Chat Tips

Here are a few tips I’ve discovered while participating in Tweet chats:

1: Don’t try to read every single msg., especially if it gets fast. Consider what you catch serendipity.
2: Everything you write during the chat will go to all your twitter followers unless you DM someone.
3: If ur tweets go to FB, disable app b/f chat or begin w/ @ respond & it won’t forward to FB.
4: Stay on topic as best you can. Tho not vital you answer all Q, sticking w/ topic keeps chat focused.
5: When writing, complete thoughts help followers outside chat learn from you.
6: Let followers know prior to chat what you’re doing. Also, invite them in.
sample msg: “For next 90min I’ll be chatting bout learning on #lrnchat with some brilliant peeps. Join us! Deets:

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