Transcript 10 March 2011 (early)

10:30:52 am lrnchat: Welcome everyone to #lrnchat. How have you been?
10:30:57 am megbertapelle: RT @ekbertrand: RT @lrnchat: Today at 8:30am Pacific – How do lrng pros sell their ideas/strategies/services in their orgs? #lrnchat
10:31:02 am c4lpt: #lrnchat about to start #lrnchat
10:31:10 am LisaAGoldstein: Will be partially participating in #lrnchat – forgive my extra upcoming tweets. Join us if you like. #lrnchat
10:31:18 am lrnchat: Rules for #lrnchat: 1. Introduce yourself. Location? Focus? Fave topics? What brings you here tonight?
10:31:31 am _Kavi: And it all starts ! #lrnchat
10:31:51 am LisaAGoldstein: RT @lrnchat: Rules for #lrnchat: 1. Introduce yourself. Location? Focus? Fave topics? What brings you here tonight? #lrnchat
10:32:04 am LnDDave: I’ll be joining #lrnchat for the next 90 minutes. Please excuse the excess tweets, and feel free to join us!
10:32:16 am _Kavi: RT @lrnchat: Rules for #lrnchat: 1. Introduce yourself. Location? Focus? Fave topics? What brings you here tonight?
10:32:20 am lrnchat: Rule2. [try to] stay on the #lrnchat topic. A new question will be asked every 15 min or so. If you can, include Q# in related responses.
10:32:23 am jenisecook: RT @lrnchat Welcome everyone to #lrnchat. How have you been? << Will watch & learn … See you next week!
10:32:31 am megbertapelle: is anyone else having a big delay again? #lrnchat
10:32:55 am c4lpt: RT @lrnchat: Rules for #lrnchat: 1. Introduce yourself. Location? Focus? Fave topics? What brings you here tonight?
10:33:05 am _Kavi: WElcome all ! hope to stay right through. #lrnchat
10:33:07 am StephanieDaul: Hope to see some #slbootcamp in #lrnchat this morning
10:33:19 am lrnchat: Rule3. When writing, complete thoughts help followers outside chat learn from you. #lrnchat
10:33:19 am mrch0mp3rs: Aaron Silvers, Chicago. Community Manager for @ADL_Initiative @learningreg and @LrnEXP. Lot’s going on. Happy to see you guys #lrnchat
10:33:28 am stevier: Excuse the upcoming #lrnchat tweets, folks!
10:33:41 am KristiBroom: Tweetchat’s weekly ritual of slowing down to a crawl at #lrnchat time is starting to annoy me #lrnchat
10:33:49 am MandyRG: Hi everyone I’m Mandy Randall-Gavin and am an IT Learning & Development professional of some 23 years. Happy to be here! #lrnchat
10:33:50 am LisaAGoldstein: Lisa Goldstein, Denver, e-Learning, e-learning software for development, future mobile learning, latest trends & tech. #lrnchat
10:33:50 am stevier: Stevie Rocco, Learning Designer, Penn State University! #lrnchat
10:34:03 am gilmoreglobal: Jumping into #lrnchat Ill be popping in and out…
10:34:08 am OpenSesameNow: RT @KristiBroom: Today at 4:30pm GMT/11:30am ET-How do learning professionals sell their ideas/strategies/services in their organizations? Join us! #lrnchat
10:34:09 am StephanieDaul: Stephanie Daul, Learning Soultions Consultant, Chicago #lrnchat
10:34:09 am mrch0mp3rs: @megbertapelle Major lag today. I’m back on TweetDeck, but it’s still slow here, too. #lrnchat
10:34:15 am MimiBarbara: Barbara Smith, Atlanta, GA. Instructional design focus. #lrnchat
10:34:21 am lrnchat: Rule4. Remember to include #lrnchat in all posts. & work well.
10:34:23 am StephanieDaul: RT @mrch0mp3rs: @megbertapelle Major lag today. I’m back on TweetDeck, but it’s still slow here, too. #lrnchat
10:34:33 am tweenid: Q1 Enid Crystal, NYC, best & next practices in L&D, #lrnchat
10:34:48 am LnDDave: Greetings all. David Kelly, Training Director from NYC. Looking forward to another engaging #lrnchat.
10:35:04 am MimiBarbara: Q0) Here for first 30 minutes today #lrnchat
10:35:06 am learninganorak: Karyn Romeis L&D professional, in the market for a new role. East midlands of England. #lrnchat
10:35:14 am c4lpt: #lrnchat Jane Hart from near Bath in the UK – helping organisations with new approaches to workplace learning
10:35:14 am stipton: Today at 4:30pm GMT/11:30am ET-How do learning prof sell their ideas/strategies/services in their organizations? Join us! #lrnchat
10:35:21 am dbolen: Don Bolen, ATL, PM and LD, Tweetchat be very slooooooooooow today #lrnchat
10:35:33 am KristiBroom: Kristi Broom, Minneapolis, MN, learning technology #lrnchat
10:35:36 am lrnchat: Rule5. Periodically RT questions so those outside #lrnchat know what you’re talking about & so they can chime in too.
10:35:39 am MandyRG: I’m attending from Brighton today #lrnchat
10:35:46 am ZaraLynnKing: #lrnchat Zara ID Mississauga
10:35:55 am sifowler: oh hello #lrnchat peeps! I miss you, but got boatloads to complete. Will join you again another week mehopes.
10:35:56 am Michelle__Baker: RT @megbertapelle: about to join #lrnchat – pls. excuse crazy tweets – join us if interested! #lrnchat
10:36:01 am dawnjmahoney: Dawn Mahoney T&D Mgr near Madison WI/Assist r assoc groups to be more effective & stay compliant–w/no workplace serious injuries! #lrnchat
10:36:15 am sparkandco: RT @LisaAGoldstein: Will be partially participating in #lrnchat – forgive my extra upcoming tweets. Join us if you like. #lrnchat
10:36:16 am atomic_jenna: Jenna Papakalos, Online Marketing Manager, Atomic Training, Orlando, FL #lrnchat
10:36:20 am lrnchat: Rule6. On #lrnchat we aim to play nice. Sarcasm & irony welcome though. Really. Seriously. #bringiton
10:36:30 am gilmoreglobal: Hi #lrnchat folks! We do training, tech pubs and eLearning materials fulfillment world wide, Im coming at you form the Ottawa office today
10:36:42 am learninganorak: Will have to nip out shortly to take something out of the oven. I’ve been baking. Anyone want a slice? #lrnchat
10:36:43 am megbertapelle: Meg Bertapelle ID @ Intuitive Surgical – still slow on TweetDeck #lrnchat
10:36:54 am MandyRG: RT @lrnchat: Rule6. On #lrnchat we aim to play nice. Sarcasm & irony welcome though. Really. Seriously. #bringiton
10:37:00 am stipton: Forgive my extra upcoming tweets. Join us if you like. #lrnchat
10:37:01 am JamesMcLuckie: James from Edinburgh. Manager of @EdenTreeToolkit . Have learned that great things are happening on Yammer at the moment. #lrnchat
10:37:01 am dawnjmahoney: Wow! TweetChat is SLOW today #lrnchat #lrnchat
10:37:04 am megbertapelle: @atomic_jenna ME!! πŸ™‚ whatcha bakin’? #lrnchat
10:37:17 am lrnchat: Rule7. A few mins before the end of #lrnchat, reintroduce yourself. Links, requests & shameless plugs welcome, too.
10:37:24 am tschlotfeldt: Tim Schlotfeldt, e-learning consultant from Kiel, Germany #lrnchat
10:37:25 am learninganorak: @megbertapelle Mine *seems* to be okay… #lrnchat
10:37:30 am atomic_jenna: @megbertapelle Nada mucho my friend! #lrnchat
10:37:34 am Racreed2: #lrnchat Rachel Reed, Learning Development ISD at Leggett & Platt, first line lrnchatting πŸ™‚
10:37:36 am megbertapelle: LAME! > RT @mrch0mp3rs: @megbertapelle Major lag today. I’m back on TweetDeck, but it’s still slow here, too. #lrnchat
10:37:53 am LnDDave: @Racreed2 Welcome to the chat! #lrnchat
10:37:56 am stipton: Shannon Tipton, Chicago, waiting for spring! #lrnchat
10:37:58 am StephanieDaul: Tweetchat is really slow. I’m on TweetDeck and it seems to be better. #lrnchat – just hope to remember to put the tag on it
10:38:14 am flowersprof: Turea Flowers, Atlanta, GA Delivery Strategy, Standards and Innovation #lrnchat
10:38:17 am mrch0mp3rs: I think Twitter’s search indexing has run out of tigerblood #lrnchat
10:38:18 am lrnchat: Q0) We begin w/ a #lrnchat welcome: What have you learned today? If nothing fabulous, what have you learned this week?
10:38:34 am sifowler: @learninganorak oh yes please! Got some peanut butter waiting for a warm slice! (Can’t eat PB at home b/c daughter is allergic) #lrnchat
10:38:35 am stevier: Mwahahahaha! RT @mrch0mp3rs: I think Twitter’s search indexing has run out of tigerblood #lrnchat
10:38:37 am megbertapelle: RT @lrnchat: Q0) We begin w/ a #lrnchat welcome: What have you learned today? If nothing fabulous, what have you learned this week?
10:38:39 am LisaAGoldstein: @Racreed2 Welcome! πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
10:38:39 am learninganorak: RT @mrch0mp3rs: I think Twitter’s search indexing has run out of tigerblood #lrnchat <= As my son says: je lol!
10:38:48 am KavisMusings: RT @lrnchat: Q0) We begin w/ a #lrnchat welcome: What have you learned today? If nothing fabulous, what have you learned this week?
10:39:11 am olliegardener: RT @LnDDave: Ill be joining #lrnchat for the next 90 minutes. Please excuse the excess tweets, and feel free to join us! #lrnchat
10:39:12 am KristiBroom: RT @lrnchat: Q0) We begin w/ a #lrnchat welcome: What have you learned today? If nothing fabulous, what have you learned this week?
10:39:13 am sparkandco: Holly MacDonald learning strategist currently commuting on a ferry in BC #lrnchat
10:39:13 am Racreed2: @LisaAGoldstein #lrnchat thanks thanks…
10:39:19 am tweenid: Winning! LOL RT @mrch0mp3rs: I think Twitters search indexing has run out of tigerblood #lrnchat
10:39:19 am LisaAGoldstein: RT @lrnchat: Q0) We begin w/ a #lrnchat welcome: What have you learned today? If nothing fabulous, what have you learned this week? #lrnchat
10:42:40 am marielrondeel: #lrnchat
10:42:40 am weisblatt: RT @KristiBroom: lrnchat starting now-How do learning professionals sell their ideas/strategies/services in their orgs #lrnchat
10:42:59 am LisaAGoldstein: @tmiket Hi back Mike! πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
10:43:03 am tweenid: RT @c4lpt: Q0) Ive learned that there are a lot of people hungry to hear how others are using social media for working and learning #lrnchat
10:43:06 am AlanMontague: Alan Montague Chicago IL, Occasional Lureker on and maybe today participant on #lrnchat
10:43:06 am smcclements: Q0) learned about application #lrnchat
10:43:09 am gilmoreglobal: #lrnchat I also learned that enabling “Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange” in Excel is bad. Very bad. Don’t do it.
10:43:16 am StephanieDaul: RT @dbolen: Q0 learning about the livescribe smart pen, so far pretty cool #lrnchat I’ve been using it for awhile. Agree it’s cool!
10:43:21 am lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
10:43:25 am JamesMcLuckie: Am having major lag issues on both TweetChat and TweetDeck, alas, so will need to sit out of this week’s #lrnchat 😦 Look fward to tscript.
10:43:31 am LisaAGoldstein: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
10:43:32 am _Kavi: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
10:43:33 am mrch0mp3rs: @AlanMontague You got the first tweet out of the way, Alan. Welcome! #lrnchat
10:43:37 am StephanieDaul: RT @c4lpt: Q0) I’ve learned that there are a lot of people hungry to hear how others are using social media for working and learning #lrnchat
10:43:37 am mrch0mp3rs: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
10:43:38 am stipton: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
10:43:41 am JaneBozarth: Hi everyone. Popping in but leaving soon for a lunch meeting. Y’all have fun. Who’s joining me at #LS11 this month? #lrnchat
10:43:46 am KristiBroom: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
10:43:53 am dawnjmahoney: Q0) Lrnd that R tweet storm is causing slow Tweets #lrnchat
10:43:55 am LnDDave: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
10:44:05 am crumphelen: MA student Ireland.Literacies nut excited about social/mobile learning lrnchat# learning the fine art of prevarication
10:44:06 am dawnjmahoney: RT @dawnjmahoney: Q0) Lrnd once again that having a lg # of projects is exciting and scary at the same time! #lrnchat
10:44:13 am _Kavi: q1) The intangibles. The fuzzy stuff. Non quantifiable #lrnchat
10:44:15 am learnlifelong: Tweetchat is slooooow for me today. #lrnchat
10:44:16 am ZaraLynnKing: VERY SLOW… #lrnchat
10:44:19 am mrch0mp3rs: Q1) So you tweet, blog and go to conferences… and this helps us *how*? #lrnchat
10:44:19 am c4lpt: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
10:44:21 am dbolen: Q1 that you should do analysis, not just jump in as “order taker” #lrnchat
10:44:25 am tweenid: I will be there RT @JaneBozarth: Hi everyone. Popin but leaving soon for a lunch meeting. Whos joining me at #LS11 this month? #lrnchat
10:44:25 am megbertapelle: RT @gilmoreglobal: #lrnchat I also lrnd enabling “Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange” in Excel is vry bad. dont do it.
10:44:35 am dawnjmahoney: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
10:44:35 am alc47: hi followers – lots of tweets in next hour at #lrnchat. Come and join me and have fun! #lrnchat
10:44:39 am Racreed2: #lrnchat…what I’ve learned this week: what SXSW stands for πŸ™‚
10:44:39 am JaneBozarth: ID-Writer-Trainer-Troublemaker-Person, Raleigh-ish. #lrnchat
10:44:42 am AlanMontague: So U know what my ramplings R aboutRT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
10:44:47 am megbertapelle: RT @StephanieDaul: RT @dbolen: Q0 lrng abt the livescribe smart pen, so far prty cool #lrnchat ive bn using it 4 awhile. Agree it’s cool!
