Rules of Engagement

#lrnchat rules
1. Introduce yourself. Location? Focus? Fave topics? What brings you here tonight?
2. [try to] stay on the #lrnchat topic. A new question will be asked every 15 min or so. If you can, include Q# in related responses.
3. When writing, complete thoughts help followers outside chat learn from you.
4. Remember to include #lrnchat in all posts. http://tweetgrid.com work well.
5. Periodically RT questions so those outside #lrnchat know what you’re talking about & so they can chime in too.
6. On #lrnchat we aim to play nice. Sarcasm & irony welcome though. Really. Seriously.
7. A few mins before the end of #lrnchat, reintroduce yourself. Links, requests & shameless plugs welcome, too.

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