insights with this Twitter novice! #lrnchat
9:27 PM KatieStroudPro Wrap) I’m writing a book about using story to design training (not to design training with story) #lrnchat
9:27 PM mohammadhassam @lrnchat A6) Will do some changes in design depending what necessary. #lrnchat
9:27 PM Atif__Shahab RT @urbie: #lrnchat A6a I was that reluctant learner a while back when I started doing broadcast/video project management. “It ain’t design…
9:27 PM willconstantine Bye bye #lrnchat
9:27 PM urbie #lrnchat A3a Up front [analysis, design] talk to lots of people. #designthinking is good. Maybe something like #innovationcompass #input
9:28 PM KatieStroudPro Wrap) Also, keynoting at In June. Check it out! #lrnchat
9:28 PM trojan2019 @lrnchat AWrap) This was my first Twitter chat! I loved it and learned so much from all of you!
❤ Jennifer
9:29 PM JaneBozarth Jane, just back from vacay. Here’s my beach reading: #lrnchat
9:29 PM KatieStroudPro @willconstantine Enjoyed having you in #lrnchat
9:30 PM mdragoNYC @lrnchat A6) Step away, if possible. Change of scenery. Something different, even for a few minutes. Get up, move around. #lrnchat
9:30 PM andykfoley Q7) I’ll make a list of thing I hate as a learner + make sure to avoid when designing learning. I’ll read through #Lrnchat responses too!
9:30 PM lrnchat Thanks everyone for joining #lrnchat tonight. See you next week! Look for weekly transcripts at