10:44:51 am flowersprof: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
10:44:59 am megbertapelle: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
10:45:02 am KristiBroom: Q1) Just had this conversation πŸ™‚ Innovations that don’t have an immediate benefit, but are necessary to meet long-term vision #lrnchat
10:45:03 am dawnjmahoney: #lrnchat Q1) Spending $$
10:45:04 am stipton: Q1) That just because learning is set in a classroom doesn’t make it good. #lrnchat
10:45:10 am StephanieDaul: RT @dbolen: Q1 that you should do analysis, not just jump in as “order taker” #lrnchat
10:45:10 am learnlifelong: Suresh Susarla, Memphis. chronic learner #lrnchat
10:45:13 am AlanMontague: #lrnchat Q1 that doing L&D properly takes time
10:45:15 am weisblatt: No lag today but it was brutal last week #lrnchat
10:45:20 am JaneBozarth: You know all the tweets about tweetchat being slow is probably what is making it slow. Just sayin’. #lrnchat
10:45:23 am megbertapelle: Q1) that not all problems are solved by an “online module” #lrnchat
10:45:24 am dawnjmahoney: #lrnchat Q1) Quality development takes TIME
10:45:25 am learninganorak: Q1 There is such a lack of understanding of what it is that we ‘do’. Hard to explain. Like nailing jelly to a wall #lrnchat
10:45:27 am LnDDave: @mrch0mp3rs I had an interview last week and was asked how my blog and speaking engagements will benefit the org. #lrnchat
10:45:27 am MandyRG: #lrnchat Q1 When I was working for the law firm, it was convincing Senior Stakeholders that the learning delivered was a drip drip effect
10:45:33 am cammybean: @lrnchat Q0) Cammy Bean. Watching the snow melt outside of Boston, MA.
10:45:34 am tweenid: Q1) Idea of social media for learning , so I talk about collaboration instead #lrnchat
10:45:44 am weisblatt: RT @lrnchat: Q0) We begin w/ a #lrnchat welcome: What have you learned today? If nothing fabulous, what have you learned this week? #lrnchat
10:45:47 am megbertapelle: RT @dawnjmahoney: Q0) Lrnd that R tweet storm is causing slow Tweets #lrnchat
10:45:48 am pmtrainer: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
10:45:52 am megbertapelle: RT @_Kavi: q1) The intangibles. The fuzzy stuff. Non quantifiable #lrnchat
10:45:54 am dawnjmahoney: @JanBozarth UR so right again! πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
10:45:55 am learninganorak: @LnDDave That’s a cool question! I wish people wd ask me that! #lrnchat
10:45:56 am AlanMontague: #lrnchat Q1 that a quick demo of the software is NOT training
10:45:58 am Racreed2: #lrnchat: @LnDDave what did you say? How did you support the blog for your org.
10:45:59 am JaneBozarth: Q0 I learned that some people take their RSS seriously. Seriously. #lrnchat
10:46:00 am learnlifelong: RT @stephaniedaul: Tweetchat is really slow. I’m on TweetDeck and it seems to be better. #lrnchat – just hope to remember to put the tag…
10:46:00 am megbertapelle: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q1) So you tweet, blog and go to conferences… and this helps us *how*? #lrnchat
10:46:03 am atomic_jenna: RT @megbertapelle: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
10:46:06 am mrch0mp3rs: @LnDDave I like that question a lot, Dave. #lrnchat
10:46:13 am sparkandco: Q0 I’ve learned that SMEs find it hard to let go of content #lrnchat
10:46:18 am learninganorak: Q1 That dumping stuff online does not = elearning #lrnchat
10:46:23 am JaneBozarth: Q0. I’m rereading “The Design of Everyday Things” and (re)learning a lot from that. What a great book. #lrnchat
10:46:27 am MandyRG: ‘lrnchat things have really speeded up here now. Tweets are flying in!
10:46:27 am _Kavi: RT @megbertapelle: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q1) So you tweet, blog and go to conferences… and this helps us *how*? #lrnchat
10:46:29 am MimiBarbara: Q1) Spending time online involved in SoMe during the work day. Difficult concept for some to understand. #lrnchat
10:46:29 am megbertapelle: @Racreed2 hmmm – enlighten me? I have no idea! hahaha πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
10:46:31 am olliegardener: RT @learninganorak: Q1 That dumping stuff online does not = elearning #lrnchat
10:46:32 am stipton: @JaneBozarth LOL!! #lrnchat
10:46:37 am c4lpt: #lrnchat Search on Twitter!/search/%23lrnchat is better
10:46:38 am smcclements: Q1) Difficult to sell advantages of Twitter & PLN to business educators #lrnchat
10:46:39 am learninganorak: RT @sparkandco: Q0 I’ve learned that SMEs find it hard to let go of content #lrnchat <= Ain’t that the truth!
10:46:43 am cammybean: @lrnchat Q0) Cammy Bean. Watching the snow melt outside of Boston, MA. #lrnchat
10:46:48 am StephanieDaul: RT @tweenid: Q1) Idea of social media for learning , so I talk about collaboration instead #lrnchat
10:46:50 am LisaAGoldstein: I agree. RT @learnlifelong: RT @stephaniedaul: Tweetchat is really slow. Im on TweetDeck and it seems to be better. #lrnchat #lrnchat
10:46:56 am dawnjmahoney: #lrnchat Q1) Doing a PILOT is beneficial overall. (they really hate those!)
10:46:56 am atomic_jenna: Q1) Getting on board with real measurement to show value in learning. #lrnchat
10:46:57 am JaneBozarth: @tweenid Oh well do please find me. I’m presenting everday. The Ubiquitous Jane Bozarth . #lrnchat
10:47:01 am Michelle__Baker: @JamesMcLuckie – Yammer is a great tool! How do you keep people engaged? #lrnchat
10:47:13 am learninganorak: @cammybean Remembering what Boston looks like underneath the snow? #lrnchat
10:47:16 am megbertapelle: YES! RT @KristiBroom: Q1) Just had ths convo πŸ™‚ Innovations that dont have immediate bene, but R necessary 2 meet long-term vision #lrnchat
10:47:19 am weisblatt: Q0) I learned from @c4lpt that Yammer can be used outside of corps. Must have missed that memo #lrnchat
10:47:20 am olliegardener: RT @tweenid: Q1) Idea of social media for learning , so I talk about collaboration instead #lrnchat <- I’ve found that too πŸ™‚
10:47:23 am JamesMcLuckie: RT @C4LPT: #lrnchat Search on Twitter is better < Thanks, Jane. That is working a lot better.
10:47:43 am _Kavi: q1) “i sent him to a program, he hasnt changed’ ! yes dude, am sitting here with a magic wand ! #lrnchat
10:47:44 am ZaraLynnKing: #lrnchat needs analysis main clients on the road so not accessable
10:47:44 am atomic_jenna: @olliegardener That’s a shame. #lrnchat
10:47:44 am megbertapelle: RT @dawnjmahoney: #lrnchat Q1) Quality development takes TIME
10:47:47 am KristiBroom: Yay! I think Tweetchat has ended it’s stubborn lag and has caught up #lrnchat
10:47:47 am alc47: Q0 I’ve got in touch with what I learned in S Africa with Jane. Lighting fires gets people enthusiastic so they get involved #lrnchat
10:47:53 am megbertapelle: RT @learninganorak: Q1 thr is such a lack of understanding of wht its that we ‘do’. Hard 2 explain. lk nailing jelly 2 a wall #lrnchat
10:47:57 am KristiBroom: RT @MimiBarbara: Q1) Spending time online involved in SoMe during the work day. Difficult concept for some to understand. #lrnchat
10:47:58 am tmiket: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
10:48:00 am Racreed2: #lrnchat SXSW stands for South by South West and is a big movie, music, tech conference in Texas going on now @megbertapelle
10:48:12 am weisblatt: RT @olliegardener: RT @learninganorak: Q1 That dumping stuff online does not = elearning #lrnchat
10:48:28 am cammybean: Q1) I’m lucky – I don’t have to sell any of this to my org. Just need to clone myself so I can do more, more, more! #lrnchat
10:48:33 am tweenid: @JaneBozarth @tweenid will def look 4 u – got the lscon app yet? it rocks #lscon2011 #lrnchat
10:48:38 am kavimenon_in: Hi This is Kavita , ID Lead from Bangalore #lrnchat
10:48:44 am olliegardener: I don’t know. Co-working / collab is all about social learning anyway.. RT @atomic_jenna: @olliegardener That’s a shame. #lrnchat
10:48:49 am Racreed2: #lrnchat so is there a facilitator or can anyone ask a question and anyone answer? I’m new πŸ™‚
10:48:52 am learnlifelong: I have seen two interesting things with some potential and ifttt (if this then that). #lrnchat
10:48:55 am MandyRG: RT @_Kavi: q1) “i sent him to a program, he hasnt changed’ ! yes dude, am sitting here with a magic wand ! #lrnchat> Can SOO relate
10:48:59 am alc47: Q0 Communities that are energised and with a common purpose take off C4lpt Social Learning Community #lrnchat
10:49:01 am stipton: Q1) trying to communicate that lots of years of SME experience doesn’t make one a good trainer. #lrnchat
10:49:03 am LisaAGoldstein: Ditto RT @cammybean: Q1) Im lucky – I dont have to sell any of this to my org. Just need to clone myself so I can do more, more! #lrnchat
10:49:05 am megbertapelle: RT @JaneBozarth: Q0. I’m rereading “The Design of Everyday Things” and (re)learning a lot from that. What a great book. #lrnchat
10:49:11 am megbertapelle: RT @MimiBarbara: Q1) Spending time online involved in SoMe during the work day. Difficult concept for some to understand. #lrnchat
10:49:12 am learninganorak: @Racreed2 There are set questions each week. They come up every 15 mins or so…#lrnchat
10:49:13 am tweenid: @cammybean got an app for that cloning yet? πŸ˜‰ #lrnchat
10:49:22 am cammybean: @learninganorak I have no memory of snow-less-ness. #lrnchat
10:49:35 am Racreed2: @learninganorak #lrnchat perfect thank you very much πŸ™‚ that helps a lot
10:49:40 am learninganorak: @megbertapelle @janebozarth ❀ that book! #lrnchat
10:49:44 am mrch0mp3rs: #hightopping RT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
10:49:44 am sparkandco: This lag is too hard – will try to sit in on tonight’s #lrnchat
10:50:04 am learninganorak: @Racreed2 You can ask questions related to them or to people’s tweets, though #lrnchat
10:50:05 am megbertapelle: THX! πŸ™‚ RT @Racreed2: #lrnchat SXSW stands for South by South West and is a big movie, music, tech conf in Texas going on now @megbertapelle
10:50:16 am learninganorak: @Racreed2 You can also argue ;o) #lrnchat
10:50:18 am ZaraLynnKing: Loaded Tweet Deck and now uptodate #lrnchat
10:50:23 am alc47: Q1 Unfreezing closed minds #lrnchat
10:50:37 am JaneBozarth: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization #lrnchat
10:50:39 am MimiBarbara: RT @megbertapelle: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
10:50:41 am nGinius: #lrnchat Q0) I’ve learned how to set-up a blog! #ifac11 #edublogs
10:50:45 am megbertapelle: RT @JamesMcLuckie: RT @C4LPT: #lrnchat Search on Twitter is better < Thanks, Jane. That is working a lot better.
10:50:49 am JaneBozarth: Q1 that “training” isn’t “learning” very often. #lrnchat
10:50:50 am cammybean: @tweenid I think the cloning app is on the iPad2…#lrnchat
10:50:57 am learninganorak: RT @alc47: Q1 Unfreezing closed minds #lrnchat <= Oh boy, yes! Social networking does not = social not working. sigh.
10:50:57 am sparkandco: RT @learninganorak: Q1 That dumping stuff online does not = elearning #lrnchat
10:50:59 am megbertapelle: RT @_Kavi: q1) “i sent him to a program, he hasnt changed’ ! yes dude, am sitting here with a magic wand ! #lrnchat
10:51:05 am dawnjmahoney: RT @stipton: Q1) trying to communicate that lots of years of SME experience doesn’t make one a good trainer. #lrnchat
10:51:11 am tweenid: jumping out in 10 minutes to learn about new hire orientations in 2nd life #lrnchat
10:51:11 am pmtrainer: Q1 analysis always hard to sell. Orgs like “I’ll have Training w/ side of fries & milk shake to go- how fast how long will it take? #lrnchat
10:51:13 am dbolen: RT @JaneBozarth: Q1 that “training” isn’t “learning” very often. #lrnchat
10:51:15 am Michelle__Baker: Q1) “PFA Training” Does. Not. Work. (ahem…Pull From A**) #lrnchat
10:51:20 am tylerwall: Guy Kawasaki: On The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds & Actions :: Articles :: The 99 Percent #lrnchat
10:51:23 am _Kavi: Q1) “i have always done it this way, and its worked. Why should my team learn something new?” #lrnchat
10:51:33 am weisblatt: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
10:51:33 am kavimenon_in: Q1) Learning professionals can make life easy for some folks. You just need to trust us! #lrnchat
10:51:43 am MandyRG: #lrnchat I Q0 I learnt that my iPhone has helped me learn loads in the short time I’ve had it – it’s a fantastic tool, as well as phone
10:51:46 am tmiket: Q1 Have a tough time getting org to support learning beyond a course #lrnchat
10:51:53 am smcclements: RT @_Kavi: Q1) “i have always done it this way, and its worked. Why should my team learn something new?” #lrnchat
10:51:57 am dawnjmahoney: RT @kavimenon_in: Q1) Learning professionals can make life easy for some folks. You just need to trust us! #lrnchat
10:52:05 am dawnjmahoney: RT @_Kavi: Q1) “i have always done it this way, and its worked. Why should my team learn something new?” #lrnchat
10:52:08 am JaneBozarth: Q1. (Ducks for cover) Don’t have probs w my job. Feel I’m very effective there. You have to create your reality. Hire a good boss. #lrnchat
10:52:09 am tmiket: @dbolen Me too…need consultation not order taking! Good one! #lrnchat
10:52:32 am StephanieDaul: RT @tmiket: Q1 Have a tough time getting org to support learning beyond a course #lrnchat
10:52:33 am atomic_jenna: RT @tmiket: Q1 Have a tough time getting org to support learning beyond a course #lrnchat
10:52:44 am dawnjmahoney: @JaneBozarth #lrnchat U r sellign that program next–for $1500 right?
10:52:52 am LisaAGoldstein: Do you mean accountability & follow up? RT @tmiket: Q1 Have a tough time getting org to support learning beyond a course #lrnchat
10:52:54 am stipton: @ZaraLynnKing beware of tweetdeck – known addictive powers! #lrnchat
10:52:55 am learninganorak: Q1 That I am not a ‘learning waitress’ taking orders like “I’ll have a 1 hr health and safety course please, w/ scorm on the side’ #lrnchat
10:52:57 am tmiket: Q1 An oldie but a good training doe not always equal learning #lrnchat
10:53:04 am weisblatt: Yikes! I guess there is a lag. Sorry for being unthreaded. #lrnchat
10:53:06 am _Kavi: q1) ‘so you think they should waste time on FB, twitter and such else and I should provide you money for more of that” #lrnchat
10:53:16 am dawnjmahoney: RT @tmiket: Q1 An oldie but a good training doe not always equal learning #lrnchat
10:53:24 am dawnjmahoney: RT @tmiket: @dbolen Me too…need consultation not order taking! Good one! #lrnchat
10:53:25 am zenlearning: Q1) Design process is critical for all learning developed by co. Usability testing is a must. ID is not a web admin (mostly). #lrnchat
10:53:29 am AlanMontague: #lrnchat Q1 Learnt that my iPhone has a print option but can’t wok out where to set up printers! Apple need better L&D for customers
10:53:32 am ZaraLynnKing: #lrnchat @stipton having a hard time following…
10:53:34 am learninganorak: @_Kavi *waste* time, yes. Sigh. #lrnchat
10:53:55 am StephanieDaul: @learninganorak I like that ‘learning waitress’ #lrnchat
10:54:00 am JaneBozarth: Q1 I see others wanting to plead and get permission and argue. Just do it already. And watch your language. Don’t be squishy. #lrnchat
10:54:00 am weisblatt: Q1) Hard to sell the idea of creating learning experiences in the right order: Determine outcomes first not last. #lrnchat
10:54:08 am megbertapelle: RT @stipton: Q1) trying to communicate that lots of years of SME experience doesn’t make one a good trainer. #lrnchat
10:54:16 am dawnjmahoney: RT @stipton: @ZaraLynnKing beware of tweetdeck – known addictive powers! #lrnchat |I know of this phenom!
10:54:21 am mrch0mp3rs: Q1) The toughest sell for many leaders (as a community manager) is that building relationships of all kinds builds tangible value. #lrnchat
10:54:22 am juandoming: the questions we ask, are appropriate to the needs of society? #juandon #edchat #lrnchat #edtech #eltchat #learning #education #educacion
10:54:29 am learninganorak: @StephanieDaul I don’t like her! ;o) #lrnchat
10:54:33 am dawnjmahoney: RT @megbertapelle: RT @stipton: Q1) trying to communicate that lots of years of SME experience doesn’t make one a good trainer. #lrnchat
10:54:44 am smcclements: RT @weisblatt: Q1) Hard to sell the idea of creating learning experiences in the right order: Determine outcomes first not last. #lrnchat
10:54:47 am dawnjmahoney: RT @weisblatt: Q1) Hard to sell the idea of creating learning experiences in the right order: Determine outcomes first not last. #lrnchat
10:54:59 am dawnjmahoney: RT @JaneBozarth: Q1 I see others wanting to plead and get permission and argue. Just do it already. And watch your language. Don’t be squishy. #lrnchat
10:55:05 am _Kavi: πŸ™‚ RT @learninganorak: @StephanieDaul I don’t like her! ;o) #lrnchat
10:55:06 am ronindotca: Waves at early #lrnchat people.
10:55:06 am mrch0mp3rs: Q1) Once people come to your organization to help, and all it took was asking them… that changes the game completely. #lrnchat
10:55:06 am stipton: @ZaraLynnKing create a column by clicking directly on the hashtag next to “mentions”, then you can track the #lrnchat.
10:55:07 am megbertapelle: RT @_Kavi: Q1) “i have always done it this way, and its worked. Why should my team learn something new?” #lrnchat
10:55:07 am kavimenon_in: Q1) ” I have been using e-mail for long, and it works for me. Why should I use a collaboration tool? ” #lrnchat
10:55:17 am learninganorak: @mrch0mp3rs …and that the really important things don’t come with numbers attached! #lrnchat
10:55:24 am megbertapelle: RT @tmiket: Q1 Have a tough time getting org to support learning beyond a course #lrnchat
10:55:26 am onsSara: joining a little late, Q0) Sara, education project manager, Pittsburgh #lrnchat
10:55:27 am olliegardener: q1) the value of involvement & mutual support btw learners, 4 engagement, learning & prod. oh.. yeah.. and the possibility of it!! #lrnchat
10:55:36 am onsSara: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
10:55:36 am weisblatt: Q1) Hard to sell that if the content sucks, it’s not the technology’s fault that people hate it. #lrnchat
10:55:38 am Racreed2: #lrnchat Q1 that finding good available training is difficult and everyone wants to just step in and take over
10:55:43 am CherylMcLean: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q1) The toughest sell for many leaders (as a community manager) is that building relationships of all kinds builds tangible value. #lrnchat
10:55:45 am _Kavi: Email? πŸ™‚ RT @kavimenon_in: Q1) ” I have been using e-mail for long, and it works for me. Why should I use a collaboration tool? ” #lrnchat
10:55:48 am megbertapelle: RT @JaneBozarth: Q1. (Ducks 4 cover) dont have probs w/job. Feel I’m vry effective thr. U have 2 create yr reality. Hire a gd boss. #lrnchat
10:55:51 am redcled: #Tuiteros juandoming: the questions we ask, are appropriate to the needs of society? #juandon #edchat #lrnchat #…
10:55:55 am dawnjmahoney: RT @weisblatt: Q1) Hard to sell that if the content sucks, it’s not the technology’s fault that people hate it. #lrnchat
10:55:56 am LisaAGoldstein: RT @smcclements: RT @weisblatt: Q1) Creating learning experiences in the right order: Determine outcomes first not last. #lrnchat
10:55:57 am twoodwar: RT @weisblatt: Q1) Hard to sell that if the content sucks, it’s not the technology’s fault that people hate it. #lrnchat
10:56:01 am olliegardener: Not used to using tweetdeck. Keep forgetting about the #-tag. #lrnchat
10:56:02 am ZaraLynnKing: #lrnchat convincing the old school guys that you don’t just put PPT into a converter and magically get eLearning
10:56:07 am mrch0mp3rs: @learninganorak Oh, you can get there. But you have to be a little willing to take it on faith that the numbers will come. #lrnchat
10:56:11 am c4lpt: RT @JaneBozarth: Q1 I see others wanting to plead and get permission and argue. Just do it already. And watch your language. Don’t be squishy. #lrnchat
10:56:14 am tmiket: Q1 That anyone who has the software can design effective learning (#1 on my list) #lrnchat
10:56:20 am olliegardener: LOL RT @weisblatt: Q1) Hard to sell that if the content sucks, it’s not the technology’s fault that people hate it. #lrnchat
10:56:22 am dawnjmahoney: @ZaraLynnKing #lrnchat Here! Here!
10:56:35 am ZaraLynnKing: RT @tmiket: Q1 That anyone who has the software can design effective learning (#1 on my list) #lrnchat
10:56:47 am atomic_jenna: Q1) Not all elearning has to be long boring courses! #lrnchat
10:56:50 am techherding: Arriving late, I’m Dick Carlson — Instructional Designer, Pug Daddy, cranky guy and proprietor of #lrnchat
10:56:52 am learninganorak: Q1 That the staff are adults and should be treated as such #lrnchat
10:57:10 am kavimenon_in: Q1) I am an L&D professional and not a technical writer cum content writer etc etc. Please believe me! #lrnchat
10:57:10 am stipton: Q1) You cannot come to me on monday to develop a course for friday. #ain’tgonnahappen #lrnchat
10:57:12 am zenlearning: RT @olliegardener: LOL RT @weisblatt: Q1) Hard to sell that if the content sucks, it’s not the technology’s fault that people hate it. #lrnchat
10:57:15 am olliegardener: RT @learninganorak: @mrch0mp3rs …and that the really important things don’t come with numbers attached! #lrnchat
10:57:15 am MandyRG: RT @learninganorak: Q1 That the staff are adults and should be treated as such #lrnchat> here here!
10:57:18 am LnDDave: @Racreed2 Sorry, got a call. I explained that my growth outside the org enhances my work inside the org. #lrnchat
10:57:18 am tweenid: My avatar & I are going to 2nd Life now – will catch up on chat summary after. Have a good chat, all. #lrnchat
10:57:19 am lrnchat: Q2) What sales strategies are you using to sell your idea to the leadership in your organization? #lrnchat
10:57:20 am KristiBroom: RT @olliegardener: q1) the value of involvement & mutual support btw learners, 4 engagement, learning & prod. oh.. yeah.. and the possibility of it!! #lrnchat
10:57:22 am kavimenon_in: RT @atomic_jenna: Q1) Not all elearning has to be long boring courses! #lrnchat
10:57:31 am KristiBroom: RT @weisblatt: Q1) Hard to sell that if the content sucks, it’s not the technology’s fault that people hate it. #lrnchat
10:57:37 am stipton: RT @lrnchat: Q2) What sales strategies are you using to sell your idea to the leadership in your organization? #lrnchat
10:57:45 am _Kavi: q1) “you havent devloped me this year” !! #lrnchat
10:57:47 am tmiket: RT @lrnchat: Q2) What sales strategies are you using to sell your idea to the leadership in your organization? #lrnchat
10:57:49 am LnDDave: RT @lrnchat: Q2) What sales strategies are you using to sell your idea to the leadership in your organization? #lrnchat
10:57:50 am KristiBroom: RT @lrnchat: Q2) What sales strategies are you using to sell your idea to the leadership in your organization? #lrnchat
10:57:50 am LisaAGoldstein: Quick bites are often appreciated by the learners. RT @atomic_jenna: Q1) Not all elearning has to be long boring courses! #lrnchat
10:57:51 am learninganorak: Q2 Story-telling, scenario setting #lrnchat
10:57:53 am KavisMusings: RT @lrnchat: Q2) What sales strategies are you using to sell your idea to the leadership in your organization? #lrnchat
10:57:59 am _Kavi: RT @lrnchat: Q2) What sales strategies are you using to sell your idea to the leadership in your organization? #lrnchat
10:58:11 am sumeet_moghe: don’t underestimate how your social business platform looks. appearance proclaims the platform #ls2011 #lrnchat
10:58:11 am LisaAGoldstein: RT @lrnchat: Q2) What sales strategies are you using to sell your idea to the leadership in your organization? #lrnchat
10:58:15 am chettbradley: Chett Bradley Educational Program Mgr in Toronto Canada #lrnchat
10:58:22 am Michelle__Baker: RT @lrnchat: Q2) What sales strategies are you using to sell your idea to the leadership in your organization? #lrnchat
10:58:25 am LnDDave: RT @learninganorak: @LnDDave That’s a cool question! I wish people wd ask me that! #lrnchat < It’s part of my resume and portfolio
10:58:30 am _Kavi: q2) Focus on the benefit ! BENEFIT. Forget the feature #lrnchat
10:58:35 am ZaraLynnKing: Detailed design doc and training request form. We do walk through 1st time #lrnchat
10:58:39 am Racreed2: @LnDDave #lrnchat That sounds like a reasonable answer. And they were supportive?
10:58:40 am chettbradley: Q0 – learned that #lrnchat is an overwhelming experience for a Twitter newbie like me.
10:58:47 am learninganorak: @LnDDave Mine too. #lrnchat
10:58:47 am atomic_jenna: Q2) Demonstrating value. #lrnchat
10:58:50 am Racreed2: RT @chettbradley: Q0 – learned that #lrnchat is an overwhelming experience for a Twitter newbie like me.
10:58:59 am MandyRG: #lrnchat Q2 Evidence of demonstrable results in organisation, so you’ve hopefully got their ear and proof that you’ve done your research
10:59:05 am dbolen: Q2 don’t ask for permission, do a pilot, then tell the story #lrnchat
10:59:09 am LnDDave: RT @Racreed2: @LnDDave #lrnchat That sounds like a reasonable answer. And they were supportive? <I describe them as cautiously intrigued.
10:59:10 am stipton: Q2) Connect the learning need to the business need. If we do this, we may make more money. Boom – sold! #lrnchat
10:59:13 am _Kavi: q2) Use language of the business. BUSINESS. His business. not yours. #lrnchat
10:59:14 am StephanieDaul: @chettbradley hang in there it gets easier #lrnchat
10:59:17 am kavimenon_in: RT @dbolen: Q2 don’t ask for permission, do a pilot, then tell the story #lrnchat
10:59:35 am crumphelen: Q1) easy to tell people that communication is lousy but impossible to get them to take it seriously and do something about it #lrnchat
10:59:35 am learninganorak: @chettbradley Stick with it, you’ll get the hang of it. This is the bestest learning experience (albeit not for grammar ;o)) #lrnchat
10:59:46 am LisaAGoldstein: Asthetics matters, holds attention RT @sumeet_moghe: dont underestimate soc bus platform looks. appearance proclaims the platform #lrnchat
10:59:52 am cofacio: RT @dbolen: Q2 don’t ask for permission, do a pilot, then tell the story #lrnchat
10:59:53 am _Kavi: q2) For the most sceptical : do a pilot. Showcase results in business context #lrnchat
11:00:00 am zenlearning: Gather information and present it to their benefit. They’re like learners, know their needs and deliver content to fit it. #lrnchat
11:00:04 am megbertapelle: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q1) toughest sell 4 many ldrs (as a community mgr) is that bldg relationships of all kinds builds tangible value. #lrnchat
11:00:12 am mrch0mp3rs: Q2) I took my idea from the outside of the org to heroes my leaders would listen to. They liked it and said so. That helped. #lrnchat
11:00:13 am atomic_jenna: Q2) Use lots of pictures and charts #lrnchat
11:00:25 am Michelle__Baker: Q2) Keep things consistent with training request process, meeting w/stakeholders, and design process. Be the pro. #lrnchat
11:00:29 am kavimenon_in: Q2) Hunt for a business problem, create a prototype and then demonstrate the value #lrnchat
11:00:33 am weisblatt: RT @JaneBozarth: Hire a good boss. ==I love that! #lrnchat
11:00:33 am alc47: Q2 Discover business problems and how learning can yield business results – get line to define – develop joint solutions #lrnchat
11:00:37 am ZaraLynnKing: #Articulate community has convo going on about how to pitch training #lrnchat
11:00:40 am stipton: RT @atomic_jenna: Q2) Use lots of pictures and charts <that always helps too! #lrnchat
11:00:53 am _Kavi: q2) Build context. Build relationships. Communicate all through the year ! #lrnchat
11:00:53 am dbolen: RT @alc47: Q2 Discover business problems and how learning can yield business results – get line to define – develop joint solutions #lrnchat
11:00:54 am megbertapelle: RT @weisblatt: Q1) Hard to sell that if the content sucks, it’s not the technology’s fault that people hate it. #lrnchat
11:01:12 am KristiBroom: Q2) I’m learning that individual conversations with main stakeholders in advance of formal presentation (sale) can help #lrnchat
11:01:13 am learninganorak: Q2 Talk in terms of the org’s strategic goals and avoid learning jargon #lrnchat
11:01:16 am MimiBarbara: RT @Michelle__Baker: RT @lrnchat: Q2) What sales strategies are you using to sell your idea to the leadership in your organization? #lrnchat
11:01:17 am mrch0mp3rs: Q2) You can network your way above and outside of your org. The power of endorsement is huge. #lrnchat
11:01:19 am tmiket: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q2) I took my idea from the outside of the org to heroes my leaders would listen to. They liked it and said so. That helped. #lrnchat
11:01:20 am LnDDave: Q2) My main sales strategy usually involves some form of “Here’s how I can help you rectify the problem you’re describing” #lrnchat
11:01:21 am Racreed2: @LnDDave #lrnchat haha…I understand. So how does everyone keep track of all these tips/idea/comments coming at them? Do you take notes?
11:01:22 am megbertapelle: RT @tmiket: Q1 That anyone who has the software can design effective learning (#1 on my list) #lrnchat
11:01:23 am alc47: RT @weisblatt: RT @JaneBozarth: Hire a good boss. ==I love that! But so hard to find!! #lrnchat
11:01:25 am kavimenon_in: RT @MimiBarbara: RT @Michelle__Baker: RT @lrnchat: Q2) What sales strategies are you using to sell your idea to the leadership in your organization? #lrnchat
11:01:28 am LisaAGoldstein: @mrch0mp3rs Good point… helping them to see how yours measures up with the competition / industry. #lrnchat
11:01:35 am c4lpt: @chettbradley there’s advice here which you can read later #lrnchat
11:01:38 am megbertapelle: RT @stipton: Q1) You cannot come to me on monday to develop a course for friday. #ain’tgonnahappen #lrnchat
11:01:39 am StephanieDaul: RT @learninganorak: Q2 Talk in terms of the org’s strategic goals and avoid learning jargon #lrnchat
11:01:42 am kavimenon_in: RT @learninganorak: Q2 Talk in terms of the org’s strategic goals and avoid learning jargon #lrnchat
11:01:48 am megbertapelle: RT @lrnchat: Q2) What sales strategies are you using to sell your idea to the leadership in your organization? #lrnchat
11:01:56 am stipton: Q2) Too often we make the learning about us, it’s important to frame the need around them. #lrnchat
11:02:01 am ZaraLynnKing: #lrnchat we are unique in that we are member of a greater org but are really independent. We pitched actual sales to other comps.
11:02:08 am Michelle__Baker: @learninganorak – Love the “learning waitress” analogy. Too long to RT. πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
11:02:15 am alc47: RT @_Kavi: q2) Build context. Build relationships. Communicate all year ! Be a pal to line – work with them not for them #lrnchat
11:02:18 am megbertapelle: RT @_Kavi: q2) Focus on the benefit ! BENEFIT. Forget the feature #lrnchat
11:02:19 am Racreed2: RT @stipton: Q2) Too often we make the learning about us, it’s important to frame the need around them. #lrnchat
11:02:28 am ZaraLynnKing: RT @lrnchat: Q2) What sales strategies are you using to sell your idea to the leadership in your organization? #lrnchat
11:02:30 am StephanieDaul: RT @stipton: Q2) Too often we make the learning about us, it’s important to frame the need around them. #lrnchat
11:02:31 am MandyRG: RT @megbertapelle: RT @_Kavi: q2) Focus on the benefit ! BENEFIT. Forget the feature #lrnchat
11:02:31 am mrch0mp3rs: @tmiket I learned this lesson a few years ago: you cannot be a prophet in your own land. #lrnchat
11:02:32 am learninganorak: Q2 Talk in terms of work performance not training attendance #lrnchat
11:02:48 am dawnjmahoney: RT @lrnchat: Q2) What sales strategies are you using to sell your idea to the leadership in your organization? #lrnchat
11:02:50 am bschlenker: Hello! Sorry I’m late. Catching up on lrnchat stream now. #lrnchat
11:02:50 am kavimenon_in: RT @learninganorak: Q2 Talk in terms of work performance not training attendance #lrnchat
11:02:54 am megbertapelle: @chettbradley don’t give up! it’s OK to skip some πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
11:02:57 am LnDDave: @Racreed2 I use favorites in Twitter for later review, I’ll read the transcript later on, and I usually reflect on my blog. #lrnchat
11:02:58 am ZaraLynnKing: and ROI in $$ RT @learninganorak: Q2 Talk in terms of work performance not training attendance #lrnchat
11:03:03 am 2GFred: Arriving late, sorry. What is Q1? #lrnchat
11:03:04 am dawnjmahoney: RT @learninganorak: Q2 Talk in terms of work performance not training attendance #lrnchat
11:03:04 am c4lpt: q2) Talk the language of Business not the language of learning! #lrnchat
11:03:10 am megbertapelle: RT @MandyRG: #lrnchat Q2 Evidence of demonstrable results in org, so U’ve hopefully got their ear & proof that U’ve done yr research
11:03:11 am dawnjmahoney: RT @c4lpt: q2) Talk the language of Business not the language of learning! #lrnchat
11:03:14 am ZaraLynnKing: RT @c4lpt: q2) Talk the language of Business not the language of learning! #lrnchat
11:03:15 am JaneBozarth: @alc47 @weisblatt And yet… WE’re the ones who do all that supervisory, management and “leadership training”. #WhosToBlame? #lrnchat
11:03:18 am MandyRG: RT @c4lpt: q2) Talk the language of Business not the language of learning! #lrnchat
11:03:22 am megbertapelle: RT @stipton: Q2) Connect the learning need to the business need. If we do this, we may make more money. Boom – sold! #lrnchat
11:03:22 am learninganorak: @ZaraLynnKing Oh, I don’t do ROI. I do ROE at best. #lrnchat
11:03:24 am StephanieDaul: RT @mrch0mp3rs: @tmiket I learned this lesson a few years ago: you cannot be a prophet in your own land. #lrnchat <saw that this week!>
11:03:26 am megbertapelle: RT @_Kavi: q2) Use language of the business. BUSINESS. His business. not yours. #lrnchat
11:03:27 am dbolen: RT @C4LPT: q2) Talk the language of Business not the language of learning! #lrnchat
11:03:33 am Racreed2: #lrnchat I know my company not only wants to have courses, but truly foster an environment of learning
11:03:35 am kavimenon_in: RT @c4lpt: q2) Talk the language of Business not the language of learning! #lrnchat
11:03:47 am LnDDave: Q2) If there’s resistance inside the org, I’ll try something outside the org that I can use as an example. #lrnchat
11:03:51 am StephanieDaul: RT @c4lpt: q2) Talk the language of Business not the language of learning! #lrnchat
11:03:53 am dawnjmahoney: RT @Racreed2: RT @stipton: Q2) Too often we make the learning about us, it’s important to frame the need around them. #lrnchat
11:04:02 am megbertapelle: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q2) I took my idea from outside the org 2 heroes my leaders wld listen 2. They liked it & said so. That helped. #lrnchat
11:04:04 am LnDDave: RT @mrch0mp3rs: @tmiket I learned this lesson a few years ago: you cannot be a prophet in your own land. #lrnchat
11:04:10 am alc47: @learninganorak @ZaraLynnKing ROE is a cop-out – business results are what counts #lrnchat
11:04:11 am _Kavi: Q2) ‘What if we dont do this’ scenario building #lrnchat
11:04:13 am LisaAGoldstein: RT @LnDDave: Q2) If theres resistance inside the org, Ill try something outside the org that I can use as an example. #lrnchat
11:04:29 am LnDDave: RT @c4lpt: q2) Talk the language of Business not the language of learning! #lrnchat
11:04:29 am tmiket: RT @JaneBozarth: Q1 I see others wanting to plead and get permission and argue. Just do it already. And watch your language. #lrnchat
11:04:40 am TheSkyHighGuy: #lrnchat q1 – reminding my more traditional managers that assessments are more than a written test Grrrr….
11:04:45 am mrch0mp3rs: @StephanieDaul Just remember, I’m no longer in your land. I can carry tablets (iPads?) down from other mountains πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
11:04:56 am alc47: RT @StephanieDaul: RT @c4lpt: q2) Talk the language of Business not the language of learning! We have to be business people #lrnchat
11:04:56 am megbertapelle: RT @KristiBroom: Q2) I’m lrng that individual conversations w/ main stakeholders in advance of formal presentation (sale) cn help #lrnchat
11:04:57 am dawnjmahoney: #lrnchat Q2) Wkg to change culture that results take time to realize
11:04:58 am chettbradley: thanks for the encouragement everyone! #lrnchat
11:05:00 am learninganorak: @ZaraLynnKing Nope. I tell them there are things money can’t buy ;o) #lrnchat
11:05:10 am megbertapelle: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q2) You can network your way above and outside of your org. The power of endorsement is huge. #lrnchat
11:05:11 am bschlenker: RT @lrnchat: Q2) What sales strategies are you using to sell your idea to the leadership in your organization? #lrnchat
11:05:19 am megbertapelle: RT @LnDDave: Q2) My main sales strategy usually involves sum form of “Here’s how I cn help U rectify the problem U’re describing” #lrnchat
11:05:22 am chettbradley: @C4LPT perfect – thanks!! #lrnchat
11:07:13 am JaneBozarth: Amen. RT @dbolen: Q2 dont ask for permission, do a pilot, then tell the story #lrnchat
11:07:24 am TheSkyHighGuy: #lrnchat q2 using referrals and testimonials from satisfied internal customers – leading from the front pro-active rather than re-active
11:07:28 am mrch0mp3rs: RT @JaneBozarth: Amen. RT @dbolen: Q2 dont ask for permission, do a pilot, then tell the story #lrnchat
11:07:31 am StephanieDaul: RT @JaneBozarth: Amen. RT @dbolen: Q2 dont ask for permission, do a pilot, then tell the story #lrnchat
11:07:48 am Michelle__Baker: Q2) Keep things consistent with training request process, meeting w/stakeholders, and design process. Be the pro. #lrnchat
11:07:51 am LisaAGoldstein: @tmiket Does your LMS have a forum for discussion & solid reporting tool for metrics? & possibly assign SMEs/Mgmt post tasks? #lrnchat
11:07:52 am LnDDave: Q2) I really don’t ‘sell’ much. My reputation for helping with performance problems usually buys me that much. #lrnchat
11:07:57 am chettbradley: Q1 – I can do more than set up a webinar room for you to go ahead and plonk in your own content. #lrnchat
11:07:59 am MandyRG: RT @TheSkyHighGuy: #lrnchat q2 using referrals and testimonials from satisfied internal customers – leading from the front pro-active rather than re-active
11:08:01 am alc47: RT @JaneBozarth: Amen. Amen. Amen RT @dbolen: Q2 dont ask for permission, do a pilot, then tell the story #lrnchat
11:08:10 am _Kavi: Q2) Build ‘relevance’ outside the organisation ! #lrnchat
11:08:12 am ZaraLynnKing: RT @alc47: RT @JaneBozarth: Amen. Amen. Amen RT @dbolen: Q2 dont ask for permission, do a pilot, then tell the story #lrnchat
11:08:14 am JaneBozarth: Don’t say you aren’t ‘allowed’ to do something. You aren’t 6. Own it. #lrnchat
11:08:18 am flowersprof: Q2) after researching and conducting a proof of concept we make a presentation the senior team and ask for approval to move forward #lrnchat
11:08:20 am dawnjmahoney: RT @bschlenker: Q2) If I knew any sales strategies I’d be more equipped to answer…little help? #lrnchat | I am THERE!
11:08:20 am alc47: RT @LnDDave: Q2) I really dont sell much. My reputation for helping with performance problems usually buys me that much. #lrnchat
11:08:22 am LnDDave: RT @JaneBozarth: Don’t say you aren’t ‘allowed’ to do something. You aren’t 6. Own it. #lrnchat
11:08:26 am _Kavi: RT @JaneBozarth: Amen. RT @dbolen: Q2 dont ask for permission, do a pilot, then tell the story #lrnchat
11:08:26 am crumphelen: @tylerwall Sharing ur dream key part of enchantment as u can’t assume people know how gr8t ur cause is like it #lrnchat
11:08:27 am MandyRG: RT @JaneBozarth: Don’t say you aren’t ‘allowed’ to do something. You aren’t 6. Own it. #lrnchat
11:08:48 am dawnjmahoney: RT @JaneBozarth: Amen. RT @dbolen: Q2 dont ask for permission, do a pilot, then tell the story #lrnchat
11:08:55 am alc47: RT @LnDDave: RT @JaneBozarth: Dont say you arent allowed to do something. You arent 6. Own it. #lrnchat
11:09:16 am LisaAGoldstein: @tmiket Is there a good reason for that outside of fear? #lrnchat
11:09:20 am JaneBozarth: Amen to this too Q2) Build ‘relevance’ outside the organisation ! #lrnchat
11:09:28 am learninganorak: RT @alc47: RT @LnDDave: RT @JaneBozarth: Dont say you arent allowed to do something. You arent 6. Own it. #lrnchat <= Hell yeah!
11:09:31 am JaneBozarth: Hello @Kavi how are you ? #lrnchat
11:09:32 am dawnjmahoney: RT @chettbradley: Q1 – I can do more than set up a webinar room for you to go ahead and plonk in your own content. #lrnchat|Hilarious!
11:09:32 am _Kavi: Q2) Show long term plan and short term goals #lrnchat
11:09:36 am pmtrainer: Yes the drive thru mentality RT @stipton: Q1) You cannot come to me on monday to develop a course for friday. #ain’tgonnahappen #lrnchat
11:09:52 am olliegardener: To me Collaboration is working together, co-working side by-side. @theatreacle @atomic_jenna #lrnchat
11:09:54 am TheSkyHighGuy: #lrnchat sorry chaps – first time caller – Learning specialist from Killorglin, co Kerry. On the south west corner of Ireland
11:10:06 am kavimenon_in: RT @_Kavi: Absolutely! Q2) Show long term plan and short term goals #lrnchat
11:10:08 am _Kavi: @JaneBozarth Doing well !!! Great to see you here !! #lrnchat
11:10:16 am learninganorak: @olliegardener Yup. Beanbag time. My favourite development tool :o) #lrnchat
11:10:17 am ZaraLynnKing: My reputation is only as good as long as i have tenure. #lrnchat
11:10:37 am mpalko: HA! I read that as ‘reverence’ RT @JaneBozarth: Amen to this too Q2) Build ‘relevance’ outside the organisation ! #lrnchat
11:10:38 am JaneBozarth: @_Kavi You too. I don’t make the early chats often. Fun to see a different crowd. #lrnchat
11:10:54 am JaneBozarth: @mpalko that too. And ubiquity. #lrnchat
11:11:02 am alc47: RT @olliegardener: Collaboration = working together, co-working . So solving business problems @theatreacle @atomic_jenna #lrnchat
11:11:12 am stipton: @TheSkyHighGuy welcome, welcome! #lrnchat
11:11:24 am lrnchat: Q3) What sales strategies are you using to promote learning programs to learners? #lrnchat
11:11:35 am LnDDave: RT @lrnchat: Q3) What sales strategies are you using to promote learning programs to learners? #lrnchat
11:11:38 am _Kavi: @JaneBozarth Great fun ! #lrnchat
11:11:39 am tmiket: RT @c4lpt: q2) Talk the language of Business not the language of learning! #lrnchat
11:11:39 am stipton: RT @lrnchat: Q3) What sales strategies are you using to promote learning programs to learners? #lrnchat
11:11:41 am mrch0mp3rs: RT @lrnchat: Q3) What sales strategies are you using to promote learning programs to learners? #lrnchat
11:11:46 am _Kavi: RT @lrnchat: Q3) What sales strategies are you using to promote learning programs to learners? #lrnchat
11:11:53 am olliegardener: @theatreacle @alc47 @atomic_jenna The value of co-working is largely ignored.. yet just imagine if the #lrnchat ppl could co-work, co-learn.
11:11:55 am LisaAGoldstein: @tmiket And a detriment to obtaining real value. #lrnchat
11:12:01 am mrch0mp3rs: Q3) I offer a free Ginsu set with every course. #lrnchat
11:12:03 am ZaraLynnKing: #lrnchat So far our group has #fail miserably…
11:12:05 am KristiBroom: RT @lrnchat: Q3) What sales strategies are you using to promote learning programs to learners? #lrnchat
11:12:08 am tmiket: Connect people to other people and let them learn from each other! #lrnchat
11:12:11 am learninganorak: Q3 Community of champions/evangelists in the business #lrnchat
11:12:13 am ZaraLynnKing: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q3) I offer a free Ginsu set with every course. #lrnchat
11:12:13 am langholloman: Q2) improved efficiency through a more connected and aware organization that can yield higher & more consistant output #lrnchat
11:12:16 am alc47: Q3 What decisions do you need to make? What do you need to know to make them? #lrnchat
11:12:16 am c4lpt: RT @lrnchat: Q3) What sales strategies are you using to promote learning programs to learners? #lrnchat
11:12:19 am _Kavi: RT @tmiket: Connect people to other people and let them learn from each other! #lrnchat
11:12:24 am StephanieDaul: Q3) If your role is an order taker, do you really need a sale strategy? #lrnchat
11:12:27 am learninganorak: RT @tmiket: Connect people to other people and let them learn from each other! #lrnchat
11:12:30 am olliegardener: @TheSkyHighGuy Welcome! πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
11:12:31 am LnDDave: Q3) I work at a small org, so word of mouth is very effective. #lrnchat
11:12:36 am LisaAGoldstein: RT @lrnchat: Q3) What sales strategies are you using to promote learning programs to learners? #lrnchat
11:12:38 am MandyRG: #lrnchat Q3 Talk to them – floor walk if necessary. market via email. Make bite size learning sessions private short consultancy
11:12:42 am mrch0mp3rs: RT @StephanieDaul: Q3) If your role is an order taker, do you really need a sale strategy? #lrnchat
11:12:45 am Michelle__Baker: Q3) Making sure the “WIFFM” is evident… #lrnchat
11:12:47 am LnDDave: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q3) I offer a free Ginsu set with every course. #lrnchat
11:13:01 am kavimenon_in: Q3) First sell the course to the top shots and then let them evangelize it #lrnchat
11:13:07 am c4lpt: Q3) I’m not! It’s about becoming self-sufficient learners under the guidance of L&D #lrnchat
11:13:15 am learninganorak: Q3 Involve them from the outset so they don’t feel ‘done to’ Threat them like grown ups #lrnchat
11:13:24 am olliegardener: RT @C4LPT: Q3) I’m not! It’s about becoming self-sufficient learners under the guidance of L&D #lrnchat
11:13:31 am ipttoolkit: a nice reflection on how IDs need business knowledge
11:13:34 am Michelle__Baker: Q3) …and it doesn’t hurt that I usually provide chocolate. πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
11:13:35 am dbolen: RT @lrnchat: Q3) What sales strategies are you using to promote learning programs to learners? #lrnchat
11:13:38 am alc47: RT @learninganorak: RT @tmiket: Connect people to other people and let them learn from each other! #lrnchat
11:13:45 am kavimenon_in: Q3) Convert all boring compliance classroom sessions to fun-filled and interactive online programs #lrnchat
11:13:52 am _Kavi: Q3) make them ‘feel’ good. Reinforcements in nuggets. #lrnchat
11:13:56 am olliegardener: Yeah … πŸ™‚ RT @alc47: RT @learninganorak: RT @tmiket: Connect people to other people and let them learn from each other! #lrnchat
11:14:03 am learninganorak: RT @Michelle__Baker: Q3) …and it doesn’t hurt that I usually provide chocolate. πŸ™‚ #lrnchat <= LOL! Bribery and corruption!
11:14:03 am MandyRG: #lrnchat Q3 Having built rapport, show all learning resources are easily available and not in a big black hole
11:14:06 am JaneBozarth: If it’s compliance/mandatory, I tell them if they do the online version then they won’t have to sit in a face to face class. #lrnchat
11:14:08 am tmiket: @LisaAGoldstein Yes, they are just checking boxes and often don’t care about learning nor actual performance…slowly changing it #lrnchat
11:14:15 am techherding: RT @learninganorak:”Threat them like grown ups” Calling Dr. Freud… #lrnchat
11:14:20 am ZaraLynnKing: #lrnchat i am on an island and have no access to my end user and then some guy say bad stuff now what i do?
11:14:27 am dawnjmahoney: RT @lrnchat: Q3) What sales strategies are you using to promote learning programs to learners? #lrnchat
11:14:31 am ZaraLynnKing: RT @techherding: RT @learninganorak:”Threat them like grown ups” Calling Dr. Freud… #lrnchat
11:14:31 am LisaAGoldstein: Q3) Marketing the benefits from day one. Keeping it easy to use, interesting for enjoyment & relevant for value. No time wasters. #lrnchat
11:14:35 am DonaKimberly: @lrnchat Q3) establishing relationships
11:14:39 am c4lpt: RT Q3) I’m not! It’s about becoming self-sufficient learners under the guidance of L&D #lrnchat Sorry WITH not under!
11:14:42 am learninganorak: @techherding Dr Freud has left the building. In disgrace. ;o) #lrnchat
11:14:48 am _Kavi: Q3) Acknowledging their difficulty helps #lrnchat
11:14:51 am LnDDave: Q3) It’s not a conscious sales strategy, but I know that my continuous support between ‘events’ has helped ‘event’ registrations. #lrnchat
11:14:52 am stipton: Q3) Take a page frm mkting. Talk to the learners as customers. State features/benefits & ltickler emails to generate excitement #lrnchat
11:14:56 am JaneBozarth: Yup. RT @kavimenon Q3) Convert all boring compliance classroom sessions to fun-filled and interactive online programs #lrnchat
11:14:56 am KristiBroom: RT @alc47: RT @learninganorak: RT @tmiket: Connect people to other people and let them learn from each other! #lrnchat
11:15:03 am KristiBroom: RT @Michelle__Baker: Q3) …and it doesn’t hurt that I usually provide chocolate. πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
11:15:12 am tmiket: @JaneBozarth Avoiding a F2F compliance class is an EASY sell! 😎 #lrnchat
11:15:13 am kavimenon_in: Q3) Spike with a group of users who spread the word #lrnchat
11:15:13 am ZaraLynnKing: RT @JaneBozarth: Yup. RT @kavimenon Q3) Convert all boring compliance classroom sessions to fun-filled and interactive online programs #lrnchat
11:15:18 am LisaAGoldstein: @tmiket Sounds like surviving the to do list instead of strategic thinking. #lrnchat
11:15:25 am dbolen: Q3 not exactly a strategy per se, respect your learners don’t commit learning malpractice per @Quinnovator #lrnchat
11:15:27 am Michelle__Baker: @learninganorak – Is that so wrong? πŸ˜‰ #lrnchat
11:15:29 am hrfuturist: 17 articles on the new iPad 2 – Will it really be a game change for learning? #slbootcamp #lrnchat
11:15:34 am JaneBozarth: LOL that too: RT @C4LPT Q3) I’m not! It’s about becoming self-sufficient learners under the guidance of L&D #lrnchat Sorry WITH not under!
11:16:05 am chettbradley: RT @StephanieDaul: Q3) If your role is an order taker, do you really need a sale strategy? #lrnchat HA! I feel your pain.
11:16:12 am alc47: RT @c4lpt: RT Q3) Its becoming self-sufficient learners assisted by L&D #lrnchat learning together #lrnchat
11:16:15 am learninganorak: RT @_Kavi: Q3) Promote freedom of learning. Freedom from the tyranny of forced ‘training’ #lrnchat <= Hell yeah!
11:16:24 am JaneBozarth: Tell people they can’t take something/not eligible/not for them. Behold the power of You Can’t Have That. πŸ˜‰ #lrnchat
11:16:31 am megbertapelle: RT @lrnchat: Q3) What sales strategies are you using to promote learning programs to learners? #lrnchat
11:16:48 am mrch0mp3rs: RT @JaneBozarth: Tell people they can’t take something/not eligible/not for them. Behold the power of You Can’t Have That. πŸ˜‰ #lrnchat
11:16:49 am megbertapelle: RT @MandyRG: #lrnchat Q3 Talk 2 them – floor walk if necessary. market via email. Make bite size learning sessions private short consultancy
11:16:58 am megbertapelle: RT @C4LPT: Q3) I’m not! It’s about becoming self-sufficient learners under the guidance of L&D #lrnchat
11:17:07 am megbertapelle: RT @learninganorak: Q3 Involve them from the outset so they don’t feel ‘done to’ Treat them like grown ups #lrnchat
11:17:10 am nolecture: RT @JaneBozarth: Don’t say you aren’t ‘allowed’ to do something. You aren’t 6. Own it. #lrnchat
11:17:17 am megbertapelle: RT @MandyRG: #lrnchat Q3 Having built rapport, show all learning resources are easily available and not in a big black hole
11:17:20 am learninganorak: By the way… has everyone seen this? It’s too cool! #lrnchat
11:17:33 am megbertapelle: RT @JaneBozarth: If compliance/mandatory, I tell them if they do online version then they wnt have 2 sit in a face 2 face class. #lrnchat
11:17:37 am LnDDave: Q3) I find that people are much more interested in our learning programs since I banned the word ‘Mandatory’. #lrnchat
11:17:39 am dbolen: @JaneBozarth #lrnchat Yes, your are defined also by what you say NO to
11:17:48 am MandyRG: #lrnchat Gotta go – thanks everyone! Until next week….
11:17:51 am cofacio: RT @alc47: RT @c4lpt: RT Q3) Its becoming self-sufficient learners assisted by L&D #lrnchat learning together #lrnchat
11:17:54 am EvangelineSugg2: @FlatsonVine Is that like the Ctrl-Tab I use to switch windows in XP, or something else? #lrnchat
11:17:57 am megbertapelle: RT @GJCannon: Q2) Never use the word ‘social’! Immediate negative connotations with mgmnt. #lrnchat
11:18:00 am alc47: @learninganorak What am I supposed to be looking at? #lrnchat
11:18:04 am ZaraLynnKing: #goodidea RT @LnDDave: Q3) I find people are much more interested in our learning programs since I banned the word ‘Mandatory’. #lrnchat
11:18:05 am StephanieDaul: RT @lrnchat Q3) What sales strategies are you using to promote learning programs to learners?
11:18:05 am _Kavi: Q3) Provide options. Choices. Fun Make it worthwhile ! #lrnchat
11:18:05 am JaneBozarth: Q3 I have trouble getting info to our front line learners. So I join every Facebook group they’re in and advert my stuff there. #lrnchat
11:18:17 am _Kavi: RT @megbertapelle: RT @GJCannon: Q2) Never use the word ‘social’! Immediate negative connotations with mgmnt. #lrnchat
11:18:21 am LisaAGoldstein: RT @megbertapelle: RT @MandyRG: #lrnchat Having built rapport, show learning resources are easily available & not a big black hole #lrnchat
11:18:21 am CherylMcLean: Q3) Making the learners part of the development and maybe delivery of the learning program. #lrnchat
11:18:30 am megbertapelle: RT @LnDDave: Q3) not a conscious sales strategy, but I knw that continuous support btwn ‘events’ has helped ‘event’ registrations. #lrnchat
11:18:35 am learninganorak: @alc47 Did I forget to put that bit in? Doh! #lrnchat
11:18:36 am JaneBozarth: BTW I am working on the writeup of “Chop Shop Learning” now. No more squishy terms here! #lrnchat
11:18:37 am ZaraLynnKing: @JaneBozarth #lrnchat that is dedication!!!
11:18:47 am LnDDave: RT @CherylMcLean: Q3) Making the learners part of the development and maybe delivery of the learning program. #lrnchat
11:19:03 am Racreed2: #lrnchat How do you highlight social networks business potential? How do you keep people from being sidetracked from work by said networks?
11:19:04 am MandyRG: RT @CherylMcLean: Q3) Making the learners part of the development and maybe delivery of the learning program. #lrnchat
11:19:06 am _Kavi: RT @JaneBozarth: Q3 I have trouble getting info to our front line. So I join every Facebook grp they’re in & advert my stuff there. #lrnchat
11:19:11 am stipton: @JaneBozarth That sounds interesting! #lrnchat
11:19:13 am mrch0mp3rs: Q3) Understanding who your learners are is key. You can’t sell to people you don’t understand. #lrnchat
11:19:24 am LnDDave: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q3) Understanding who your learners are is key. You can’t sell to people you don’t understand. #lrnchat
11:19:26 am megbertapelle: RT @JaneBozarth: Tell people they can’t take something/not eligible/not for them. Behold the power of You Can’t Have That. πŸ˜‰ #lrnchat
11:19:31 am ZaraLynnKing: #lrnchat realistically how often can you actually involve learners in the process REALLY?
11:19:32 am 2GFred: RT @lrnchat: Q3) What sales strategies are you using to promote learning programs to learners? #lrnchat
11:19:32 am alc47: RT @JaneBozarth: Q3 trouble getting info to learners. join every community theyre in advert there. Join them where they are #lrnchat
11:19:37 am _Kavi: @JaneBozarth The FB idea is super cool ! #lrnchat
11:19:43 am dawnjmahoney: RT @JaneBozarth: BTW I am working on the writeup of “Chop Shop Learning” now. No more squishy terms here! #lrnchat|I live there!
11:19:45 am TheSkyHighGuy: #lrnchat Q3 – make them feel special and valued – Repect their views and help those who want to develop to do so. Love your work
11:19:48 am kavimenon_in: Q3) Involve people in narration. They love to hear their voices, and say to others, “did you hear me speaking in that course”? #lrnchat
11:19:48 am stipton: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q3) Understanding who your learners are is key. You can’t sell to people you don’t understand. #lrnchat
11:19:56 am nolecture: “@learninganorak: Talk work performance not training attendance #lrnchat”. Amen. Who is ur sponsor? Lou between flights. Hi all.
11:20:03 am MandyRG: RT @TheSkyHighGuy: #lrnchat Q3 – make them feel special and valued – Repect their views and help those who want to develop to do so. Love your work
11:20:11 am chettbradley: @stipton I think I need to learn the art of the “teaser” #lrnchat
11:20:29 am LisaAGoldstein: New trends seem difficult for some RT @megbertapelle: RT @GJCannon: Dont use the word social! Imm negative connotations with mgmnt. #lrnchat
11:20:31 am dawnjmahoney: @nolecture #lrnchat Hi Lou! Gr8 ur here!
11:20:35 am ZaraLynnKing: @JaneBozarth Your Facebook attack…lol #lrnchat
11:20:38 am _Kavi: q3) Get them to personalise the course. Can they insert their snaps ? voices ? #lrnchat
11:21:13 am JaneBozarth: @ZaraLynnKing no, it’s just circumventing roadblocks. #lrnchat
11:21:19 am kavimenon_in: Q3) Do pull-based learning #lrnchat
11:21:26 am langholloman: RT @_Kavi: Q3) Promote freedom of learning. Freedom from the tyranny of forced ‘training’ #lrnchat
11:21:27 am ZaraLynnKing: #lrnchat with respect to include them in course totally up for it but what about when they leave/get fired
11:21:29 am KristiBroom: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q3) Understanding who your learners are is key. You can’t sell to people you don’t understand. #lrnchat
11:21:49 am kavimenon_in: RT @_Kavi: Close to what I said πŸ™‚ q3) Get them to personalise the course. Can they insert their snaps ? voices ? #lrnchat
11:21:54 am LisaAGoldstein: RT @KristiBroom: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q3) Understanding who your learners are is key. You cant sell to people you dont understand. #lrnchat
11:21:55 am ZaraLynnKing: #lrnchat @JaneBozarth it is a great idea.
11:22:04 am _Kavi: q3) Advertise. Shamelessly, with head held high! keep an intrigue quotient alive ! #lrnchat
11:22:09 am LisaAGoldstein: RT @langholloman: RT @_Kavi: Q3) Promote freedom of learning. Freedom from the tyranny of forced training #lrnchat
11:22:12 am stipton: @chettbradley super easy…short catchy headline like a trailer w/count down clock. Any web guy can design one as a template. #lrnchat
11:22:20 am ZaraLynnKing: And takes dedication! #lrnchat @JaneBozarth it is a great idea.
11:22:31 am KristiBroom: Q3) Find key supporters on the ground level, and have them tell their friends. Success is hard to argue. #lrnchat
11:22:39 am olliegardener: q3) don’t personalise the course. Can they insert their snaps ? voices ? #lrnchat
11:22:47 am StephanieDaul: Q3) who is the sales strategy for, your learners or the SMEs? #lrnchat
11:22:49 am TheSkyHighGuy: RT @LisaAGoldstein: RT @langholloman: RT @_Kavi: Q3) Promote freedom of learning. Freedom from the tyranny of forced training #lrnchat
11:22:56 am alc47: RT @ZaraLynnKing: #lrnchat @JaneBozarth it is a great idea. Generalise it – join them wherever they are #lrnchat
11:22:58 am learninganorak: @ZaraLynnKing Then you need a new approach… #lrnchat
11:23:11 am MimiBarbara: RT @KristiBroom: Q3) Find key supporters on the ground level, and have them tell their friends. Success is hard to argue. #lrnchat
11:23:18 am tmiket: @stipton Yes our learning ARE our customers! Bravo! #lrnchat
11:23:21 am kavimenon_in: Q3) Get design ideas from the end users. The will look forward to the program. #lrnchat
11:23:43 am Racreed2: #lrnchat…I think I have to head out…if I want updates from this discussion I should head to @LnDDave blog…correct πŸ™‚ Thnx everyone
11:23:44 am olliegardener: That last tweet didnt make any sense at all.. πŸ˜€ #lrnchat
11:23:47 am Michelle__Baker: RT @alc47: RT @ZaraLynnKing: #lrnchat @JaneBozarth it is a great idea. Generalise it – join them wherever they are <– Indeed! #lrnchat
11:23:50 am techherding: Dick Carlson signing off. Pug Daddy, learning wonk, pesky and annoying. #lrnchat
11:24:07 am learninganorak: @techherding …and fun bfn #lrnchat
11:24:08 am _Kavi: q3) Encourage conversation. Between participants who are registered already.#lrnchat
11:24:10 am mrch0mp3rs: Q3) Magicians have confederates in the audience that help create an atmosphere for tricks to work. Who are your confederates? #lrnchat
11:24:28 am ZaraLynnKing: #lrnchat has anyone done any “marketing” internally to promote?
11:24:31 am stipton: Q3) Took dog & pony on the road, got in front of people, ask them what they wanted, showed them where to find it. Worked well. #lrnchat
11:24:49 am KristiBroom: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q3) Magicians have confederates in the audience that help create an atmosphere for tricks to work. Who are your confederates? #lrnchat
11:24:52 am Racreed2: RT @ZaraLynnKing: #lrnchat has anyone done any “marketing” internally to promote?
11:24:52 am _Kavi: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q3) Magicians have confederates in the audience that help create an atmosphere for tricks to work. #lrnchat
11:25:02 am tmiket: RT @lrnchat: Q3) What sales strategies are you using to promote learning programs to learners? #lrnchat
11:25:05 am stipton: @ZaraLynnKing all the time! work with your mkting dept for help. #lrnchat
11:25:06 am _Kavi: RT @stipton: Q3) Took dog & pony on the road, got in front of people, ask them what they wanted, showed them where to find it. Worked well. #lrnchat
11:25:12 am techherding: Need a job? Friend of mine hiring IDs #lrnchat
11:25:30 am learninganorak: @techherding Location important? #lrnchat
11:25:33 am lrnchat: Q4) What sales strategies are you using to promote your own expertise and services within the organization? #lrnchat
11:25:36 am kavimenon_in: @ZaraLynnKing Yes! We are currently doing it for a social collaboration platform that we’ve just launched. #lrnchat
11:25:48 am mrch0mp3rs: RT @lrnchat: Q4) What sales strategies are you using to promote your own expertise and services within the organization? #lrnchat
11:25:49 am ZaraLynnKing: @stipton #lrnchat I have more design skills then the marketing dept here. I mean personally
11:25:57 am StephanieDaul: RT @lrnchat: Q4) What sales strategies are you using to promote your own expertise and services within the organization? #lrnchat
11:25:59 am _Kavi: RT @lrnchat: Q4) What sales strategies are you using to promote your own expertise and services within the organization? #lrnchat
11:26:02 am olliegardener: RT @theatreacle Agreed. And we’e better at collaboration than co-working – and are missing out because of it! @alc47 @atomic_jenna #lrnchat
11:26:06 am tmiket: Q3 The practical benefits must be obvious. How will this help me do my job better? If I don’t see it I ain’t wasting my time #lrnchat
11:26:08 am megbertapelle: RT @lrnchat: Q4) What sales strategies are you using to promote your own expertise and services within the organization? #lrnchat
11:26:22 am hrfuturist: #lrnchat #slbootcamp Are these the best Hashtags for HR – Learning Meets Social –
11:26:28 am Michelle__Baker: RT @lrnchat: Q4) What sales strategies are you using to promote your own expertise and services within the organization? #lrnchat
11:26:39 am Parliamentof: @JaneBozarth your #lrnchat comment on pleading and permissions set me googling for the so great intrapreneurs rulebook
11:26:43 am kavimenon_in: Q4) Work on some key projects and get thank you mails from the stakeholders #lrnchat
11:26:49 am alc47: Q4 Showing myself as a business minded person who understands and has an expertise that will give results to performance #lrnchat
11:26:58 am ZaraLynnKing: RT @alc47: Q4 Showing myself as a business minded person who understands and has an expertise that will give results to performance #lrnchat
11:26:58 am LisaAGoldstein: RT @lrnchat: Q4) What sales strategies are you using to promote your own expertise and services within the organization? #lrnchat
11:27:06 am learninganorak: @techherding LOL! I’m not even in the US…. #lrnchat
11:27:08 am _Kavi: RT @kavimenon_in: Q4) Work on some key projects and get thank you mails from the stakeholders #lrnchat
11:27:13 am KristiBroom: RT @lrnchat: Q4) What sales strategies are you using to promote your own expertise and services within the organization? #lrnchat
11:27:25 am LnDDave: RT @lrnchat: Q4) What sales strategies are you using to promote your own expertise and services within the organization? #lrnchat
11:27:37 am ZaraLynnKing: @kavimenon_in #lrnchat what are you doing? email, paper, memo?
11:27:49 am bschlenker: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q3) Understanding who your learners are is key. You cant sell to people you dont understand. <#WINNING #lrnchat
11:28:00 am ZaraLynnKing: RT @bschlenker: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q3) Understanding who your learners are is key. You cant sell to people you dont understand. <#WINNING #lrnchat
11:28:14 am kavimenon_in: Q4) Talking shamelessly about myself and my work. A good review certainly helps πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
11:28:14 am TLCToday: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What parts of your job are the most difficult to “sell” to your organization? #lrnchat
11:28:16 am tweenid: RT @LnDDave: Q3) I find that people are much more interested in our learning programs since I banned the word ‘Mandatory’. #lrnchat
11:28:18 am alc47: RT @_Kavi: RT @kavimenon_in: Q4) Work on some key projects Make a real difference in the business #lrnchat
11:28:21 am _Kavi: q4) Demonstrate understanding of business. Understanding of learning is a given #lrnchat
11:28:24 am TLCToday: RT @c4lpt: Q0) I’ve learned that there are a lot of people hungry to hear how others are using social media for working and learning #lrnchat
11:28:24 am c4lpt: q4) Social media marketing strategies of course! #lrnchat
11:28:38 am StephanieDaul: Q4) Listening to my clients pain points and creating something they can relate to in their words not mine. #lrnchat
11:28:43 am KristiBroom: Q4) Have examples of success ready to share. Speak business language. Show enthusiasm. #lrnchat
11:28:44 am alc47: RT @_Kavi: q4) Demonstrate understanding of business. Understanding of learning is a given #lrnchat
11:28:55 am StephanieDaul: RT @KristiBroom: Q4) Have examples of success ready to share. Speak business language. Show enthusiasm. #lrnchat
11:29:01 am megbertapelle: Q4) woops! do good work, on time #lrnchat
11:29:10 am megbertapelle: RT @KristiBroom: Q4) Have examples of success ready to share. Speak business language. Show enthusiasm. #lrnchat
11:29:11 am LisaAGoldstein: RT @KristiBroom: Q4) Have examples of success ready to share. Speak business language. Show enthusiasm. #lrnchat
11:29:21 am learninganorak: #tigerblood tank just ran dry. Gonna have to bail. Bye all. #lrnchat
11:29:21 am kavimenon_in: @ZaraLynnKing I am getting the responses and appreciation through e-mail. Does that answer your question? #lrnchat
11:29:25 am alc47: @c4lpt What are social media marketing strategies – please explain #lrnchat
11:29:45 am _Kavi: Q4) Co-develop agenda with line ! Stay curious. Never prescribe #lrnchat
11:30:08 am mrch0mp3rs: @bschlenker You have magic and poetry in your fingertips. #lrnchat
11:30:13 am dbolen: Q4 share stories of successfully solving business problems #lrnchat
11:30:14 am LnDDave: Q4) I under-promise and over-deliver. I also respond to “This is great” comments with “Thanks, tell your friends” #lrnchat
11:30:21 am alc47: RT @_Kavi: Q4) Co-develop agenda with line ! Stay curious. Never prescribe So important #lrnchat
11:30:28 am ZaraLynnKing: @kavimenon_in #lrnchat I think. I am curious at what people are doing to promote to gruops new to eLearning and alternate learning
11:30:31 am TheSkyHighGuy: #lrnchat Q4 Being the ‘turn to’ guy when people need an ear & then helping them find their way to their solutions – be graceful always
11:30:41 am Michelle__Baker: Q4) Demonstrate initiative, creativity, business acumen, and results. Build a partnership. #lrnchat
11:30:55 am kavimenon_in: RT @LnDDave: Yes! Q4) I under-promise and over-deliver. I also respond to “This is great” comments with “Thanks, tell your friends” #lrnchat
11:30:56 am dbolen: RT @LnDDave: Q4) I under-promise and over-deliver. I also respond to “This is great” comments with “Thanks, tell your friends” #lrnchat
11:31:02 am atomic_jenna: @theatreacle @alc47 @olliegardener Yes, but how effective is it? #lrnchat
11:31:04 am megbertapelle: RT @LnDDave: Q4) I under-promise and over-deliver. I also respond to “This is great” comments with “Thanks, tell your friends” #lrnchat
11:31:12 am c4lpt: RT @alc47: @c4lpt What are social media marketing strategies – please explain #lrnchat <Need more than 140 chars this time;)
11:31:17 am tmiket: @stephaniedaul Need to sell BOTH learners and SME’s – Two different campaigns tho #lrnchat
11:31:33 am ZaraLynnKing: @tmiket #lrnchat i pushy today cause I actually need realistic answers for my group.
11:31:45 am megbertapelle: RT @TheSkyHighGuy: #lrnchat Q4 Being the ‘turn 2’ guy when ppl need ear & then help them find their way 2 solutions – B graceful always
11:31:45 am KristiBroom: Q4) Be confident in your competence! #lrnchat
11:31:50 am alc47: @c4lpt @alc47 Cop-out!! #lrnchat
11:31:53 am crumphelen: Q4) #lrnchat I ask to be snowballed!!!
11:31:53 am dawnjmahoney: RT @KristiBroom: Q4) Be confident in your competence! #lrnchat
11:31:55 am LnDDave: Q4) As a former boss so eloquently said… “I can count on you to get crap done” #lrnchat
11:31:57 am kavimenon_in: @ZaraLynnKing You just need to develop some great stuff and then market it. It takes time for this to sink in. #lrnchat
11:31:59 am KristiBroom: RT @LnDDave: Q4) I under-promise and over-deliver. I also respond to “This is great” comments with “Thanks, tell your friends” #lrnchat
11:32:01 am mrch0mp3rs: Q4) I stopped waiting to be invited. I find out about problems I want to solve and invite myself. Free help is hard to turn away. #lrnchat
11:32:01 am _Kavi: RT @LnDDave: Q4) I under-promise and over-deliver. I also respond to “This is great” comments with “Thanks, tell your friends” #lrnchat
11:32:03 am KristiBroom: RT @dbolen: Q4 share stories of successfully solving business problems #lrnchat
11:32:09 am LisaAGoldstein: Good one…adding word of mouth to my arsenal RT @LnDDave: Q4) I respond to “This is great” comments w “Thanks, tell your friends” #lrnchat
11:32:09 am dawnjmahoney: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q4) I stopped waiting to be invited. I find out about problems I want to solve and invite myself. Free help is hard to turn away. #lrnchat
11:32:17 am megbertapelle: RT @KristiBroom: Q4) Be confident in your competence! #lrnchat
11:32:21 am LnDDave: RT @KristiBroom: Q4) Be confident in your competence! #lrnchat
11:32:25 am flowersprof: Q4) Share industry examples and tie them in to goals and vision of your organization #lrnchat
11:32:26 am stipton: @ZaraLynnKing do you mean to personally market your department or programs? #lrnchat
11:32:28 am tmiket: @LnDDave And “getting crap done” IS what it’s all about! #lrnchat
11:32:30 am ZaraLynnKing: @kavimenon_in #lrnchat So agree. my comp is in design mode and soon distribution
11:32:34 am megbertapelle: RT @LnDDave: Q4) As a former boss so eloquently said… “I can count on you to get crap done” #lrnchat
11:32:35 am dawnjmahoney: #lrnchat Q4) Sadly or “Un” Word of mouth still best n my world
11:32:45 am tmiket: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q4) I stopped waiting to be invited. I find out about problems I want to solve and invite myself. Free help is hard to turn away. #lrnchat
11:32:50 am TheSkyHighGuy: #lrnchat – SkyHigh signing off – Available for weddings, funerals, bar-mitzvahs, masonics.. We’re here all week….
11:32:51 am mrch0mp3rs: Q4) I forward thank-you emails to leaders. They market what I can do better than I can. #lrnchat
11:32:58 am KristiBroom: RT @flowersprof: Q4) Share industry examples and tie them in to goals and vision of your organization #lrnchat
11:33:00 am megbertapelle: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q4) I stopped waiting 2 B invited. I find out abt probs I wnt 2 solve & invite self. Free help is hard 2 turn away. #lrnchat
11:33:05 am LnDDave: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q4) I forward thank-you emails to leaders. They market what I can do better than I can. #lrnchat
11:33:11 am kavimenon_in: @ZaraLynnKing Good! Would love to hear more from you. #lrnchat
11:33:14 am _Kavi: Q4) Identify influencers. Engineer peer conversations #lrnchat
11:33:20 am megbertapelle: RT @flowersprof: Q4) Share industry examples and tie them in to goals and vision of your organization #lrnchat
11:33:25 am ZaraLynnKing: @stipton #lrnchat does the training dept do stuff to market to general pop in comp. here we are dependent on only selves
11:33:26 am c4lpt: RT @alc47: Cop-out!! #lrnchat <I offer coaching for reasonable fees
11:33:31 am 2GFred: RT @lrnchat: Q4) What sales strategies are you using to promote your own expertise and services within the organization? #lrnchat
11:33:34 am stipton: @mrch0mp3rs Thought I was the only person who did that. felt odd the first few times, but I got over it! #lrnchat
11:33:51 am KristiBroom: Q4) Sales people assume the sale, ask for what they want. We could learn from that. #lrnchat
11:33:52 am bschlenker: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q3) Magicians have confederates in the audience- help create atmosphere for tricks to work. < You’re mine! #lrnchat
11:33:56 am stipton: RT @lrnchat: Q4) What sales strategies are you using to promote your own expertise and services within the organization? #lrnchat
11:34:02 am dawnjmahoney: RT @stipton: @mrch0mp3rs Thought I was the only person who did that. felt odd the first few times, but I got over it! #lrnchat Teach me how
11:34:08 am mrch0mp3rs: Q4) I send Google Analytics to my leaders. That demonstrates the attention I bring to the org, and what else they explore #lrnchat
11:34:18 am ZaraLynnKing: @mrch0mp3rs #lrnchat can’t wait till I have enough street credit here to do that. Working on building Trust
11:34:20 am mrch0mp3rs: @bschlenker We’re each other’s πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
11:34:23 am megbertapelle: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q4) I forward thank-you emails to leaders. They market what I can do better than I can. #lrnchat
11:34:25 am lrnchat: Q4a) What marketing tactics are you using to promote your own expertise and services within the organization? #lrnchat
11:34:34 am megbertapelle: RT @stipton: @mrch0mp3rs Thought I was the only person who did that. felt odd the first few times, but I got over it! #lrnchat
11:34:38 am stipton: Q4) I will talk to any senior leader that I come across and tell them what we are doing. Shameless plugging! #lrnchat
11:34:44 am olliegardener: q4) Getting credit is well & good, but learners sharing stories about how they supported each other is even better! #lrnchat
11:34:58 am mrch0mp3rs: @ZaraLynnKing Small moves, but always move forward πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
11:34:59 am _Kavi: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q4) I send Google Analytics to my leaders. That demonstrates attention I bring to the org & what else they explore #lrnchat
11:35:01 am kavimenon_in: Q4) Give some great presentations in conferences. Ensure that the topics sound interesting #lrnchat
11:35:06 am _Kavi: RT @lrnchat: Q4a) What marketing tactics are you using to promote your own expertise and services within the organization? #lrnchat
11:35:09 am LnDDave: RT @lrnchat: Q4a) What marketing tactics are you using to promote your own expertise and services within the organization? #lrnchat
11:35:14 am megbertapelle: brave πŸ™‚ RT @stipton: Q4) I will talk to any senior leader that I come across and tell them what we are doing. Shameless plugging! #lrnchat
11:35:16 am dawnjmahoney: RT @kavimenon_in: Q4) Give some great presentations in conferences. Ensure that the topics sound interesting #lrnchat
11:35:22 am selflearners: RT @c4lpt: Q3) I’m not! It’s about becoming self-sufficient learners under the guidance of L&D #lrnchat
11:35:41 am KristiBroom: Q4) I try to be realistic with downsides/objections to solutions up front. Acknowledging them seems to help. #lrnchat
11:35:45 am stipton: @megbertapelle Gotta be – L&D doesn’t have a marketing department. #lrnchat
11:35:53 am ZaraLynnKing: @tmiket #lrnchat agree however this group very dif. got to go slow.
11:36:06 am dawnjmahoney: RT @stipton: @megbertapelle Gotta be – L&D doesn’t have a marketing department. #lrnchat
11:36:15 am _Kavi: Q4a) Share succcesses from one part of the organisation with all other parts #lrnchat
11:36:18 am dawnjmahoney: RT @KristiBroom: Q4) I try to be realistic with downsides/objections to solutions up front. Acknowledging them seems to help. #lrnchat
11:36:22 am megbertapelle: RT @KristiBroom: Q4) I try to be realistic with downsides/objections to solutions up front. Acknowledging them seems to help. #lrnchat
11:36:57 am ZaraLynnKing: @tmiket #lrnchat SME not in touch with end user enough and every facility differs. I like a corporate consultant on the pay role weird
11:37:06 am ZaraLynnKing: RT @mrch0mp3rs: @ZaraLynnKing Small moves, but always move forward πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
11:37:08 am kavimenon_in: Q4) Set the expectation for a powerpoint deck and deliver an interactive and visually appealing program. You will be noticed #lrnchat
11:37:31 am LnDDave: Q4a) To market myself internally, I share my participation in the external learning community . #lrnchat
11:37:33 am megbertapelle: RT @kavimenon_in: Q4) Set the expectation 4 a powerpoint deck & deliver an interactive & visually appealing prgrm. U will B noticed #lrnchat
11:37:39 am megbertapelle: RT @LnDDave: Q4a) To market myself internally, I share my participation in the external learning community . #lrnchat
11:37:45 am mrch0mp3rs: Q4) Your leaders are not going to give you the fantasy recognition you crave. You have to rethink modesty and design your growth. #lrnchat
11:37:52 am _Kavi: q4a) Demonstrate competence through business results ! #lrnchat
11:38:30 am megbertapelle: @LnDDave I think the sharing is the key – & what I have a hard time doing much of… trying to get sh** done, but shld share lrng #lrnchat
11:38:35 am _Kavi: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q4) Your leaders are not going to give u fantasy recognition you crave. have to rethink modesty design your growth. #lrnchat
11:38:38 am kavimenon_in: @_Kavi How do you do this in large organizations? #lrnchat
11:39:10 am stipton: @ZaraLynnKing Yes. As a depart send out reg updates to the population “what’s happening in L&D”? Nuggets of info to gain interest. #lrnchat
11:39:41 am ZaraLynnKing: @stipton #lrnchat See now that is what i want to know how many do that? Do you have a newsletter? SoMe Option? Sharepoint?
11:39:52 am kavimenon_in: Q4) Start with supporting and slowly move to strategizing #lrnchat
11:40:15 am _Kavi: @kavimenon_in Define projects interms of business results. Dejargonise ! #lrnchat
11:40:29 am olliegardener: @atomic_jenna @theatreacle @alc47 #lrnchat Hugely IMHO. Tech is improving the feasibility & value of co-working, and will continue to do so
11:40:33 am ZaraLynnKing: #lrnchat I was looking at thinking it could be a neat way to comunicate with SME’s and perhaps larger population
11:40:37 am jmass: Q4) Hey, joining late! Partnering w/external analyst groups to co-author case studies/w. papers on best practices, share internally #lrnchat
11:40:41 am megbertapelle: RT @stipton: @ZaraLynnKing Yes. As a dpt send out reg updates 2 population “what’s happng in L&D”? Nuggets of info 2 gain interest. #lrnchat
11:41:09 am _Kavi: @kavimenon_in Have conversation with business leaders with no specific agenda #lrnchat
11:41:21 am LnDDave: Q4a) I’m only interested in marketing myself internally if it matches what I want for myself. #lrnchat
11:41:33 am stipton: @ZaraLynnKing Yes, we put out a newsletter – 1 pg, very colorful, what we are working on + a couple of general interest items. #lrnchat
11:41:35 am dbolen: RT @_Kavi: @kavimenon_in Define projects interms of business results. Dejargonise ! #lrnchat
11:41:37 am _Kavi: RT @mrch0mp3rs: @ZaraLynnKing Small moves, but always move forward πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
11:42:01 am megbertapelle: RT @stipton: @ZaraLynnKing Yes, we put out a newsletter – 1 pg, vry colorful, wht we R wrkn on + couple general interest items. #lrnchat
11:42:11 am _Kavi: RT @olliegardener: q4) Getting credit well & good, but learners sharing stories about how they supported each other is even better! #lrnchat
11:42:16 am ZaraLynnKing: & derection i want to go in comp RT @LnDDave: Q4a) only interested marketing myself internally if matches what I want for myself. #lrnchat
11:42:28 am alc47: Got to go now – thanks everyone #lrnchat
11:42:29 am ZaraLynnKing: RT @stipton: @ZaraLynnKing Yes, we put out a newsletter – 1 pg, very colorful, what we are working on + a couple of general interest items. #lrnchat
11:43:02 am mrch0mp3rs: RT @lrnchat: Q4a) What marketing tactics are you using to promote your own expertise and services within the organization? #lrnchat
11:43:04 am jmass: Q4) Market internal speaking opportunities as development & recognition opportunity, create micro-celebrities internally. #lrnchat
11:43:10 am LnDDave: @ZaraLynnKing Plus realizing when your desired direction and the internal opportunities don’t mesh. #lrnchat
11:43:17 am lrnchat: Q4b) What diagnostic measures are you using to measure program success and how are you communicating that data out? #lrnchat
11:43:23 am ZaraLynnKing: @stipton #lrnchat Being a Office lover… have made many newsletters and booklets with Publisher. and their email options too.
11:43:27 am megbertapelle: RT @lrnchat: Q4b) What diagnostic measures are you using to measure program success and how are you communicating that data out? #lrnchat
11:43:30 am mrch0mp3rs: RT @lrnchat: Q4b) What diagnostic measures are you using to measure program success and how are you communicating that data out? #lrnchat
11:43:39 am _Kavi: RT @lrnchat: Q4b) What diagnostic measures are you using to measure program success and how are you communicating that data out? #lrnchat
11:43:47 am LisaAGoldstein: RT @lrnchat: Q4b) What diagnostic measures are you using to measure program success and how are you communicating that data out? #lrnchat
11:43:50 am ZaraLynnKing: Agree. very hard RT @LnDDave: @ZaraLynnKing Plus realizing when your desired direction and the internal opportunities don’t mesh. #lrnchat
11:43:52 am KristiBroom: RT @lrnchat: Q4b) What diagnostic measures are you using to measure program success and how are you communicating that data out? #lrnchat
11:43:54 am olliegardener: RT @lrnchat: Q4b) What diagnostic measures are you using to measure program success and how are you communicating that data out? #lrnchat
11:44:09 am KristiBroom: @alc47 See you next time! #lrnchat
11:44:13 am mrch0mp3rs: Q4b) Google Analytics, TwitterCounter stats on follower count #lrnchat
11:44:13 am megbertapelle: RT @ZaraLynnKing: Agree. vry hard RT @LnDDave: @ZaraLynnKing Plus realizing when yr desired direction & internal opps dont mesh. #lrnchat
11:44:32 am _Kavi: Q4b) Define end results in terms of business goals. #lrnchat
11:44:32 am weisblatt: Q4) No one cares about learning. Talk up the projects you are supporting. That will make your stakeholders happy. #lrnchat
11:44:55 am _Kavi: YES RT @weisblatt: Q4) No one cares about learning.Talk up the projects you are supporting. That will make your stakeholders happy. #lrnchat
11:45:20 am kavimenon_in: Logging off now. Bye. See you all next week #lrnchat
11:45:29 am stipton: @ZaraLynnKing that works convert it to PDF & send it out. The key is reg/consistent communication same bat time same bat channel. #lrnchat
11:45:31 am ZaraLynnKing: #lrnchat does anyone do coaching to meet the need for follow up and measure success? Are you doing it digitally?
11:45:41 am c4lpt: RT @lrnchat: Q4b) What diagnostic measures are you using to measure program success and how are you communicating that data out? #lrnchat
11:45:48 am KristiBroom: Q4b) We gather a lot of data and send it out to business partners, and are working on the “so what” of it to avoid data admiration #lrnchat
11:45:54 am cammybean: RT @mrch0mp3rs: Q4) Your leaders are not going to give you the fantasy recognition you crave. You have to rethink modesty and design your growth. #lrnchat
11:46:07 am ZaraLynnKing: @stipton #lrnchat good idea – PDF the doc and distribute. To market news and stuff.
11:46:34 am _Kavi: Q4b) Have learning champions from amongst learners. peer pressure works. #lrnchat
11:46:40 am jmass: Q4b) Partnering w/external analytics co. & leverage internal Omniture tech. Internal cross-program analysis & external benchmarking #lrnchat
11:46:58 am c4lpt: Q4) Quite simple – performance metrics – based on performance outcomes – can people do their jobs (better) in pre-defined ways #lrnchat
11:47:14 am _Kavi: @ZaraLynnKing We do coaching. Most of it over the phone. #lrnchat
11:47:15 am stipton: @ZaraLynnKing You almost have to, not everyone will have Publisher so you don’t want to make getting the info difficult. #lrnchat
11:47:37 am c4lpt: Q4) Activity metrics are just that – say nothing about learning nor performance #lrnchat
11:47:39 am KristiBroom: Q4b) I really like this post by @quinnovator on social media metrics. Trying to follow it. #lrnchat
11:47:45 am dbolen: Don Bolen, sorry must pop off now #lrnchat see y’all next week
11:47:58 am ZaraLynnKing: #lrnchat @_Kavi what about not over the phone? does anyone do coaching Via LMS? or other
11:48:38 am _Kavi: @ZaraLynnKing Would love to know if anyone does coaching via LMS . #lrnchat
11:48:44 am LnDDave: Q4b) There’s a direct link between a stakeholder’s focus on Activity vs Performance and my focus on reporting results. #lrnchat
11:48:59 am _Kavi: RT @LnDDave: Q4b) There’s a direct link between a stakeholder’s focus on Activity vs Performance and my focus on reporting results. #lrnchat
11:49:00 am megbertapelle: Q4b) I’m not directly involved, but we measure completion in LMS, evals right after ILT, 6 mos l8r perf. survey #lrnchat
11:49:15 am ZaraLynnKing: #lrnchat me I in Miss, ON, CAN – HO is Manitoulin Island – Users are all over NA at any given moment.
11:49:28 am jmass: @C4LPT Q4) Activity metrics are just that – say nothing about learning/performance #lrnchat <— Totally, must show impact, be predictive.
11:49:42 am megbertapelle: RT @megbertapelle: Q4) …then compare mgr & lrnr results along with performance measures – try to see trends #lrnchat
11:49:56 am Michelle__Baker: Skype? RT @ZaraLynnKing: #lrnchat me I in Miss, ON, CAN – HO is Manitoulin Island – Users are all over NA at any given moment. #lrnchat
11:50:02 am ZaraLynnKing: Anyone else in my boat? what do you do? #lrnchat Users are all over NA at any given moment.
11:50:10 am megbertapelle: RT @jmass: @C4LPT Q4) Activity metrics R just that – say nothing abt lrng/performance #lrnchat < Totally, must show impact, B predictive.
11:50:42 am ZaraLynnKing: @Michelle__Baker #lrnchat perhaps for office staff but on like 5% of employee most are truckers
11:51:03 am ZaraLynnKing: @tmiket #lrnchat agree less liability
11:51:06 am stipton: @megbertapelle measure course in LMS, take report to leaders and say “ppl took sales course & this quarter sales per person is up” #lrnchat
11:51:14 am weisblatt: The problem with underpromising is that people will just go find someone else to tell them fairytales. #lrnchat
11:51:14 am LnDDave: RT @c4lpt: Q4) Activity metrics are just that – say nothing about learning nor performance #lrnchat
11:51:24 am Michelle__Baker: @ZaraLynnKing – Ah. Hmmm….. #lrnchat
11:51:26 am ZaraLynnKing: RT @weisblatt: The problem with underpromising is that people will just go find someone else to tell them fairytales. #lrnchat
11:51:36 am _Kavi: πŸ™‚ RT @weisblatt: The problem with underpromising is that people will just go find someone else to tell them fairytales. #lrnchat
11:51:41 am megbertapelle: RT @KristiBroom: Q4b) gather lots of data & send it out 2 business partners, & R wrkn on the “so wht” of it 2 avoid data admiration #lrnchat
11:51:51 am megbertapelle: RT @ZaraLynnKing: @stipton #lrnchat good idea – PDF the doc and distribute. To market news and stuff.
11:52:05 am stipton: @ZaraLynnKing Now you really have my attention – that’s a tough audience! #lrnchat
11:52:11 am weisblatt: RT @KristiBroom: RT @lrnchat: Q4b) What diagnostic measures RU using to measure program success & how RU communicating that data? #lrnchat
11:52:14 am ZaraLynnKing: @Michelle__Baker #lrnchat might make more sence now that I am being difficualt today… the standard answers don’t apply to my group
11:53:10 am jmass: @stipton @megbertapelle measure in LMS, “ppl took course & sales up” #lrnchat <– not enough triangulation to show causal relationship
11:53:12 am megbertapelle: true – and then not deliver RT @weisblatt: prob w/underpromising is people will just go find someone else to tell them fairytales. #lrnchat
11:53:17 am lrnchat: Qwrap) Time to reintroduce yourself. Links, requests & shameless plugs welcome, too. #lrnchat
11:53:22 am stipton: @ZaraLynnKing needed to tell us that upfront. Can’t help without the details. πŸ™‚ #lrnchat
11:53:26 am LnDDave: RT @lrnchat: Qwrap) Time to reintroduce yourself. Links, requests & shameless plugs welcome, too. #lrnchat
11:53:40 am weisblatt: Q4b) I wish I could crowdsource the question: Is the work getting done? #lrnchat
11:53:41 am KristiBroom: RT @lrnchat: Qwrap) Time to reintroduce yourself. Links, requests & shameless plugs welcome, too. #lrnchat
11:53:50 am megbertapelle: RT @lrnchat: Qwrap) Time to reintroduce yourself. Links, requests & shameless plugs welcome, too. #lrnchat
11:53:55 am LisaAGoldstein: RT @lrnchat: Qwrap) Time to reintroduce yourself. Links, requests & shameless plugs welcome, too. #lrnchat
11:54:01 am Michelle__Baker: @ZaraLynnKing – We have people all over the globe, so scalability is important for us too. I’ll give it some thought! #lrnchat
11:54:10 am LnDDave: QWrap) David Kelly, Training Director from NYC, looking forward to my next opportunity. Thanks all for another engaging #lrnchat
11:54:12 am jmass: @jmass @stipton @megbertapelle have to triangulate across multiple data points to show convincing relationship. #lrnchat
11:54:52 am weisblatt: Q4b) Worst solution is to send reports of LMS usage. Result: “What are those people wasting so much time for!” #lrnchat
11:54:53 am _Kavi: RT @lrnchat: Qwrap) Time to reintroduce yourself. Links, requests & shameless plugs welcome, too. #lrnchat
11:55:07 am LisaAGoldstein: Qwrap) Sorry, missed Q5. Lisa Goldstein, e-Learning Manager, Denver – Good stuff in this round, thanks. #lrnchat
11:55:18 am LnDDave: QWrap) I often post summaries and reflections on #lrnchat discussions on my blog, found HERE:
11:55:20 am crumphelen: RT @KristiBroom @quinnovator I really like this post on SoMe metrics too. & it’s goodbye for now #lrnchat
11:55:21 am ZaraLynnKing: Zara Working with truckers in North America. YEEHAA! I’m an ID.Thank you everyone for your feedback and letting push a bit today #lrnchat
11:55:26 am megbertapelle: RT @LnDDave: QWrap) I often post summaries and reflections on #lrnchat discussions on my blog, found HERE:
11:55:37 am dawnjmahoney: RT @weisblatt: Q4b) Worst solution send reports of LMS usage. Result: “What r those people wasting so much time for!” #lrnchat here! Here!
11:55:40 am KristiBroom: Qwrap) Kristi Broom, Minneapolis, MN, learning technology. Check out #lrntect here: for async book discussion #lrnchat
11:55:54 am megbertapelle: RT @ZaraLynnKing: @stipton #lrnchat think i’m going 2 pitch 2 SME’s then slowly try 2 intergrat in2 users. it lk safe FB 4 work
11:56:12 am jmass: Q-Rapper) Great fun, now I’m done. #lrnchat is always #awesome even if only for 10 minutes. Justin Mass, Adobe. Blog at
11:56:19 am dawnjmahoney: Dawn Mahoney Woot! for the PLN world on Twitter! #lrnchat
11:56:27 am ZaraLynnKing: RT @dawnjmahoney: Dawn Mahoney Woot! for the PLN world on Twitter! #lrnchat
11:56:28 am stipton: @jmass @megbertapelle true but only have 140 characters…you guys get the jist…. #lrnchat
11:57:05 am _Kavi: QWrap) kavi Head – Org Learning. One of those in perpetual beta #lrnchat
11:57:12 am weisblatt: Q4b) Learning is for changing processes. Measure the learning by the process change outcomes. #lrnchat
11:57:16 am c4lpt: RT @lrnchat: Qwrap) Time to reintroduce yourself. Links, requests & shameless plugs welcome, too. #lrnchat
11:57:32 am stipton: @ZaraLynnKing never heard of that, will have to check it out. #lrnchat
11:57:47 am _Kavi: Great chat today ! Look forward to connecting next week ! #lrnchat
11:58:16 am LnDDave: For another engaging discussion with Learning Profs, check the Book Discussion on The New Learning Architect: #lrnchat
11:58:26 am weisblatt: I tried jumping back into #lrnchat but I was so lagged behind on TweetChat.
11:58:59 am Michelle__Baker: Qwrap) Michelle, Indy Training Multitasker, signing out. As always, great discussion! #lrnchat
11:59:26 am lrnchat: Thank you for joining us on #lrnchat. We’ll post the transcript later on See you next week (or later tonight).

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